HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-10-04PLANNING BOARD MEETING October 4, 1976 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by the chairman Mr. MacKenzie with members Friedman, Brown, Clarke, plan- ning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance was Anthony Casendino, D.A.C. Minutes of Planning Board meeting of September 20, 1976, were approved MINUTES 9/20/76 as written. Board of Appeals notices of hearings to be held on September 20, 1976, B/A HEARINGS were noted and discussed. Of these, it was decided to comment on: 9/20/76 Friendly Ice Cream Co. petition with respect to parking requirements in CG Zone; in opposition to the Muzzey Corp petition for permission to expand the parking area at 24-26 Muzzey St.; and the "Golden Hand" petition, expressing conditional approval. Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen, abuttors to the "Golden Hand" property, were present and spoke in opposi- tion to the granting of the variance sought. Definitive plan for Drummer Boy Green Phase II, as revised on October 4, DRUMMER BOY 1976, was reviewed, and Engineering Department letter, dated 9.27.76, PHASE II listing requirements for informational items and addtional plans, was noted. Plan showing existing and proposed contours was examined, and question of road easement at the end of proposed Fifer La., not shown on the plans, was discussed. ' The request of Dean Curtin to purchase tax title Lot 184 on Reed St., CURTIN, LOT 184 which abuts his Lot 185, and Selectmen's memo asking for Planning Board REED ST. T.T. recommendations on the matter were noted. Selectmen's denial of similar LOT requests by Mr. Curtin and Mr. Rogers, the other abuttor, was noted. The members expressed preference for the selling of the lot in question to Mr. Rogers, for combination with his lot, and Mr. Briggs will investi- gate as to his interest in the purchase. At 10:07 p.m., upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To go into executive session for discussion of matters, the dis- EXECUTIY closure of which could adversely affect the financial interests of SESSION -LAND the Town. ACQUISITION Open meeting was resumed at 10:20 p.m., and was adjourned at that time. Manfred P. Friedman, Clerk Executive Session October 4, 1976 At 10:07 p.m, the Plannina Board, with members Friedman, Clarke, MacKenzie, and Brown, at the reauest of Dr. Friedman, voted to qo into executive session for his report of discussion with the Conservation Commission of possible acquisition of a 200' strip of land at Mass. Ave., owned by the Grey Nuns. (3 1/2a.) Present at the discussion was Daniel Lynch, representing the Grey Nuns. D=•. Friedman reported. that the Town has-dffere8_$87.000 for building rights only, for the strip. The land has been appraised at $150,000. The Town offer was not refused by Mr. Lynch, and will be considered, with additional information on the matter, by Meridith 6 Grew. The executive session was closed at 10:20 p.m. D