HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-11-06PLANNING BOARD MEETING November 6, 1978 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by the chairman Mr. Zabin with members Nichols, Friedman, Wheaton, Sandy, planning director Briggs, and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Mr. Briggs reported on his conferences with the Fire and Police chiefs DAISY WILSON regarding the name "John Wilson Lane" for the street in the Daisy SUBDV. Wilson subdivision. Neither Chief Corr nor Chief Bergeron had ex- STREET NAME pressed objection to the name as a source of confusion with the exist- ing Wilson Rd. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously voted to modify the Certificate of Action for the subdivision of the Daisy Wilson land, as approved by the Planning Board on October 30, 1978, as follows: By changing Item #5 from: "The name of the street shall be Sunset Lane" to "The name of the street shall be John Wilson Lane" Discussion continued on the clause in the Special Permit which specifies a 12' travel surface width on the road. It was suggested that a wider DAISY WILSON travel surface (14') would be safer, but it was agreed that the decisionSPECIAL PERMIT on widening of the road should be left to the abuttors, who will be responsible for its maintenance. The Board discussed procedures to be followed concerning the Ingleside/ Carnegie Place subdivision (see minutes of October 23, 1978). It was agreed that the hearing date to rescind previous planning board approval for the unfinished portion of Ingleside Rd. will take place on November 27, 1978. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: CARNEGIE PL. INGLESIDE SUB. The construction of ways and installation of municipal services to BOND RELEASE serve lots 20A, 21A, 42A, 43A and 44A shown on the subdivision plan entitled "'Ingleside' Subdivision of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated August 10, 1966, by MacCarthy Engineering Service, having been completed to the satisfaction of the Lexington Planning Board, the penal sum of the $14,000 surety bond dated December 6, 1968, and furnished by the Hanover Insurance Company to guarantee said construc- tion and installation is hereby released, as requested by the developer Kingston Builders Corporation (formerly Kingston Homes, Inc.), and recommended by the Assistant Town Engineer. Dr. Sandy voted in, opposition to the release of surety. Minutes of Planning Board meeting of October 16, 1978, were approved as corrected. MINUTES 10/16 Paul Castleman, buyer of land in the Colburne Subdivision was present COLBOURNE SUBDI for discussion of increase in bond amount for Mountain Rd. construc- MOUNTAIN RD. tion. Surety in the amount of $12,000 had been supplied, but, based upon Asst. Town Engineer Martin's memo, dated October 31, 1978, regard- ing installation of sewer, the bond must be increased by $5,550 to ensure such construction. It was agreed that a new profile plan of the road must be prepared and approved by the Engineering Dept. before action on the bond amount is taken. No public hearing will be necessary. Preliminary plan for Cambridge Farms subdivision was reviewed. CAMBRIDGE Mrs. Nichols and Dr. Friedman accepted the assignment to review and FARMS SUBDV. comment on the plan. The Board discussed procedures to be followed concerning the Ingleside/ Carnegie Place subdivision (see minutes of October 23, 1978). It was agreed that the hearing date to rescind previous planning board approval for the unfinished portion of Ingleside Rd. will take place on November 27, 1978. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: CARNEGIE PL. INGLESIDE SUB. The construction of ways and installation of municipal services to BOND RELEASE serve lots 20A, 21A, 42A, 43A and 44A shown on the subdivision plan entitled "'Ingleside' Subdivision of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated August 10, 1966, by MacCarthy Engineering Service, having been completed to the satisfaction of the Lexington Planning Board, the penal sum of the $14,000 surety bond dated December 6, 1968, and furnished by the Hanover Insurance Company to guarantee said construc- tion and installation is hereby released, as requested by the developer Kingston Builders Corporation (formerly Kingston Homes, Inc.), and recommended by the Assistant Town Engineer. Dr. Sandy voted in, opposition to the release of surety. Page 2 11.6.78 Mr. Briggs reported that Peter DiMatteo, Building Commissioner, has 73A & 74A been asked to issue a building permit for construction of an office BEDFORD ST. building at 73A and 74A Bedford St., which is in CG zone. This con- struction will increase problems with water now draining into abutting Town land. Town Counsel will be advised of this violation. It was agreed that since the proposed construction plan appears to be in compliance with CG zoning regulations, the Planning Board has no jurisdiction to restrict or prohibit building. Mr. Briggs suggested zoning by-law revision to require SPS for commercial development in CG zone, with parking, green space and buffer space requirements, and with additional dimensional restrictions. Definition for "home occupations" specific as to limitations, was HOME OCCUPA- discussed. Dr. Friedman will draft an article based on the discussion. TIONS The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. / Iris G. Wheaton, Clerk FJ 1