HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-11-271 1 PLANNING BOARD MEETING November 27, 1978 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:36 p.m. by the vice-chairman Dr. Friedman with members Sandy, Nichols, Wheaton, planning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Mr. Zabin joined the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Mrs. Nichols reported on MAPC request, -through Mrs. Frick, for Town comment on proposed construction on the segment of Rte. 2 (1,000 ft.) which is in Lexington. The impact of installations of median strip and widening of shoulders was deemed to be slight, but the Planning Board will support the conservation Commission's position on effect of the construction on inland wetland, if a new Environmental Impact State- ment is needed. Mr. Briggs was asked to contact Peter Murphy, Central Transportation Planning Staff, regarding his progress report on road improvement project plans, promised for September, 1978. RTE.2 WIDENING ROAD IMPROVE- MENT PLANS MURPHY, CTPS Dr. Sandy left the meeting at 8 p.m. to join the Board of Selectmen, RTE 2A/MASS representatives of the School Committee and Minute -Man Vo -Tech for AVE.WIDENING discussion of widening of Rte. 2A at the end of Mass. Ave. The Planning Board's favorable position on the road widening will be transmitted to the Selectmen. December meeting schedule of the Board was considered. Meetings will DECEMBER MTG. be held on December 4, 11, and 18, 1978. Extra meetings will be SCHEDULE scheduled if the work load warrants. At 8 p.m., Public Hearing on the rescision of approval on the unbuilt INGLESIDE portion of Ingleside subdivision was opened. Action was;taken.ds.ahown PUBLIC HEARINC by-theattached copy of the Certificate of'Action for Ingleside Subdivi- sion. The hearing closed at 8:12 p.m., and the regular meeting was resumed. The Board reviewed the request of Dr. John M. Bergmeyer, dated October 11, 1978, to purchase a stable on Town owned land (Hennessey Park), which BERGMEYER the doctor has been leasing for 5 years. It was agreed to recommend STABLE, that if Dr. Bergmeyer is allowed to purchase the stable, sufficient land HENNESSEY PARE for access and maintenance of the building and the area immediately surrounding it should also be sold. Minutes of Planning Board meeting of October 30, 1978 were approved as written. Minutes of November 1, 1978, were approved as corrected. Dr. Sandy returned to the meeting at 8:40 p.m., at which time Mrs. Wheaton left to attend a meeting on the conversion of the Parker School. MINUTES 1.30 & 11.1.78 Mr. Zabin agreed to draft an Article proposing "average setback" require- AVERAGE SET- ments on non -conforming grandfather lots, so as to alleviate need for BACK ARTICLE Board of Appeals action to allow expansion of buildings on such lots. It was decided that a public hearing will be held ipation in the process of street reclassification. down -graded streets, and a revised zoning map will The meeting adjourned at 10:16 p.m. Page 2 11.27.78 to allow public partic- STREET RECLAS: A list of up- and IFICATION be prepared. Iris C. Wheaton, Clerk 1 1 i 1 11 AMENDMENT TO CERTIFICATE OF ACTION DATED DECEMBER 9, 1968 This is to certify that the Lexington Planning Board has this day approved an amendment to the Certificate of Action dated December 9, 1968, on the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Ingleside - Subdivision of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated August 10, 1966, by MacCarthy Engineering Service, Kingston Homes Inc., applicant. Said amendment is as follows: The subdivision shall be terminated at station 25+50 on Ingleside Road, as shown on a plan entitled "Plan and Profile of Ingleside Road in Lexington, Mass.", dated June 23, 1961, revised October 30, 1961. Any construction or development beyond station 25+50 will require new subdivision approval. LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD Albert P. Zabin Iris G. Wheaton Manfred P. Friedman Laura F. Nichols 11.27.78 Addendum