HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-06-14PLANNING BOARD MEETING June 14, 1976 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:33 p.m. by the chairman Mr. MacKenzie with members Clarke, Zabin, Brown, Friedman, planning director Briggs, and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in atten- dance were David Williams, Conservation Commission, Richard Rogers, D.A.C., and Joe Gavaghan, Lexington Minute Man. The Board reviewed the plan submitted with Application Form A76-17, show- ing separation of Parcel 24 from Parcel 23 at Worthen Rd. and Waltham St. Mr. Briggs explained submission of the plan for purposes of obtaining a mortgage release. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: The plan entitled "Subdivision of L.C. No. 27677", dated May 13, 1976 by Miller & Nylander, submitted on June 8, 19760 with Application Form A76-17, by Wilbur C. Nylander for T & N Realty Trust, showing land at Worthen Rd. and Waltham St., requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. FORM A76-17 WORTHEN/ WALTHAM ST. NYLANDER T & N REALTY TRUST Request of Theodore L. Freeman, developer of two lots on Rolfe Rd. in the ROLFE RD. Glen Estates Subdivision, was noted. Town Counsel's letter, dated 4/28/76,GLEN ESTATES giving a checklist of procedures to have been completed before Planning RELEASE/LOTS Board endorsement of the instrument was read. Mr. Briggs assured the Board that all requirements had been met by the developer. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED to endorse the Release. Amount of surety in the form of a Letter of Credit ($70,000) supplied by DRUMMER BOY ' developers of Drummer Boy Green, as recommended by Town Engr.James E.Chase,GREEN RELEASE was noted, and the instrument read by the chairman. It was voted, con- FROM COVENANT ditional on approval of the form of surety and the form of the instru- ment of release, to empower the planning director to endorse, on behalf of the Planning Board, a release from Covenant. 1 James and Linda Razzano, and Patricia Hagedorn, attorney, met with the Board to supply additional information and to request Planning Board approval for repetition to the Board of Appeals on a proposal to con- struct a single family dwelling on Lots 45, 46, 47, abutting 26 Earl St. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED to allow the second petition on the proposal. EARL STREET FLEMING/ RAZZANO At 8 p.m., Charles Rossi and Joel Kamens, Esq., met with the Board for ROSSI-WINTER discussion of Mr. Rossi's proposal to construct and operate a restaurant BEDFORD ST. on land now in RO district at Bedford and Winter Sts. The chairman re- REZONING capped basis for Planning Board unfavorable report to the 1976 A.T.M. on Article 99 to rezone the parcel to CG. ;(The Article was subsequently with- drawnby the proponent) Creation of a new commercial zone which would afford the Town more control on design and scope of construction on rezoned parcels was discussed and it was suggested that the proponent initiate such an article for the 1978 A.T.M. The chairman outlined procedures for submission of two Articles: one to define a new commercial zone and another to rezone the parcel in question. The secretary was instructed to send all pertinent material on the 1976 rezoning attempt to Mr. Kamens to aid him in preparation of the Articles. Page 2 6.14.76 Selectmen's memo requesting Planning Board report on TOPICS plans for TOPICS PLANS improvement to Pleasant St./Mass.Ave. and Waltham St./Marrett Rd., was MARRETT-WAL- noted, and Planning Board letter, dated February 13, 1975, on initial THAM ST. S plans for same, referred to. Following review of the plans, it was decidedPLEASANT- to ask for a meeting with the Bd. of Selectmen on June 21, prior to the MASS. AVE. public information meeting on June 22, for further discussion of the matter before preparing a report. Messrs. Green and White and their attorney Kenneth Nelson met with the LEXINGTON Board at 8:30 p.m. for discussion of preparation of plan concepts for the VILLAGE development of the 160 acre parcel between Woburn and Maple streets. GREEN 5 WHITi Mr. White spoke of varied uses for the tract, including multi -family for a portion, but stated that rezoning would not be attempted without expressed support of Town Boards. Development of an appropriate land use pattern, possibly including condominiums, rentals, single-family and housing for elderly, with opportunity for Planning Board input, is planned. The chair- man offered cooperation of the Board and expressed hope for ongoing dialogue as the plans are developed. A work session, with.: representatives of the Conservation Comm., D.A.C., L.H.A., Bd. of Selectmen, TMMA, Recreation Comm., C.L.C., and Engineering Dept., as well as the Planning Board and Green and White, was suggested. The meeting will be scheduled for June 24, in Estabrook Hall. B/A notices for June 24 were reviewed. Petition of Letter A. Goldberg, GOLDBERG B/A for permission to construct and maintain a tower 100' tall, for use in HEARING conjunction with his ambulance service business, was discussed. It was agreed that a use variance (Sec. 25.95) should be sought by the petitioner, to allow accessory commercial use in residential zone, as well as variance from Sec. 26.56, concerning height of structures. Mr. Briggs will draft a letter in opposition to the proposal for review of the Board. Definitive subdivision plan for"Blossomcrest Tract", submitted by Ray BLOSSOMCREST Howland, Jr., was reviewed. Town Counsel will be asked if the developer TRACT SUBDV. can be required, under Section 6.5.1. of the Subdivision Rules and Regula- HOWLAND tions, to construct a connecting road through to proposed adjacent Blossom Hill Estates subdivision. The meeting adjourned at 10:21 p.m. /4V�u Manfred . Friedman, Clerk