HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-01-31PLANNING BOARD MEETING January 31, 1977 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:37 p.m. by the vice chairman Mr. Zabin with members Clarke, Friedman, Brown, planning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were Robert Bradley, D.A.C., and Joe Gavaghan, Lexington Minute Man. The minutes of January 17, 1977, were approved as amended. At 7:45 p.m., the adjourned public hearing on Powers Village definitive POWERS VILL. subdivision plan was resumed. The hearing was closed at 7:57 p.m. ADJ. PUBLIC (see minutes of January 24, 1977) HEARING CBD Subcommittee Chairman Karsten Sorensen and members met with the CBD SUBCOMMIT- Board at 8 p.m. by appointment for review and discussion of the PlanningTEE Board charge to that subcommittee, and its progress to date. Mr. Soren- sen requested that the Planning Board define a more specific charge so as to give direction to the group if studies are to continue. Following dis- cussion which included parking, traffic, use of special permits, need for diversity in CBD and transitional zoning of the perimeter of the center. it was concluded that the subcommittee should continue, and should address itself to preparation of an outline of existing problems in the CBD. Mr. Sorensen was promised provision by the planning staff of all available background information. Following completion of the study, the Planning Board and the Board of Selectmen will confer with the subcommittee regarding ' the extent of Town commitment for resolution of existing problems. At 8:35 p.m., Mark Moore Jr. met with the Board by appointment for pre- FISKE COMMONS sentation of his proposal to rezone a 16 acre parcel of land at East Street from RO to RD to allow construction of a condominium development. Brochures describing the project were distributed to Board members. Michael Weinmayr, Landscape Architect, identified the site on a Town map and described existing land use, on site and surrounding it, soil conditions, water table and existing vegetation by means of appropriate drawings and maps. RO zoning requirements were listed and explained. Conventional and cluster subdivision layout schemes were displayed and compared with development under RD zoning. Density of 2.8/acre and ground coverage of 16% (existing, 24%) are proposed. Plan concept, with accessible open space (5 acres) included, for two clusters of units, buffer screening for abuttors, pedestrian path to Fiske School, was dis- cussed. A typical rendering (colonial design) was shown. Expected popula- tion make-up and unit mix were described, and resultant traffic impact noted. In answer to questions from the Board, Mr. Moore described price range and use of the open space. Mr. Briggs will check on safety factor of narrow roadways for use by emergency vehicles. Plan of land on Lowell St., submitted with Application Form A77-2, was FORM A 77-2 reviewed. Concept of the plan was previously discussed on January 17, LOWELL ST. 1977. Mr. Briggs reported that Town Counsel had advised that the plan, REYNOLDS despite unusual lot layout, meets legal requirements and must be endorsed as not requiring subdivision control. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: Page 2 1.31.77 The plan entitled "Subdivision Plan of Land, Lexington, Mass."dated FORM A 77-2 January 21, 1977, by Fred R. Joyce Co., submitted on January 31, 1977, by John J. Reynolds with Application Form A77-2, showing land at Lowell St., requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. Mr. Briggs was authorized to sign the plan on behalf of the Board. Letter dated January 26, 1977, from Kay E. Alexander, Sasaki Assoc., FORD MOTOR regarding the Ford Motor Co. rezoning proposal and alleged inaccura- REZONING, cies of the Maguire Study of Tophet Swamp, was noted. Mrs. Wheaton, TOPHET SWAMP present at the meeting, offered to obtain substantiation of Mr. Sandy's STUDY criticism of the Study. Board of Appeals decision on the December 30 hearings for petitions of B A 12/30 Peking Garden, Drummer Boy Green II, Bishop's Seafood, and Itek were DECISIONS noted and discussed briefly. A memo dated 1/25/77, noting decision of the Bd. of Selectmen not to STREET LAYOUT lay out Banks Ave., Cushing St., and Emerald St. (construction streets) ARTICLES was noted. Dr. Friedman requested implementation of procedures to gather data on REPORT TO T.M. current development in the Town for legally required annual statement DEVELOPMENT (Ch. 41, Sec. 71) to Town Meeting. The meeting adjourned at 10:14 p.m. (-NP I 1,1j� Manfred P. Friedman, Clerk