HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-08-221 PLANNING BOARD MEETING August 22, 1977 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:07 p.m. by the vice chairman Dr. Friedman with members Sandy, Wheaton, Clarke and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Mr. Zabin joined the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Also in attendance was Laura Nichols, Lexington Minute -Man. Minutes of Planning Board meetings of July 18, and July 25, 1977, were MINUTES 7/18 approved as written. and 7/25/77 Instrument for release of lots at Powers Village subdivision, prepared POWERS VILL. by Town Counsel following posting of surety for the subdivision, was RELEASE OF reviewed and, upon advice of Town Counsel in letter dated 8/11/77, was LOTS signed by those members present. Action on the definitive grading plan for Woodpark Estates was con- sidered and memos from Asst. Town Engr. Martin, dated 6/3, 6/30 and 8/9/77, noting information and plan details not supplied by the develop- er, were reviewed. Letter from Boston Edison Co., giving conditional approval to a change of grade on the Edison easement was noted. Upon examination of the grading plan, it was agreed that the drawing was inadequate for Planning Board review and that a cross-section plan, as recommended by Mr. Martin, would be required. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To disapprove the amendment to the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Woodpark Estates - Lexington, Mass., Topographic Plan of Definitive Subdivision", dated July 31, 1974, revised May 24, 1977, by Carlton B. Colburn, Jr., P.E. and Surveyor, Andrew J. Lane, applicant. The reason for disapproval is as follows: Failure to comply with the Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in Lexington, Mass., Subsection 5.1 of Section 5, Definitive Plan Requirements, Items e. and f. Later in the evening, Mr. Lane's petition to the B/A for earth removal which would result from contour change within the subdivision,.was reviewed. Since the Planning Board had voted, as noted above, to deny the petitioner revision of the grading plan for the subdivision, it was agreed that the Bd. of Appeals would be informed of this action and advised to condition the special permit, if granted, upon Planning Board approval of the grading plan. September meeting schedule and its relationship to possible special town meeting in the fall was considered. It was agreed to hold regular meetings on September 12, 19, and 26, and to schedule additional meetings if deemed necessary. Letter to John F. Zamparelli, Register of Deeds, supplying signatures of Planning Board members and the planning director was signed. WOODPARK EST. GRADING PLAN DISAPPROVAL WOODPARK EST. EARTH REMOVAL SEPT. MTG SCHEDULE PLANNING BD. SIGNATURES REG. OF DEEDS Page 2 8.22.77 Plan submitted with Application Form A77-19, showing land at Ridge Rd., FORM A77-19 future site of Ridge Estates II subdivision, was reviewed. Roger M. RIDGE RD. Corbin, Engineer, explained its purpose for recording with the Land FREEMAN Court. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: The plan entitled "Land Court Plan of Land, Owned by Korman", dated July 14, 1977, by Joseph W. Moore Co., submitted on August 15, 1977, by Roger M. Corbin with Application Form A77-19, showing land at Ridge Rd., requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. Similar plan showing Parcels A, B, and C and Lots 1 and 2 at Laconia FORM A77-20 St. and Ridge Rd. was explained by Engineer Corbin and reviewed. Upon LACONIA & a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: RIDGE FREEMAN The plan entitled "Plan of Land, Prepared for: Kerrie Realty", dated July 16, 1977, by Joseph W. Moore Co., submitted on August 15, 1977, by Roger M. Corbin with Application Form A77-20, showing land at Laconia St. and Ridge Rd. requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. Plan submitted with Application Form A77-21, showing combination of lots FORM A77-21 at Webb St., was reviewed. