HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-12-061 1 PLANNING BOARD MEETING December 6, 1976 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by the chairman Mr. MacKenzie with members Clarke, Friedman, Zabin, planning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were Ted Osborn, D.A.C., and Joe Gavaghan, Lexington Minuteman. The minutes of November 15, 1976, were approved as corrected. Mr. MacKenzie's draft letter to Chairman Attaya, Burlington Planning LAND SWAP COMM. Board, regarding the appointment of Dr. Friedman as Lexington's repre- FRIEDMAN sentative on the "Rte 3 Land Swap" Committee, was approved as written. Copies of the letter will be sent to Judith Barber, Bedford represent- ative, and Rep. Carol Amick. Preliminary plan for "Powers Village" subdivision was reviewed. Letter from abuttors Burdine, acknowledging their willingess for an easement over their land for expansion of sanitary sewer was noted. Two resi- dents of the area presented their views as to unfavorable impact on the surrounding area of the proposed development regarding drainage and existing wet conditions. The chairman informed the abuttors of subdivision approval procedures and of processes for consideration by the Conservation Commission regarding development of wetlands. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To approve the preliminary plan for "Powers Village" subdivision entitled "Preliminary Lotting Plan Lexington, Mass.", dated November 15, 1976, by Moore Homes, Inc., Mark Moore, Jr., President, applicant. At 8 p.m., representatives of the Ford Motor Co.- Alfred Spigarelli, Paul Everett, and Tom Olander; Richard Rogers, Kaye Alexander and Maurice Friedman of Sasaki Assoc., and Angela Frick and Paul Riffin, Conservation Commission, met with the Planning Board for presentation of a proposal for rezoning of land at Bedford St., now zoned CH, to allow operation of a car dealership. Site plan was displayed and water storage and fill areas were indicated. Traffic impact on Bedford Street, soil conditions, vegetation, hydrological and drainage systems, off-site impact were discussed. Richard Rogers explained alternative siting schemes on the 11 a. site, and showed plans for landscaping and buffers to reduce visual impact. It was suggested to the proponents that attempts be made to confer with residents of the area prior to rezoning attempt, and that thought be given to proponents preparation of an Article for a new limited commercial zone under which the propo- sal could be submitted to Town Meeting. Mrs. Frick, on behalf of the Conservation Commission, read the 1970 Planning Board policy statement formulated to discourage development of properties in the Tophet Swamp area, and Mr. Riffin voiced opposition to diversion of the stream on the parcel. Dr. Clarke's draft report on the Selectmen's Committee's Study of Article 47 of 1975 (re Meagherville land), was reviewed and was approved as amended. POWERS VILLAGE FORD MOTOR CO. REZONING ARTICLE 47'75 MEAGHERVILLE Page 2 12.6.76 Mr. Zabin presented a list of 14 Articles for submission to the 1977 A.T.M. concerning revisions to the Zoning By-law and the General By-law. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. Manfred P. Friedman, Clerk ZONING BY LAW & GEN'L BY LAW REVISION ARTIC- LES