HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-07-01C] PLANNING BOARD MEETING July 1, 1974 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman Dr. Clarke with members Costello, L. Brown, S. Brown, MacKenzie, planning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were Robert Bowyer, DAC, and Steve Politi, Lexington Minute Man. The minutes of Planning Board meeting of June 3, 1974, were approved as written. Draft prepared by Mr. Briggs and Mr. Whitney of a letter of Planning Bd. recommendations to the Board of Appeals regarding the W. R. Grace Co. petition was reviewed. It was decided that additional recommendations for conditions concerning installation (within specific time) of under- ground wiring and of grease traps be added and the letter was approved as revised. It was noted that the Regal Inn petition had been withdrawn on June 28, 5 days before the scheduled hearing. Mrs. Brown suggested that specific guidelines be developed for petitioners, as to type of preliminary and hydrological information required at time of submission of plans to the B/A, to allow sufficient time for Planning Board review. Mrs. Brown agreed to prepare a draft outline. It was agreed that one Planning Board member (on a rotating basis) will be assigned the responsibility of follow-up on such petitions for finding and determination, at the time of receipt of legal notice of hearing. MINUTES 6.3.74 REGAL INN B/A HEARING In response to Mr. Perry's memo requesting Planning Board decision on ART. 82,'72 disposition of funds for soil studies appropriated under Art. 82, 1972, FUNDS it was voted that, based on verbal agreement with the Appropriations Committee, and in the light of passage of Art. 85,86987, 1974, for funding of studies, the unexpended balance should revert to the E & D Account. Plan submitted with Form A74-17, showing Lots 2 and 3 at Wood St. and FORM A74-17 Hartwell Ave. was reviewed. Following Mr. Briggs' explanation, and upon WOOD/HARTWELL a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: The plan submitted with application Form A74-17, on June 26, 1974, by R. MacDonald, entitled "Land Court Case No. 23467", dated June 14, 1974, by Miller & Nylander, requires no approval under the Sub- division Control Law. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. A plan submitted with application Form A74-18, showing land at Revere St.FORM A74-18 and Liberty Ave. was reviewed and its purpose to correct lot layout ex- REVERE/LIBERTY plained by Mr. Briggs. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: The plan submitted with application Form A74-189 by Dean E. Nicholson, attorney for Charles Thomson, on July 1, 1974, entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated June 28, 1974, by Miller & Nylander, re- quires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. 1 �l Page 2 7.1.74 Plan submitted by Alfred P. Tropeano, Esq. for Roland M. Wardrobe, was FORM A74-19 reviewed and reference made to the B/A Special Permit dated May 7, 1974, granted to the Minute Men Inc., concerning the Wardrobe property at 1314 Mass. Ave. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: The plan submitted with application Form A74-18, by Alfred P. Tropeano, Esq. for Roland M. Wardrobe on July 1, 1974, with application Form A74-19, entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated June 21, 1974, by Miller & Nylander, requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. Petition by Dr. Poling to the Board of Appeals toallow an animal hospital POLING ANIMAL on Lowell St. was considered. (B/A hearing 7/19) Impact of additional HOSPTIAL B/A traffic on Lowell St. was discussed. Planning Board letter dated June 3, 1971, concerning a similar petition by Dr. Chabot, was read by Mrs. Brown. The majority of the Board registered opposition to the proposal and Mr. Briggs was instructed to draft a letter to the B/A recommending disap- proval, but making mention of the split vote. At 9 p.m. Mark Moore of Spaulding & Slye, and Dave Peterson, Sasaki, DRUMMER BOY Dawson & DeMay Assoc., met with the Board by appointment to show sever- DEVELOPMENT al modifications to the Drummer Boy plans and to inquire if the changes (road width and allignment) are allowable under RD zoning. Topo map of the area was displayed and justification for the changes were explained. The Board was asked for view as to whether the modifications constitute "substantial" changes to the plan as it was presented to Town Meeting. The members were in general agreement that the redesign was of an im- proving nature and did not alter the plan to a substantial degree. The developers will return with plans in final form prior to forth- coming B/A hearing for finding and determination. Memo from the Selectmen, dated June 24, 1974, requesting Planning Board comments on the request of Edward Desmond to purchase tax title lot #45 on Avon St. was considered. Mr. Briggs will respond on behalf of the Board with recommendation that the L.H.A. be notified of existence of the lot for possible use for scattered site housing. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. Paul J. cKenzLe, Clerk TAX TITLE LOT #45 AVON ST.