HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-04-25PLANNING BOARD MEETING April 25, 1977 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:35 p.m. . by the chairman, Mr. MacKenzie, with members Friedman, Clarke, Wheaton, Zabin, planning director Briggs, and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were Susan Solomon, Conservation Commission, and Laura Nichols, Lexington Minute -Man. Minutes of Planning Board meetings of February 14 and 26, 1977, were MINUTES 2/14, approved as corrected. Minutes of February 28, March 5 and 7, 1977, were 2/26, 3/5 & approved as presented. 3/7/77 Plan submitted with Application Form A77-10 by Ralph Cataldo, to record FORM A77-10 decision of Board of Appeals on March 3, 1977, re land on Fottler Ave., CATALDO was reviewed. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: FOTTLER The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated April 14, 1977, by Miller & Nylander, submitted with Appl. Form A77-10, on April 22, 1977, by Ralph D. Cataldo, showing Lots A and B on Fottler Ave., requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. Plan submitted with Application Form A77-11, showing 7 lots in the FORM A77-11 Drummer Boy Green Phase II condominium development, was reviewed. Upon DRUMMER BOY a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: The plan entitled "Drummer Boy Phase II Lot Layout Plan", dated April 22, 1977, by Joseph W. Moore Co., submitted with Appl. Form A77-11, on - April 25, 1977 by Roger M. Corbin, showing 7 lots on Fifer Lane, requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. Mr. Briggs reported that time for Planning Board action on Blossom Hill BLOSSOM HILL Estates definitive subdivision plan will expire on April 26, 1977, and EST. SUBDV. that Everett J. Tingley, developer, had submitted no request -for exten- DISAPPROVAL sion. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To disapprove the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Blossom Hill Estates", dated October 20, 1975, revised May, 1976, by Northeastern Eng'g., submitted by Everett J. Tingley, applicant, for the following reasons: The applicant has failed to comply with the Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in Lexington, Mass. in that the length of the cul-de-sac exceeds the requirement as stated in Section 6.5.6. The applicant has failed to request an extension of time within which the Planning Board must act on the definitive plan. The latest ex- tension to April 26, 1977, as voted by the Planning Board on February 14, 1977, has now expired. At 8 p.m., a public hearing on the definitive plan for Alexander Estates PUBLIC HEAR - subdivision was opened. The hearing closed at 9:30 p.m., following which ING, ALEXAN- . the regular Planning Board meeting was resumed. DER ESTATES Page 2 4.25.77 Frederick J. Conroy and Dennis Lowe, attorneys for Colonial Development SHERBURNE RD. Corp., proponents of a 9 -lot subdivision on Sherburne Rd., met with the SUBDIVISION Board at 9:35 p.m. for discussion of the basis for Planning Board disap- proval on March 28, 1977, of a preliminary plan for the development. The Certificate of Disapproval was read in part by the chairman. Desig- nation as HUD Flood Hazard Area of the proposed road location and need for extensive fill in wet areas were discussed. Time element of Conserva- tion Commission procedures under the newly enacted Wetland Protection Act, with respect to submission of a definitive plan of the subdivision, was considered. Mr. Conroy asked for assistance and cooperation of the Planning and Engineering departments in his development of a definitive plan. At 9:45 p.m., Robert and Margery Howard, Casco Realty, and Richard More- HOWARD, 82 house, met with the Board for discussion of the Howard residential prop- WALTHAM ST. erty at 482 Waltham St. B/A denial on March 3, 1977, of Mr. Howard's petition to use the building for a real estate office., was reviewed. The chairman informed Mr. Howard of activities of the CBD subcommittee, and its efforts to prepare recommendations on expansion of the CBD. Approximate timetable for completion date of the report was given, and Mr. Howard was advised to seek rezoning in conjunction with the Planning Board's future efforts for CBD expansion. Request from the Board of Selectmen for Planning Board comment and recom- RTE 3 PARCEL mendations on use of a parcel (11 a.) south of North St., acquired by LAND USE the State for Rte. 3 extension, plan for which is now abandoned, was noted. Conservation Commission interest in the parcel was reported by Susan Solomon. Recommendation will be made that the land be acquired by the Town as an addition to park and recreation land. Mr. Briggs reported on improper disposal of construction rubbish at Wood- WOODPARK EST. park Estates subdivision site, and Engineering Dept. memo, dated April 15,RUBBISH 1977, was noted. George Smith, Health Director, will be asked to in- vestigate. It was agreed that in the future, Certificates of Action on subdivisions will include reference to maintenance of orderly conditions at building sites. These conditions will be taken into consideration if bond reduction is requested. Town Engineer's memo, dated April 18, 1977, recommending Planning Board POWERS VILLAGE denial of Mark Moore's request for waiver on requirement for 8" water WATER MAIN main at Powers Village subdivision,was discussed. Mr. Briggs gave his opinion on adequacy of the 6" diameter pipe requested by Mr. Moore. He was in- structed to ask the Town Engineer for substantiation of his recommendation. John Tuttle's request to DPW/Engr. for Town acceptance of a sewer easementBARRETT RD. over a portion of lots on Barrett Rd. and Wellington La. Ave., and memo WELLINGTON LA. on the subject to the Town Manager from John J. McSweeney, dated April 8, TUTTLE 1977, were noted. Mr. Briggs recommended denial of this request pending submittal of complete sewer layout for Willow Ridge subdivision, of which the land in question is a part, to ensure that the proposed stub would be compatible with the sewer system in the entire development. Town Manager will be advised of the Planning Board's position based on Mr. Briggs recommendation. Page 3 4.25.77 Notice of a Land Use and Environmental Program Conference in Bedford, LAND USE CONF. on May 6, sponsored by the Mass. League of Cities and Towns, was noted. Dr. Friedman plans to attend. Memo from Donald K. Irwin, Building Commissioner, regarding interpre SEC. 30.3 tation of Sec. 30.3 of the Zoning By-law, non -conforming uses, was noted. NON CONFORM - Mr. Briggs reported on difference of opinions of the Board of Appeals ING USES and Building Commissioner on need for B/A variance to allow any struc- tural alteration on undersized lots. Planning Board meetings during the month of May will be held on May 2, 9, 16, and 23, 1977. No meeting will be held on May 30, Memorial Day. MAY MTG. SCHED The meeting adjourned at 11:07 p.m. �I 1 r1P. t, Manfred P. Friedman, Clerk