HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-10-04PLANNING BOARD MEETING October 4, 1977 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by the vice-chairman Dr. Friedman with members Sandy, Clarke, Wheaton, planning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Mr. Zabin joined the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Also in attendance was Laura Nichols, Lexington Minute -Man. The minutes of Planning Board meeting of September 12, 1977, were approved as written. Plan submitted on behalf of the Conservation Commission by Clifford FORM A77-28 Prentiss showing Conservation acquisition (Cranberry Hill) of 21.663 CRANBERRY HILL acres at the Lincoln/Lexington line was reviewed. Upon a motion duly CONSERVATION made and seconded, it was VOTED: (FOLEY) The plan submitted by Clifford Prentiss on October 4, 1977, with Application Form A77-28, entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass. owned by Reta L. Foley to be Granted to the Town of Lexington", dated June 1, 1977, by John R. Snelling Assoc., requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The vote was conditional upon addition of a note: "Parcel A is not a buildable lot", to the plan. Plan showing Parcel X (2.98 acres) adjoining land described on Plan FORM A77-29 I A77-28, to be acquired for conservation purposes, was reviewed. Upon CRANBERRY HILL a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: CONSERVATION (SAYRE) The plan submitted by Clifford Prentiss on October 4, 1977, with Application Form A77-29, entitled Plan of Land in Lexington and Lincoln, Mass. - owned by Woodrow W. and Edith W. Sayre", dated September 20, 1977, by John R. Snelling, requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. Form A Plan A77-27, showing Lot 30 (9,375 s.f.) on Kimball Road, submitted by Alfred P. Tropeano, Esq., for William F. and Mary L. Butterfield, FORM A77-27 was reviewed and, because of its size, question arose as to its legalityKIMBALL ROAD as a buildable lot. Mr. Briggs was instructed to produce substantiation of the applicant's statement that the lot had been recorded under 1936 BUTTERFIELD zoning requirements, and action on the matter was deferred to October ll. Mr. and Mrs Harold Johannson were present by request of the Board to BANKS AVE. participate in discussion of their request for water main extension on WATER MAIN EXT. Banks Ave. Mr. Briggs read the Planning Board's September 1 memo to JOHANNSON John McSweeney, opposing granting of the request, and reported on his site review of that portion (unconstructed) of Banks Ave, earlier in the day. Question arose as to definition of the term "suitable grade and construction" with respect to construction of Banks Ave. in front of the Johannson lot, which appeared in Mr. McSweeney's September 13 memo to the Bd. of Selectmen on the matter. Mr. McSweeney will be asked to be specific on the requirement as it applies to Banks Avenue. Letter to the Johannsons from the Selectmen, approving the request and listing conditions outlined by Mr. McSweeney, was read. Mr. Briggs will confer with Town Counsel on the matter as to Planning Board procedures regarding approval of the Johannson lot as buildable. The discussion will be resumed following receipt of the abovementioned information. Page 2 10.4.77 Roger Corbin and Bruce Stamski, Engineers representing developer RIDGE EST. II Theodore Freeman, met with the Board to submit, as requested, a con- ventional subdivision layout of Ridge Estates II, to ascertain the number of lots allowed under P.U.D. requirements. The 56 -lot layout was shown and areas which would be filled and location of retention pond was pointed out. Proposed 56 -lot P.U.D. layout was also displayed with filled and retention areas designated, and the two plans compared as to drainage pattern. Mr. Stamski claimed the P.U.D. layout would result in less impact to the surrounding area. In discussion of plan for sewer for the development, possibility of use of on-site septic systems was mentioned due to the existing infil- tration problem with sewer lines in the Vine Brook area. Dr. Erdos, member of the Bd. of Health and the Selectmen's Sewer Advisory Committee, was present and told of a federally funded study now in progress to deal with the problem, and possibility of a moratorium in this and other trouble spots throughout the Town, pending completion and imple- mentation of the study. Dennis Lowe, attorney for the developer, referred to legal statute which would allow construction of Ridge Rd. as access road to the subdivision. At 9:35 p.m., John Brucchi met with the Board to protest Town refusal to issue him a dog kennel license. Refusal was based on Mr. Brucchi's answers on a questionnaire form, filled out by all applicants for such licenses which indicated he is carrying on a commercial operation in residential zone (Paul Revere Rd.). He was advised to seek Board of special permit for the breeding and selling of dogs, or to appeal Mr. Briggs' decision, as Zoning Enforcement Officer, on the matter. It was also suggested that continuance of the operation under a grandfather clause might be allowed if proof of continuing 30 -year operation were produced. BRUCCHI, KENNEL LICENSE ••'- Board of Appeals notices for October 13, 1977, were reviewed. No Planning Board comment will be made on the proposals. B/A 10/13 NOTICES Mrs. Wheaton reported that use of the Hancock School for either con- HANCOCK SCHOOL dominiums or rental apartments will require a zoning change. Mr. ZONING CHANGE Zabin agreed to draft an article for the December 5, 1977, Special Town Meeting, dealing with residential use of municipal buildings by special permit. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. Iris G. Wheaton, Clerk