HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-02-2311 1 fl PLANNING BOARD MEETING February 23, 1976 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman Dr. Clarke with members Costello, Zabin, Brown, MacKenzie, planning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. The minutes of Planning Board meeting of January 19, 1976, were MINUTES 1/19 approved as written. 1/26 & 2/2/71 Minutes of January 26, 1976, were approved as corrected. Minutes of February 2, 1976, were approved as written Request of Mark Moore for release of surety on Centre Estates subdivision CENTRE EST. was noted, and Engineering Dept. recommendations on work as yet incom- BOND RELEASE plete, reviewed. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: REDUCTION That the performance bond in the sum of $18,000, secured by bank passbook No. 62705 in the amount of $18,000 on deposit in the Lexington Savings Bank, reduced by vote of the Planning Board on October 27, 1975, from $50,000, to ensure completion of construc- tion in the Centre Estates Section 2 subdivision, be reduced to $2,000. Mr. Briggs reported on Louis Stoico's request for lowering of amount of surety for Lowell Estates Section 2, set on January 26, 1976, at $150,000, and referred to Mr. Stoico's letter of February 18, 1976,' giving reasons for less surety. Town Engineer has expressed to Mr. Briggs willingness to revise his earlier recommendation for $150,000. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that the amount of surety necessary to ensure completion of work in Lowell Estates Section 2, be set at $135,000, as recommended by the Town Engineer. This vote is conditional upon receipt from the Town Engineer of his recommendation for the lower amount in written form. March meeting schedule of the Planning Board was considered. Regular meetings will be held at 7:30 p.m. on each Monday of the month. LOWELL EST. SEC.2,BOND MARCH MTG. SCHEDULE At 7:50 p.m., Russell Burditt, proponent of Article 99 for rezoning of ARTICLE 99 a parcel at Winter & Bedford streets from RO to CG, met with the Planning WINTER ST. Board for informal presentation of a proposal to construct a restaurant REZONING at the site. Mr. Charles Rossi, ,owner of the land was also present. Mr. Burditt distributed descriptive brochures, and outlined the operation of existing restaurant awned by Mr. Rossi, "Rita's Place", in Chelsea. Location of the building, geological features and vegetation of the site were explained and a model of the proposed development was displayed. Mr. Burditt reported on conference with Spaulding & Slye, developers of abutting condominium project. Architectural rendering of the restaurant was shown and layout, functions of the operation noted. Drainage plan, including holding pond, was described. State D.P.W. view on curb cut was questioned. Mr. Burditt explained procedures to apply for permit at the appropriate time. Results of Voorhees Traffic Study were summarized. Mr. Rossi described type of operation and service at existing restaurant. The public hearing on the proposal is scheduled for February 26. r C 1 Page 2 2.23.76 From 8:30 p.m. to 9:07 p.m., a public hearing on the definitive plan for VINE BROOK Vine Brook Estates subdivision was held. EST. PUBLIC HEARING Following the public hearing, the Board considered its position on "W" ARTICLES wetland Articles. Engineering Dept. memo, dated Jan. 21, 1976, presenting view on the "Report of the Citizens Wetland Advisory Committee, was read. Mr. Zabin, chairman of the Committee, commented on several statements in the memo and the Committee's concept of determination of wetland by vege- tational analysis primarily. Use of additional methods were discussed. Citizens in attendance commented on various aspects of the proposed amend- ments, and questions were raised as to reason for selection of several specific parcels, deemed dry by owners. Mr. Zabin offered to review any land in question, and revise maps accordingly if errors in designation as "wet" are apparent. The members agreed to meet on Saturday, Febraury 2, at 2 p.m. for further PLANNING BD. discussion of Planning Board position on the wetland Articles. MTG. 2/28/76 The meeting adjourned at 11 p.m. W4 por�. Albert P. Zabin, Clerk