HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-03-18LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD March 18, 1974 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m, by the chairman Dr. Clarke, with members L. Brown, S.Brown, Costello, MacKenzie, planning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were Gary Marshall, DAC Elizabeth Ives, LWV, and Frank Sandy, CLC. The minutes of Planning Board meeting of February 19, 1974, were MINUTES FEB. 19 approved as amended. The minutes of the meeting on February 23,1974, 23, 1974 were approved as written. Mr. Briggs' draft of a letter to the Board of Appeals, expressing DE VITO B/A Planning Board opposition to the granting of the DeVito petition for VALLEYFIELD ST. variance concerning land on Valleyfield St. (Feb. 19 hearing) was. approved as written. A draft of a letter to the B/A, prepared by Ms. Brown, stating DI MARZO B/A reasons for Planning Board opposition to the variance requested by WALTHAM ST. Nicole DiMarzo (Feb. 19 hearing) was reviewed. The letter was approved as written. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Gilson met with the Board to discuss House Bill H.B. 2856 2856, which would allow access to Burlington industrial land through BURL. ACCESS RD. residential land in Lexington. Mr. Gilson indicated on an aerial ' photo the area in question, and distributed explanatory material concerning the bill. He requested Planning Bd. and Bd. of Selectmen representation at the March 25 hearing and/or written statements of opposition to passage of the bill. The 1973 Planning Board stand on a similar bill will be reiterated in a letter to be prepared by Mrs. Brown, who plans to attend the hearing. The Board met with the Selectmen at 8 p.m. for discussion of alternate GREY NUNS LAND methods for acquisition of the front portion of the Grey Nuns land ACQUISITION along Mass. Avenue. Dr. Kassler, Conservation Comm., asked that several acquisition concepts and their prices be presented to the Town Meeting to ascertain the sense of the Town as to interest in ac- quisition, and asked support of the Selectmen. Planning Board and the Historic Districts Commission. Request received from developer of Minuteman Ridge subdivision for MINUTEMAN RIDGE extension to May 14, was reviewed. Upon a motion duly made and EXTENSION seconded, it was VOTED: To extend to May 14, 1974, inclusive, the time within which the Lexington Planning Board must act on the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Minuteman Ridge in Lexington, Mass.",dated November 12, 1973, as requested by Kerris Realty Trust, applicant. ' As requested by the Selectmen, the Board considered recommendation for P• MACKENZIE replacement of Dan Small as SILC representative. It was decided to SILC REPR. suggest appointment of Mr. MacKenzie, who is willing to serve if appointed. ' At 9 p.m., the Board met with the Appropriations Committee to resolve questions as to a request for funds for a new employee, under Planning Board administration, to assist the Conservation Comm. Further ex- planation of Articles 85, 86, 87 (funding for Planning Bd. studies and consultants) was also given with respect to purposes and amounts of funding requested. 1 The Board returned to its office at 9:30 p.m. page 2 3.18.74 CONSERVATION ADM. FUNDING Preliminary Subdivision sublitted on March 7, 1974, by Louis Stolco, LOWELL EST.II Village Development Corp., was reviewed and Mr. Briggs reported on his STOICO site review. The developer will be requested to supply proposed contour figures and Mr. Briggs was asked to prepare a street layout for the subdivision (PUD) on a photogrammetric map. Traffic study received from Spaulding & Slye (by Roe Hendricks) re proposed Drummer Boy Green condominium development impact on Bedford St., was noted. Letter from the Selectmen, dated March 13, 1974, re the establishment of a Town Advisory Council, was noted and the accompanying memo from Mr. O'Connell, describing the proposal, discussed. As requested by the Selectmen, Planning Board view on formation of this council will be stated in a letter to be prepared by Dr. Clarke. Memorandum from the Conservation Comm. dated March 12, 1974, in- dicating approval of Planning Bd./Cons. Comm. collaboration on Hatch Act and Subdivision Approval procedures was noted. Planning Board position on the Drummer Boy Green condominium proposal (Art. 105/106) was considered. The members voted unanimous support of the RD/RM rezoning amendment. The Piper Ridge condominium proposal (Art. 107) was reviewed. Opposition to the rezoning amendment (to RM) was voted by the majority of the Board. DRU*ZR BOY TRAFFIC STUDY TOWN ADVISORY COUNCIL HATCH ACT PROCEDURES DRUMMER BOY ART. 105/106 PIPER RIDGE ART. 107 Letter from Norman Richards, Esq. representing Valleyfield Realty VALLEYFIELD Trust whose land is included in the Planning Board's proposed Wetland TR. WETLAND Protection Article was read. Mr. Richard's request for exclusion of ARTICLE the land was discussed. Receipt of the letter will be acknowledged by Mr. Briggs, and Mr. Richards will be informed of any future decisions relevant to the matter. Mrs. Brown agreed to draft a Planning Board position letter (for WETLAND ART. publication) to Mrs. Hornig, in response to her letter which appeared HORNIG in the Lexington Minute -Man on March 14, which was critical of Planning Board procedures re the proposed Wetland Protection amendments and selection of areas. The meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m. Paul J. MacKenzie, Clerk