HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-02-05PLANNING BOARD MEETING February 5, 1979 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:37 p.m. by the chairman Mr. Zabin with members Sandy, Nichols, Friedman, Wheaton, planning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in atten- dance was Susan Fisher, Lexington Minute -Man. Attorney Fred Conroy,and Norman Duffy, proponent of Article 79 (rezoning of the Corrazini land to RD) were present to ask for the Planning Board's view on the proposed density at "Highland Village" (2.9 per acre). The members expressed no objection to the density, but inquired if the pro- posal includes provision for low/moderate priced units. Since criteria for Planning Board favorable report on multi -family rezoning articles includes such provision, the developer was advised to consider and decide upon the matter before the February 7 public hearing on Article 79. ARTICLE 79 HIGHLAND VILL. TO RD Mr. Briggs reported on requirement for a Planning Board report to the REPORT TO Board of Selectmen, prior to conveyance,on the suitability of the 25 BD/SEL tax title lots proposed by the Housing Authority for scattered site low/ SCATTERED moderate income housing. He informed the Board that he is reviewing .all SITES lots with respect to the requirements of Section 26.5 of the Zoning By -Law as buildable lots. The following criteria will be explored: compliance with the Zoning By -Law, hydrology, topography, availability of utilities, road conditions, suitability to neighborhood. Mrs. Wheaton left the meeting at 8:30 p.m. to attend a meeting regarding PARKER SCHOOL the Parker School conversion. Article 70, Swimming Pools, Racquet Courts, was discussed with regard to ARTICLE 70 citizens suggestions at the 1/31 public hearing. It was agreed that the SWIMMING POOLS reference to "noise screening" will be deleted from the proposed amend- RACQUET COURTS ment, since compliance with the requirements may, in some cases, prove to be impossible. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously voted to support Article 70 as amended. Article 75, dealing with the proposal to rezone to CD a parcel at Hartwell Avenue and Westview Street was reviewed. Question arose as how to curtail operation during peak hours if traffic impact proves too great. It was ARTICLE 75 suggested that the driveway be redesigned to allow stacking within the HARTWELL AVE site. Motion will. be made, if not by the:proponent, by the Planning TO CD Board, that hours of drive-in operation will be determined by the Board of Appeals, and subject to periodic review, so that their operation will not be permitted at such times when and if they cause interference with traffic. on Westview St. The Board generally approved the concept of the proposed rezoning, and will support the Article if revised plans, including infor- mation on grading and drainage, are submitted in time for adequate review. Revised plans for Willow Ridge subdivision, dated 2.2.79, received on WILLOW RIDGE 2.5.79, were noted. It was agreed that since there is not sufficient time for proper review before the expiration of time for Planning Board action, the developer, Mr. Tuttle will be .advised to request an extension to March 6, 1979. The meeting adjourned at 9:18 p.m. Iris G. Wheaton, Clerk