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it WEBB ST. was VOTED: HALL & CO. The plan entitled "Compiled Plan of Land: For Hall & Co.", dated August 4, 1977, by Joseph W. Moore Co., submitted on August 15, 1977, ' by Roger M. Corbin with Application Form A77-21, showing land at Webb St., requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. David Gompers, his engineer and architect, met with the Board for infor- GOMPERS,KILN mal discussion of plans for Kiln Brook Office Park at Hartwell Ave. BROOK OFFICE Mr. Gompers will petition the Board of Appeals in the near future for special site review of the project. Proposed layout, drainage and contour plans were presented and lack of sewer service for the site, noted. The developer plans to seek an easement to abutting sewered Hartwell Place and construction of a pumping station to Hartwell Ave. sewer line. Two sets of plans were left for review. Emilio Spagnuolo, developer of Ingleside subdivision, and his attorney, INGLESIDE SUBD Donald Sleeper, were present for continued discussion of proposed drain- DRAINAGE age plans to allow construction on the last two lots of the subdivision. Residents and part owners of Ingleside Pond within the subdivision, Mr. & Mrs. Mervin Lynch, were also in attendance. Mr. Sleeper reported that provisions have been made to raise the invert of drainage pipe to 172.68,', as requested. Discussion continued as to procedures for accurately determining the natural maximum level of the pond and for assurance to residents of maintenance of water quality. Since it was apparent that no conclusions as to the Planning Board's position on Mr. Spagnuolo's proposal could be reached at this time, Mr. Sleeper proposed, in order to facilitate action on the plan, to ask Norman Cohen for specific information on the rights of the parties involved, and to confer with the Lynch's attorney, Alan Rodman, to gain insight into his position and views of the situation, after which another appointment will be made with Planning Board with all affected parties present. Bernard Donahue, 27 Carville Ave., was present to inform the Board of a new plan for siting of a swimming pool and to request a position statement on his intent to seek a second B/A hearing regarding setback variances. Reasons for opposition of the Conservation Commission at the time of his previous hearing, have been, according to Mr. Donahue, resolved. The Planning Board generally agreed that since the new plan has been significantly revised following denial on July 14, 1977, there would be no opposition expressed regarding re -petition to the B/A. Memo from Assistant Town Engineer William J. Martin, with recommenda- tions on surety amounts for Drummer Boy Phases I and II, in response to request from Drummer Boy Trust for release of bond on Phase I, and for establishing an amount of surety for Phase II, was reviewed. Because of question of legality on procedure for release of bond for Phase I and proposal that the final $7,000 for Phase I be included in the total amount for Phase II, it was decided to table action until Mr. Briggs was present to answer certain questions on the implications of such action. Page 3 8.22.77 DONAHUE -B/A RE -PETITION CARVILLE AVE. DRUMMER BOY I & II BONDS Request for reduction of surety for Kendall Gardens subdivision was KENDALL GAR - considered, and letter of recommendation from Asst. Town Engineer DENS SUBDV. Martin, dated August 19, 1977, listing incomplete work items, noted. BOND REDUCTION Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To accede to the request of Joel H. Greenstein, Trustee, Kendall Gardens Trust, that surety for Kendall Gardens subdivision be ' reduced from $68,000 to $17,500, as recommended by Assistant Town Engineer William J. Martin. Planning Board consideration of the Johnson request for purchase of tax JOHNSON/WOOD title lot 48A at Wood St. was deferred pending investigation as to owner -ST. TAX TITLE ship and conditions of sale with respect to abutting lot 47A. LOT 48A The petition to the B/A of Walter C. Tomlinson to allow Denny's Restaur- DENNV S REST. ant on Bedford St. to remain open 24 hours a day, and letter from resi- B/A - 24 -HRS. dents (Walton) of the area, were reviewed. Discussion followed as to im- pact on the neighborhood of an all-night operation in relationship to possible benefit to the Town. Upon a motion duly made and seconded,;, it was voted to recommend denial of the petition. A letter, based on the discussion, was drafted and approved. The matter of house number changes implemented by the Engr. Dept. for EMERSON/ the renamed section of Emerson and Worthen roads was discussed and WORTHEN RDS Mr. Sandy presented a draft letter to the Town Manager, copies to B/Sel. # CHANGES and Mr. McSweeney, requesting restoration of the old numbering system. The letter was approved as amended. The meeting adjourned at 10:56 p.m. Iris G. Wheaton, Clerk