HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-05-16Li 1 PLANNING BOARD MEETING May 16, 1977 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman Mr. MacKenzie with members Clarke, Friedman, Wheaton, Zabin, planning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in atten- dance were Gordon Brigham, D.A.C., and Laura Nichols, Lexington Minute -Man. Minutes of Planning Board meetings of March 23 and 28, 1977, were approved MINUTES 3/23, as presented. Minutes of March 30, 1977, were approved as corrected. 3/28 & 3/30 Request by William J. Dailey, Esq. for extension on Alexander Estates ALEXANDER subdivision in order to allow time for submission of a revised lotting EST. SUBDV. plan of the subdivision, was considered. Upon a motion duly made and EXTENDED seconded, it was VOTED: To extend to June 14, 1977, inclusive, the time on or before which the Lexington Planning Board must act on the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Alexander Estates - Lexington, Mass.", dated December 24, 1976, by Miller & Nylander, as requested by William J. Dailey, Jr., Attorney for the Estate of Daisy G. Wilson, applicant. Covenant for Kendall Gardens subdivision, prepared by Town Counsel and KENDALL GDNS signed by the proponents, was reviewed. It was noted that, although COVENANT the mortgage on the property had been recently discharged, reference to details of the mortgage was made in the instrument. Town Counsel will correct the document. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the instrument, as cortected. At 7:45 p.m., Renee Cochin met with the Board to present her suggestions and ideas on the concept of a limited commercial zone (CT) with respect to control of design standards. She suggested that features and details of plans to be presented to Town Meeting in a rezoning proposal which would remain substantially the same should be.exterior lighting and signs, and provision of buffers. She proposed an escalating schedule for depart- ure from percentage of coverage of site, floor area, density and parking, based on the magnitude of the project. Discussion followed as to whether specific criteria and graduated schedule should appear in the zoning by- law or be used as guidelines by the permit granting authority. There was general agreement that an Article proposing CT zone should be presented at the 1978 A.T.M. The Planning Board will consider Ms. Cochin's suggestions in preparation of the CT Article. At 8:45 p.m., Andrew J. Lane, Woodpark Estates developer, met with the Board to request permission to alter at this time the contour of a hill on the site, upon which power lines, to be energized within four weeks, are to be installed by Boston Edison Co. He was informed that change to the grading plan for the subdivision will require a public hearing, but permission was given to excavate to a depth of 20 feet at the site of in- stallation of the two poles, prior to the public hearing scheduled for June 13. CT ZONE R. COCHIN WOODPARK EST. GRADING PLAN Plan for drainage system at Powers Village subdivision, dated May 16,1977, POWERS VILL. revised to reflect requirements of the Engineering Dept. and the Conserva- tion Commission, and Mr. Briggs' draft revised Certificate of Action to supercede the Certificate signed on February 7, 1977, were reviewed. FJ 11 Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To approve the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Powers Village in Lexington, Mass.", dated December 8, 1976, revised May 16, 1977, by Miller & Nylander, Civil Engrs. and Surveyors, Moore Homes Inc., applicant, subject to a covenant under the provision of Ch. 41, Section 81-U of the General Laws to secure the construction of ways and the installation of municipal services in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Lexington Planning Board and the plans submitted to the Planning Board, to be given by the applicant, and subject to the further terms and conditions enumerated in the Cer- tificate of Action dated May 17, 1977. Page 2 5.16.77 POWERS VILL. CERT. OF ACTION (REVISED) June meeting schedule of the Planning Board was considered. Meetings will JUNE MTG. be held on June 6, 13, 20, and 27, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. in the Planning Board office. Notices of Board of Appeals hearings on May 26, 1977, were reviewed. Of B/A 5/26 these, the Planning Board will comment on the McSweeney petition for HEARINGS formation of two lots, each with insufficient frontage, out of five "lots" at Bertwell and Eaton roads. The Planning Board will recommend denial of the petition by letter to be prepared by the planning director, based on the fact that the five "lots" have no pre-existing status as buildable. Mr. MacKenzie reported on the composition of the Planning Board's Select CH. 808 Committee on Ch. 808 Zoning. The membership is as follows: Frank Sandy, SELECT COMM. Judith Totman, Clarice Gordon, James Padian, Ruth Morey, B/A, Laura Nichols, TMMA, Alfred Busa, Bd/Sel, Frank Smith Cons. Comm., Gordon Brigham, D.A.C., Donald Irwin, Bldg. Inspr., and Manfred Friedman, Planning Bd., who will chair the committee. Dr. Friedman asked that State legislation, 1969, to assist municipalities UNDERGROUND in underground installation of utility wiring be brought to the attention WIRING BILL of the Board of Selectmen and the concept proposed to a future Town Meeting. Financial impact on electric company customers was discussed. Dr. Friedman will draft a letter to the Selectmen for consideration of the Board on May 23. The meeting adjourned at 9:58 p.m. ?k0op P. ta*400 Manfred P. Friedman, Clerk