HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-01-17y PLANNING BOARD MEETING January 17, 1978 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by the chairman Mr. Zabin with members Sandy, Wheaton, Friedman, Clarke, planning director Briggs, and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in atten- dance was Charles Alden, D.A.C. John J. McSweeney, Director of Public Works and Engineering, was present MASTER SEWER to discuss the $2 1/2 million six year sewer program (not yet given final PLAN Bd./Sel approval). Map showing FY 78/79 sewer plans, Category A. for immediate installation, and Category B., no schedule as yet, was displayed. Mr. McSweeney listed priorities and areas to be considered and explained financial aspects of installation which is affected by 30% to 40% increase in cost. Current sewer moratorium and MDC plans to remedy Lexington's sewer problems were noted. Discussion with Mr. McSweeney continued on proposed Ch.90 extension of WORTHEN RD. Worthen Rd. to Marrett Rd. The plan, originally proposed in 1970, is EXTENSION considered to be of benefit to the Town by reducing CBD traffic. Mr. McSweeney agreed to furnish 1970 projection figures of traffic relief to the Center and traffic impact on Worthen Rd. Question arose as to justi- fication of Town expense of the cut -through, enforcement of speed restric- tions. Traffic signals at Marrett Rd. will probably be installed. Mr. McSweeney expressed support of DPW/Engr. of the project. A resident of the Franklin School busing area was present and opposed the concept on the basis of safety of children and the breaking up of the "super -block". At 8:29 p.m., the CBD Subcommittee met with the Board. Karsten Sorensen, CBD SUBCOM. chairman, reviewed the Committee's October, 1977 report to the Planning REPORT Board. Reference was also made to the 1966 and 1968 CBD Reports. Points covered in the 1977 report on CBD parking problems and suggested solutions were discussed. Consideration was given to arriving at a method for en- suring diversity of uses in the CBD. It was agreed by the members of the subcommittee that it is not the role of the Town to make such decisions. Creation of a Business Advisory Committee for such a purpose was suggested, and Mr. Michelson told of his unsuccessful attempts to form such a group. The merchants present were asked opinion on the Planning Board's proposed revision of the sign by-law. Several attendees expressed preference for overhanging signs under strict control. Concept of the Planning Board's CT Zone Article (Art.62) was explained by Mr. Zabin, and discussed in its draft form as to features. Don Olson, ART.62 CT ZONE Forest St. resident and D.A.G. member, stated opposition and presented a map showing impact on residential areas. Request by Theodore L. Freeman for extension of time on the preliminary RIDGE EST.II conventional subdivision plan for Ridge Estates II was noted. It was PRELIM.PLAN noted that since the adjourned Wetland hearing will not be held until April, another extension will be needed. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: EXTENSION To extend to February 23, 1978, inclusive, the time on or before which the Lexington Planning Board must act on the preliminary subdivision plan entitled "Ridge Estates II, Lexington, Mass.", dated August 12, 1977, revised November 21, 1977, by Joseph W. Moore Co., as requested by Theodore L. Freeman, applicant. Discussion continued on Mr. Freeman's P.U.D. submission of plan for the same tract. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To disapprove the plan entitle "Ridge Estates II, Lexington, Mass., Preliminary Planned Unit Development", dated August 12, 1977, revised October 24, 1977, revised November 3, 1977, revised November 21, 1977, by Joseph W. Moore Co., Theodore L. Freeman, applicant. The reason for disapproval: The applicant has failed to comply with Section 33.5 of the Zoning By -Law of the Town of Lexington, in that he has not received an Order of Conditions from the Lexington Conservation Commission. The action of the Planning Board in disapproving this plan was without prejudice. Upon compliance with the abovementioned Regulation, the Planning Board will review and reconsider the plan. The meeting adjourned at 10:56 p.m. ' Iris G. Wheaton, Clerk 1 Page 2 1.16.78 RIDGE EST.II P.U.D.