HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-02-25PLANNING BOARD MEETING February 25, 1974 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman Dr. Clarke, with members L. Brown, Graham, planning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. The Board reviewed Dr. Clarke's draft of Planning Board report on Art.87, ART. 87, PL. which requests funds for Planning Board studies ($10,000). The report BD. STUDIES was approved as written. Draft by Mrs. Brown of a letter to the Editor, Minute -Man Publications, ZONING BY LAW announcing, and explaining reasons for, the Planning Board decision to CLARIFICATION move for indefinite postponement of Articles 77 through 82 (Zoning By-law ARTICLES clarification), was reviewed and approved as amended. Dr. Clarke's draft of a letter to the Historic Districts Commission RUSSELL SQ. chairman, Mr. Jaquith, concerning the Russell Sq. condominium proposal, H.D.C. was approved as amended. Design Advisory Committee report on the pro- posal, stressing preservation of the existing Russell House and other features, will be enclosed. Mr. Briggs' draft of a letter to the Board of Appeals, which will be accompanied by the DAC report and recommendations and a copy of the abovementioued letter to the H.D.C., (B/A hearing 2/26) was approved as amended. Messrs. Herman and Bruce Erikson and Tony DeFrancisco, architect, pro- PIPER RIDGE ponents of Piper Ridge condominium development and RM rezoning Article ART. 107 107, met with the Board at 8 p.m. to display a model constructed to show accesses, and parking area in relationship to the abutting Minuteman Village multi -family development. A drawing showing actual parking arrangements was also shown. Discussion continued as to possible methods of inhibiting use of the emergency vehicle entrance for general traffic. Request received from Campanelli, Inc., dated Feb. 13, 1974, for reduc- HARTWELL PARK tion of bond for Hartwell Park subdivision, and letter of recommendations BOND REDUCTIO) of the Town Engineer, James E. Chase, that surety be reduced from $62,000 to $10,000, were noted. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To accede to the request of Campanelli, Inc. that surety for Hartwell Park subdivision be reduced from $62,000 to $10,000, as recommended by James E. Chase, Town Engineer. Dr. Clarke's draft memorandum to the Conservation Commission regarding PL. BD./HATCH procedures for Planning Board/Conservation Comm. collaboration with res- ACT PROCEDURE' pect to timing within the subdivision approval process for submission of Hatch Act application by developers, was reviewed and approved as amended. Upon written request for Planning Board representation at the Feb. 26 SAN.LANDFILL Conservation meeting and Hatch Act hearing re the Sanitary Landfill, it HATCH ACT was agreed that Dr. Clarke and Mrs. Brown will attend. Mr. Briggs reported on conversation with Mr. Ginsberg, Attorney, re an CARROLL PROP. existing State owned drainage easement over the Carroll property. This DRAIN EASEM. swath of land has also been proposed for Wetland Protection by the Planning Board. The members agreed that since no additional restrictions will be placed on the drainage area if zoned "W", it will not be excluded. Page 2 2.25.74 Mr. Briggs will atempt to obtain documentation to authenticate Mr. Ginsberg's statement of State or County ownership of the land. The meeting adjourned at 11 p.m. 1 1 V Paul J. MacKenzie, Clerk