HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-05-20PLANNING BOARD MEETING May 20, 1974 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by the chairman Dr. Clarke with members L. Brown,S. Brown, Mackenzie, planning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were John Davies, DAC, and Mary Sepucha, LWV. The Bd. reviewed the request of Oneida Corp., dated May 14, 1974, that single family subdivision plans for the Drummer Boy land be withdrawn. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To accede to the request of the Oneida Corporation of Massachusetts and Paul Nelson, the principal in the Oneida Corp., that the Planning Board withdraw without prejudice any and all existing single family subdivision plans that have been submitted to the Lexington Planning Board on the Drummer Boy land in North Lexington adjacent to Bedford and Winter Streets. Plan submitted by Joseph Cotton with Appl. Form A74-16, showing land at Marrett Rd. was reviewed by the Board. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: The plan submitted on May 16, 1974, entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated May 1, 1974, by Miller & ' Nylander, by Joseph R. Cotton, with Application Form A74-16, showing Lots C-2, C-3 and Lot 3 on Marrett Rd., requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. Draft report on the Norman Ostroff petition (B/A hearing May 21) was reviewed and revisions suggested and agreed upon by the msmbers. The report was approved, subject to inclusion of the abovementioned re- visions by Mrs. Brown and Mr. Briggs. Mr. Chase, Town Engr., Mrs. Frick and Mrs. Rawls, Conservation Comm., and Mr. Hughes met with the Board to discuss drainage problems at site of proposed Farmhurst, Sec. 5 subdivision. Ten residents of the area were also present. Mr. Chase commented on drainage pattern from Marrett Rd. on an photogrammetric map which had been annotated by Joe Volpe into the site and existing Town and State drain pipes on photo- grammetric map. Impact of drainage into the Farmhurst site when developed was noted. Low areas were indicated on the definitive sub- division and profile plans. A letter will be received from the Engineering Dept. stating specific problems and information to be obtained by Mr. Hamilton, developer, prior to Planning Board action on the definitive plan. The planning director's draft letter to the Selectmen containing ' P1. Bd. position andrecommendations on the TAMS Bedford St.improve- ment proposals, was reviewed. Mrs. Brown will revise the draft for consideration of the Board on May 27. DRUMMER BOY FORM A74-16 MARRETT RD. COTTON OSTROFF B/A PETITION FARMHURST V DRAINAGE BEDFORD ST. PLANS page 5.20.74 ' The members agreed on a schedule of meetings on each Monday evening JUNE MEETING during the month of June. SCHEDULE Mr. Briggs reported on a meeting on May 15 with Ms. Feingold, Justin MIDD. CTY Gray Assoc., Ms. Battin B/Sel., Stanley Brown, Messrs. Wertheim, LAND USE PLAN and Brigham, Red. Comm., and Temple Scanlon, L.H.A. to discuss plans for utilization of proposed land acquisition at Trapelo Road, ex- tending into Waltham, property now owned by Middlesex County. Land use of the five sections of the parcel (Lexington/Waltham combined uses) was outlined by Mr. Briggs, and the cost to Lexington(price not yet resolved), was discussed. Planning Board comments, in- cluding input and recommendations from the Conservation Commission, on general plans for the area will be prepared in draft form by Mr. Briggs. It was agreed that support of the maj0rity of the Planning Bd. on FLINTLOCK the rezoning proposal, Flintlock subject of a referendum, will be reiterated in a letter to the Editor of the Lexington Minute -Man, to be prepared by Mrs. Brown and Dr. Clarke. Preliminary plans for Bicentennial Estates subdivision were BICENTENNIAL reviewed. Mr. Briggs asked for Planning Board view on the request ESTATES PLAN of the developer, Kerrie Realty Trust, for waivers on road width and the length of the proposed cul-de-sac, The members agreed WAIVERS ' that 24 ft. pavement on a 40 ft. rt. of way, and the cul-de-sac as shown on the plan,would be acceptable. Discussion continued as to proposed intensity of development and relocation of the brook. Mr. Briggs was asked to request the developer to provide more detailed hydrological information. The petition of Martin Bernard, Burlington Arcade, for variances M. BERNARD with _respect to proposed construction at the Burlington/Lexington BURL.ARCADE line, was reviewed. Mr. MacKenzie agreed to prepare a draft letter B/A to the B/A reflecting opposition of the Planning Board to the granting of the variances. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Paul J. MacKenzie, Clerk