HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-12-18PLANNING BOARD MEETING December 18, 1978 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:37 p.m. by the chairman Mr. Zabin with members Nichols, Wheaton, Friedman, planning director Briggs, and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Dr. Sandy joined the meeting at 8:02 p.m. Also in attendance was Louis Conrad, Lexington Minute -Man. The meeting schedule for the month of January is as follows: January 3, 8, 15, 22 and 29, 1979. Request for extension of time for Planning Board action on the prelimin- CAMBRIDGE ary plan for Cambridge Farms subdivision was considered. The developer FARMS requires additional time for revision of the plan as suggested by the EXTENSION Planning Board. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: To extend to January 23, 1979, inclusive, the time within which the Lexington Planning Board must act on the preliminary subdivision plan entitled "Cambridge Farms - Section One, Lexington, Mass.", dated October 16, 1978, by Miller and Nylander, as requested by Robert L. Burke, Trustee, Cambridge Farms Realty Trust, applicant. Instrument for Release of Lots in the extension of Sanderson Road, SANDERSON RD. prepared by Town Counsel, was reviewed. Mr. Briggs explained the time lapse between the time of Planning Board vote to release on December 13, ' 1976, and the preparation of the document was due to inadvertent shelv- ing of the matter by the attorneys involved. The instrument was signed by those members present. The minutes of Planning Board meeting of November 20, 1978, were unani- MINUTES 11/20 mously approved as amended. Board of Appeals notices of hearings to be held on December 28, 1978, were reviewed. Among these, only the petition of Dr. Daniel Palant will be commented upon by the Planning Board. Because of the unique situation regarding this parcel, the Board will not oppose the granting of the variance on frontage requirements, if the petitioner can demon- strate hardship. Mr. Briggs will draft a letter to the B/A based upon the discussion. B/A HEARINGS PALANT At 8 p.m., William Smith, William Potter, Paul Boyd and Richard POTTER POND Magnuson met with the Board to informally present development plans for REZONING Powder Horn Golf Course land (42 acres) off Concord Avenue. The propon- PROPOSAL ents seek rezoning of the tract from RO to RD, to allow construction of 125 + condominium units (3 units per acre). The chairman informed Mr. Smith of the probability of Planning Board adoption of a policy to support only rezoning proposals which would include a percentage of low or moderate income housing units. Approximately 12 moderately priced units are planned for Potter Pond development. Discussion continued on proced- ' ures for restriction on resale of the lower priced units, possibly through sale of the units to the Housing Authority. Page 2 12.18.78 ' At 8:40 p.m., Robert Cataldo and Attorney Stephen Russian met with the CATALDO Board to inform the members of a proposal for rezoning to CD of a resi- REZONING dentially zoned parcellat Westview St. and Hartwell Ave. The 70,000 PROPOSAL square foot parcel is to contain a branch bank, probably a drive-in, HARTWELL & with two driveways from Westview St. The D.A.C. will be asked to review WESTVIEW the plan and give its ;recommendations at the public hearing on January 31. Mrs. Nichols reported On request by the Board of Selectmen for a Planning FY 80 Board report on the FY1,80 sewer program. The members reviewed the indi- SEWER PROGRAM vidual proposals, withlbackground information given by Mrs. Nichols, and made recommdndatioTis where deemed necessary, which will be trans- mitted in written form'to the Selectmen. The meeting adjourned at 12:05 a.m. Iris G. Wheaton, Clerk 1