HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-11-04PLANNING BOARD MEETING November 4, 1974 ' The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman Dr. Clarke with members Costello, L. Brown, MacKenzie,S. Brown, planning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were Richard Magnuson, D.A.C., and Paul Restuccia, Lexington Patriot. Town Counsel joined the meeting to participate in discussion of legal matters pertaining to the Ostroff and Hamilton subdivisions. Upon a motion duly EXEC. SESSION made and seconded, it was VOTED: To go into executive session for discussion of matters which could adversely affect the financial interests of the Town or the reputa- tion of any person. Open session was resumed at 8 p.m. Plans submitted by John Modoono with Application Forms A74-29 and A74-30, showing combinations of 25' lots on Webb St. were reviewed. Mr. Wilbur FORM A74-29 Nylander, C. E., was present for discussion of need for revision and FORM A74-30 clarification of the plans. The planning director was asked to inves- JOHN MODOONO tigate at the Registry of Deeds as to whether the lots shown are recorded WEBB STREET spearately or as one parcel. It was decided that endorsement of the plan with proposed division of land would deprive one parcel of backland of access to Webb St., and therefore, would create a subdivision. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated Oct. -to 1974, by Miller 6 Nylander, submitted on Oct. 25, 1974, by John Modoono, with Application For A74-29, showing Lots 34 and 35, Lots 71 through 77, and Parcels G through K at Webb St. requires approval under the Sub- division Control Law. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated Oct. 212 1974, by Miller and Nylander, submitted on Oct. 25, 1974, by John Modoono with Application Form A74-30, showing Parcel L, and Lots 949 950 96 at Webb Street requires approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The developer, Town Counsel and Town Clerk will be informed of these actions of the Board. The minutes of Planning Board meeting of October 15, 1974, were approved as written. MINUTES 10/15 The petition to the Board of Appeals of Piantedosi (hearing 11/7) request-PIANTEDOSI ing variance for expanded use and renewal of permit to store wrecked cars LINCOLN ST. at 443 Lincoln St. was reviewed. Mr. Briggs reported on his review of theB/A site and investigation of any unfavorable impact on the neighborhood. It was noted that the peitioner requests granting of permit for a 2 year period. It was decided that response will be made to the B/A, recommending granting of the permit for one year and informing the B/A of Planning Bd. intention to initiate new regulations for storage of wrecked cars in Lexington. Mr. Costello agreed to work on an amendment to the Zoning By -Law which would place this activity under Town Control. r n 1 Page 2 11.4.74 An instrument prepared by Town Counsel, for release of lots in Minute- MINUTEMAN Man Ridge subdivision, as requested by Theodore L. Freeman, developer, RIDGE SUBD. was reviewed. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: LOT RELEASE That in the opinion of the Planning Board, sufficient surety has been provided to secure performance of the construction of ways and the installation of municipal services required to serve Lots 8, 91 10, 11 and 12, said lots being shown on a plan entitled "Minuteman Ridge in Lexington, Mass." by Alber A. Miller and Wilbur C. Nylander, C.E. & Surveyors, dated November 12, 1973. Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 are hereby released from restrictions as to building and sale as stated in paragraph 3 of the Covenant dated May 23, 1974. It was also voted that the planning director be empowered to sign the instrument on behalf of the Planning Board, following conference with Town Counsel. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. P'. ` i. , � Paul J. MacKenzie, Lerk