HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-07-25L 1 PLANNING BOARD MEETING July 25, 1977 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman Mr. Zabin with members Clarke, Friedman, Wheaton, planning director Briggs, and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance was Laura Nichols, Lexington Minute -Man. The Board considered its position on the request that Denny's Restaurant, DENNY'S Bedford St., be allowed to operate on a 24-hour basis. Board of Appeals RESTAURANT special permit conditions regarding current hours of operation, impact 24-HOUR of an all-night restaurant on nearby residences, and 24-hour restaurants in the area were discussed. Suggestion was made for a 6 -month trial period with restriction on lighting after 11 p.m. and provision for guarding against loitering. No consensus was reached prior to the Planning Board's 8 p.m. appointment with the Bd. of Selectmen to select a Planning Board member replacement for Paul MacKenzie, after which the abovementioned matter will be considered. Upon the Board's return to its regular meeting at 8:25 p.m., new member FRANK SANDY Frank Sandy was welcomed to the Planning Board. Dr. Friedman initiated discussion of items considered at the June 29 CTPS MTG. CTPS meeting which he attended. He pointed out need for request to the State DPW by the Bd. of Selectmen to reactivate study of the Hartwell Ave. Connector road. Dr. Friedman's draft letter to the Selectm n on that HARTWELL AVE subject was reviewed but action was tabled pending revision to include CONNECTOR reference to extension of the Redline and regional refuse disposal facility. Discussion of report to the Board of Appeals on the Honeywe 1,. Inc. ex- HONEYWELL INC pansion plans was continued from the July 18 meeting. Mr. riggs re- B/A ported that he was unsuccessful in obtaining clarification f the plans presented by the petitioner. Adequacy of parking provision,, and impact on Marrett Rd. resultant from additional traffic generated y the pro- posed expansion were considered. It was decided that the P anning Board will recommend denial without prejudice of the petition because of aggra- vation of existing traffic problems at that portion of Marr tt Rd. If plans are resubmitted, more adequate description of parking provision and clarification of plans will be required. Minutes of Planning Board meeting of July 11, 1977, were approved as MINUTES 7/11 corrected. Request by Andrew J. Lane for extension of time for Planning Board WOODPARK EST. action on the definitive grading plan for Woodpark Estates as con EXTENSION sidered. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To extend to August 23, 1977, inclusive, the time on or 1 which the Lexington Planning Board must act on the defin: subdivision plan entitled "Woodpark Estates - Lexington, Topographic Plan of Definitive Subdivision", dated July revised May 24, 1977, by Carlton B. Colburn, as requester Andrew J. Lane, applicant. ore ve L, 1974, by C �I J Page 2 7.25.77 Due to lack of quorum, it was decided to cancel the Planning Board meeting scheduled for August 8. The August 22 meeting will be held as planned. AUGUST MTG Since review of the draft revision of the Rules and Regulations of the SCHEDULE Planning Board has not been completed, it was agreed that a work session will be held on August 29 for that purpose. Security Agreement in the amount of $50,000, form of which has been SURETY approved by Town Counsel, was reviewed and necessary revisions agreed POWERS VILL. upon. Following preparation of the revised agreement by the chairman, planning director and Town Counsel, the planning director, with assent of the chairman, will sign the instrument on behalf of the Planning Board. Mrs. Wheaton reported on site review of the Rawson Ave. property, rela- GAFFEY,RAWSON tive to the Gaffey petition to the Board of Appeals for setback variance AVE. B/A to do with placement of a swimming pool, which was questioned by the Board on 7/18. The Board will make no recommendation on the proposal. Discussion arose as to need for written communication regarding the DRUMMER BOY informal discussion with Spaulding & Slye of their proposed change in II REVISION the plans for Drummer Boy Green II. Dr. Friedman presented a draft let- ter to Spaulding & Slye setting down procedures to be followed in such cases under Section 38 of the Zoning By-law. Mrs. Wheaton had prepared a letter on the same subject from the Planning Board informing the Appeals Boar of the meeting and referring the matter to them. Mrs. Wheaton`S letter was unanimously approved and copies will be sent to the Board of Selectmen and to Spaulding & Slye. Mrs. Wheaton requested that the planning director investigate the possi- TAPE RECORD- bility of acquiring recording equipment for use at Planning Board ING OF MEET - meetings. INGS Dr. Friedman suggested that revision and updating of the Procedural Rules PROCEDURAL of the Planning Board should be undertaken. RULES The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. Iris G. Wheaton, Clerk