HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-05-21PLANNING BOARD MEETING May 21, 1979 ' The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:34 p.m. by the chairman Dr. Friedman with members Sandy, Nichols, planning director Briggs and administrative clerk Mrs. Snow present. Mrs. Wheaton joined the meeting later in the evening. Douglas B. Holmes, owner of Lot "A" in the Daisy Wilson subdivision, DAISY WILSON was present to ask the Board for an indication of its position on his LAND - HOLMES request for a 15 -foot, rather than a 30 -foot, frontyard setback. Reasons for the proposed siting of the large house were presented as follows: less visual impact on the two adjacent homes, benefits of solar heating, and adaptability to the topographical features of the lot. Mr. Holmes has obtained an Order of Conditions from the Conservation Commission, and will apply for special permit from the Planning Board under Section 39 of the Zoning By -Law. He -has -petitioned the Board of Appeals for the setback variance. Since the Planning Board could see no evidence of hardship in this case, Mr. Holmes was advised that its recommendation would be re- design regarding the size and siting of the house and denial of the variance. Francis W. K. Smith met with the Board for discussion of his request to SMITH - the Board of Appeals for variance to allow him to build a house front- CLEMATIS RD. ing on Clematis Rd., which is designated as a private drive. There are existing dwellings on either side of the 5 -acre lot. A 1944 plan, show- ing division of land fronting on Clematis Rd. was noted. Question arose as to whether the Planning Board could determine the road to be adequate to serve one additional house, and could waive frontage requirements under ' Section 81-R of the Subdivision Control Law. Town Counsel will be consulted as to this alternate procedure. At 8 p.m., Earl Baldwin,. John McWeeney, Otis Brown, Jr., met with the CBI PARKING Board to discuss the formation of a study group to work on the concept SUBCOMMITTEE of an Article regarding parking requirements in CB1 districts. Provisions of Article 67, defeated by the 1979 A.T.M., were reviewed, and discussion followed as to changes in requirements to ensure equitable treatment for those landowners who have provided parking in the Worthen Road and East Lexington CB zones, and still provide control regarding possible future rebuilding or expansion of those business facilities. A survey by the planning staff to determine existing parking and potential requirements of existing businesses will be undertaken and the Planning Board will work with the landowners on preparation of a mutually acceptable proposal. A subcommittee comprised of interested citizens, landowners and Town Officials, will be formed and will be asked to prepare suggestions for provisions of an Article for the next Town Meeting. It is planned that the subcommittee will hold its first meeting in two to three weeks. Reasons for the Special Permit granted Willow Ridge subdivision, redrafted by Mr. Briggs, were reviewed.and further revisions made. Action was WILLOW RIDGE tabled pending preparation of the document in final form. SPECIAL PERMIT Lexington Housing Authority members Shunney, Rooney and Sullivan, and SCATTERED ' the Authority's attorney, Frederick DeAngelis, met with the Board to SITES discuss the petition to the B/A for variance on Scattered Site #12 at Avon and Center Streets. Sideyard variance allowing 7, rather than 7 1/2 feet will be requested at a May 24th hearing. The Planning Board will recommend in favor of the granting of the petition. Page 2 5.21.79 ' Discussion followed on the upgrading of a portion of Earl STreet, which will serve Site #18 of the program. The Planning Board will recommend paving (binder and finish coat) for a width of 20-24 feet, from Garfield Street, a minimum of 45 feet beyond the lot line to provide legal frontage for Site 118. HUD funding will be requested for this street work. A variance will be needed to allow the lot to have 15,000 rather than the required 15,500 square feet in area. David Lavendar, 20 Avon Street, was present to request, on the basis of additional traffic generated by the Avon Street housing, that Center Street be upgraded but not paved. Since HUD money would not be avail- able for that project, Mr. Lavendar was advised to submit a petition to the Board of Selectmen for Town performance of the work. It was agreed that a meeting on Wednesday, May 30, 1979, for work on Planning Board minutes will be scheduled. Meetings in the month of June will be held on June 4, 11, 18, and 25, 1979. Letter to the Register of Deeds, to file signatures of the Planning Board members and the planning director, was signed by those members present. PLANNING BD. MEETING SCHED-I ULE ' Conditions to be included in the report to the Board of Appeals on the RIDGE EST. II Ridge Estates II cluster plan were considered. It was agreed that the intersection of the subdivision street with Ridge Road should be redesigned, that recommendation will be made for deletion of the house proposed for Lot 40 (proposed location of a water retention pond), deeding of lots "X" and "Y", which are wetland, to the Conservation Commission, will be recommended, the developer should be required to construct the portion of a bike path planned along the Vine Brook, which is on his land. The Board of Appeals will be informed of the Planning Board's intention to require improvement of Ridge Road under Subdivision Control procedures. Draft recommendations to the Board of Appeals were prepared by Dr. Friedman, based on the aforementioned discussion. List of work items for 1979/80, as prepared by the chairman, were noted. Discussion was tabled until the June 4th meeting. At 10:44 p.m., upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED., To go into executive session for discussion of matters concerning a development plan of land which is currently under litigation, as requested by Town Counsel. It was also voted that the meeting would be adjourned immediately following the end of the executive session. ' The meeting was adjourned at 10:56 p.m. 2� Frank Sandy, Clerk PLANNING BOARD MEETING IN EXECUTIVE SESSION May 21, 1979 At 10:44 p.m., the Lexington Planning Board, with members Friedman, Sandy, Nichols, Wheaton, planning director Biiggs and administrative clerk Mrs. Snow present, met in executive session for discussion of a sketch plan of land off Young Street, showing four lots. Town Counsel had asked for Planning Board review of the plan as to its conformance with the Subdivision Control Law. The land, formerly owned by Ostroff, was subject of a court case in which Ostroff was denied implementation of a 1957 sub- division plan of 44 lots. The new owner has instituted legal procedings against the Town, but appears willing to withdraw if the proposed four lot plan can be approved by the Planning Board. It was noted that the internal cul-de-sac was drawn to a width of 40 feet rather than the required 50 feet, and question arose as to the accuracy of lot line and area figures shown. Because of wet conditions on the site, and because the lots may not comply with useable area requirements under Section 39 of the Zoning By -Law, it was considered possible that only three lots could be developed. Town Counsel will be advised that if the plan is presented in an accept- able form, taking the abovementioned factors into consideration, it appears to present no problem. The chairman reported that he will suggest acquisition of the Corrazini land at Blossom Street to the Conservation Commission. The session closed at 10:56 p.m. Frank Sandy, Cler 1