HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-10-301 1 1 PLANNING BOARD MEETING October 30, 1978 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman Mr. Zabin with members Sandy, Nichols, Wheaton, Friedman, planning director Briggs, and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in atten- dance was Louis Conrad, Lexington Minute -Man. Revised Certificate of Action for the subdivision of the Daisy Wilson land DAISY WILSON was reviewed. A motion was made, seconded, but not carried that the LAND SUBDV. street be named John Wilson Lane. Motion was duly made,seconded, and MEADOWLAND unanimously voted that the street be named Sunset Lane. The Certificate of Action may be amended to change the name to John Wilson Lane if the Police and Fire Chiefs do not consider it to be a confusing duplication. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: To approve the definitive subdivision plan entitled "The Daisy Wilson CERT. OF Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated August 2, 1978, revised October 16, ACTION 1978, Meadowland Association, Inc., applicant; subject to terms and conditions imposed by the Lexington Planning Board at the time of approval. Mr. Zabin's draft Statement of Reasons for Planning Board action on the STATEMENT OF Daisy Wilson subdivision to be included in the Special Permit granted on REASONS, S.P. October 23, 1978, was reviewed and revised. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously voted to approve the statement as revised, and to incorporate it in the Special Permit for the subdivision of the Daisy Wilson land. The Planning Director will sign the document on behalf of the Planning Board when it has been prepared in final form. Request by John C. Tuttle for extension of time for Planning Board action WILLOW RIDGE on the plans for Willow Ridge subdivision was noted (see minutes of EXTENSION October 23, 1978,). Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unani- mously VOTED: To extend to January 9, 1979, inclusive, the time or or before which the Lexington Planning Board must act on the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Willow Ridge in Lexington, Mass.", by Miller and Nylander, dated February 13, 1978, as requested by John C. Tuttle, Landsail, Inc applicant. Minutes of Planning Board meetings on September 18 and 25, 1978, were approved as written. Minutes of October 12, 1978, were approved as revised. At 8:25 p.m., Michael Saulich met with the Board to present a preliminary sketch plan for a two -lot subdivision of a portion of the Temple Isaiah land. He asked the view of the Board on a road design showing a cul-de- sac of a length exceeding 650 feet. Possibility of a hammer -head turn- around was considered because of its suitability to the topography of the land. Alternate road design with a banjo -turning, which would meet the length requirements of the Rules and Regulations regarding cul-de-sacs, was also reviewed. It was generally felt that there would be no need to upgrade Jean Rd, if the subdivision is limited to two lots only. Mr. Saulich will submit a definitive plan showing one of the three road con- figurations as noted above. MINUTES 9/18,, 9/25,10/12/78 SAULICH TEMPLE ISAIAH LAND Page 2 10.30.78 Mr. Saulich's October 20 request for a planning board statement on the MORGAN RD. ' scope of work needed to upgrade Morgan Rd. as access to the single lot SAULICH shown on Form A plan A78-29 (a portion of the Temple Isaiah land) was noted. Mr. Briggs will supply the written statement, needed for bank negotiations, based on comments and suggestions of the Board. Discussion of street classification, based on Dr. Sandy's August 16,1978, memo was continued. Two types of maps were discussed: the official zoning map, updated, and with certain streets reclassified or discon- tinued, and an official street map, showing streets of adequate grade and construction. It was agreed that, for the time being, only the zoning map will be developed. List of streets to be deleted from the zoning map, as presented in Dr. Sandy's memo, was reviewed, and decisions were made on their status on an individual basis. Further consideration will be given to preparation of a street map at a later time. STREET CLASSIFICA- TION Mr. Hutchinson's request for Planning Board recommendations on the O'Brien 0 BRIEN petition to purchase a tax title lot on Edna St., which abuts their land EDNA ST. TAX at 34 Homestead St., was considered. The Planning Board will recommend TITLE LOT to the Town Manager that the lot be transferred to the O'Briens and be legally combined with the Homestead St. lot. The meeting adjourned at 11:35 p.m. J.... .eeaaw�� Iris G. Wheaton, Clerk