HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-02-211 1 U LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD February 21, 1978 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:42 p.m. by the chairman Mr. Zabin with members Friedman, Clarke, Sandy, planning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in atten- dance was Louis Conrad, Lexington Minute -Man. William J. Martin, Asst. Town Engineer, was present to explain Articles STREET ARTI- concerning streets proposed for acceptance at the 1978 Annual Town CLES 1978 Meeting. Plans were shown for 425' construction of Cushing St., ending in a cul-de-sac to be constructed on Town -owned land. The Planning Board will recommend that the street be constructed as laid out with the excep- tion of deletion of sidewalk. Plans for construction of Tucker Avenue(175') were reviewed. The Board will support the plan as proposed with the excep- tion of deletion of sidewalk, and relocation to the north of the pavement so as to avoid a 24" tree within the right-of-way. Banks Avenue layout, with sidewalk on one side of the street, was shown. The Planning Board will recommend that the street constructed as proposed. The Board will make no recommendations on Ch.90 improvements to Adams Street. At 8:15 p.m., Dean Curtin met with the Board to obtain its view on his 271 LINCOLN proposal to construct an office building for professionals, at 271 Lin- ST.-CURTIN coln St., in CN district. Since such use is prohibited in CN zone, Mr. Curtin inquired if a rezoning or B/A variance would be preferable procedure for him to follow. Uses allowed under CN regulations were listed, and Mr. Freitas, abutter, who was present expressed preference for Mr. Curtin's proposed use. Rendering of the proposed complex was distributed. Mr. Curtin was informed that the Planning Board could not support granting of a use variance on the proposal. Dr. Friedman will suggest to the Ch. 808 Committee, now working on revisions to Section 25 of the Zoning By -Law, a change under CN in Subsections 25.41 and .42 to "SP". At 8:45 p.m., Robert Howard, proponent of Article 68 (rezoning of #82 ARTICLE 68 Waltham St. from RS to CB), joined the meeting for discussion of his 82 WALTHAM ST, proposal prior to the public hearing on March 2. The members expressed HOWARD concern that if rezoning is voted, no parking provisions will `be.required under CB regulations. Town Counsel will be asked if a change to rezoning to CN or CG can be made in the motion for the Article. Karsten Sorensen, abutter, was present to express opposition to commercial use of the building. Minutes of Planning Board meeting on January 3, 1978, were approved as amended. March meeting schedule will be as follows: March 7 and 13, 1978, at 7:30 p.m., March 20, 22, 27, 29, 1978, at 7:00 p.m. MINUTES 1/3/7E MARCH MTG SCHEDULE The Board reviewed a Form A plan showing land at Waltham St., submitted FORM A78-2 with Application Form A78-2. It was noted that the plan lacked the cus- WALTHAM ST tomary legend and lines necessary for Planning Board signatures. Upon a GRISCOM motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: The plan submitted on February 14, 1978, with Application Form A78-2, by Nathan Griscom, entitled "Plan Showing Easement in Lexington, Mass.", dated September 9, 1977, by Miller and Nylander, showing Lot C at Waltham St., requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. Page 2 2.21.78 The Planning Director was authorized to endorse the plan on behalf of the FORM A78-2 ' the Board, following addition of the appropriate legend. (cont'd) SMM Realty Corporation petition to the Board of Appeals was reviewed, and Planning Board 10.25.77 letter on SMM's previous petition (withdrawn on 11.9.77) was read by the chairman. Since the latest plan differs only -'by inclusion of design for septic system, and by reduction of parking spaces, the Planning Board's letter to the B/A will be based on the 10.25 letter, revised to include reference to lack of hardship regarding the requested variance, and recommendation for requirement of installation of dry sewer service. Mr. Briggs will draft the letter. Memo to the Board of Appeals, drafted by Mr. Zabin and Dr. Friedman, ex- ARTICLE 66 plaining the purpose and concept of Article 66 (Special Permits) to B/A accompany a copy of proposed Section 13, was read by the chairman. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. 1 1 Iris G. Wheaton, Clerk