HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-01-28PLANNING BOARD MEETING January 28, 1974 ' The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by the chairman Dr. Clarke with members L. Brown, S. Brown, planning director Briggs, planning intern Whitney, and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were Kenneth Kreutziger,DAC, Mary Sepucha, LWV, and Rosemary O'Leary, Lexington Minute-84an. The minutes of January 14, 1974 were approved as corrected. MINUTES 1/14/74 The Board reviewed a plan submitted with Application Form A74-5, FORM A74-5 submitted by James E. Chase, Town Engineer, showing conservation MARRETT ROAD land at Marrett Rd. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was CONSERVATION VOTED: After addition to the plan of a notation "Lot 1 is not a building lot in accordance with current Town of Lexington By-laws.", the planning director shall endorse, on behalf of the Planning Board, the plan showing conservation land at Marrett Rd., entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington,Mass", dated Jan. 21. 1974, by Barnes Engr. Co., Inc., sub- mitted on Jan. 28, 1974, by James E. Chase, Town Engineer as requiring no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. A plan submitted on Jan. 28, 1974, with Application Form A74-6, by FORM A74-6 ' Erik Lund, Esq. showing land at Rte. 128 and Bedford Street, was BEDFORD.: ST./121 reviewed by the Board. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was REGAL, INN VOTED: The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated Jan. 28, 1974, by Barnes Engineering Co., Inc., submitted by Erik Lund, Esq. with Application Form A74-6, showing land at Bedford St. and Rte. 128, requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. At 8 p.m. the meeting was adjourned to hold a public hearing on the PUBLIC HEARING Planning Board Article on camping vehicles. CAMPING VEHICLI ARTICLE At 8:45 p.m., the regular meeting was resumed. Mr. Briggs reported on his conversation with Erik. Lund re modification REGAL INN PLAN; to "Regal Inn" plans and the proponents' intention to apply to the Board of Appeals for a finding and determination in the near ftture. A letter from the Board of Selectmen dated Jan. 23, 1974, regarding M. BERNARD a zoning violation (earth moving) at the Burlington/line in EARTH MOVING Lexington and forthcoming Board of Appeals hearing was noted. VIOLATION Attached was copy of a letter from Town Counsel describing the ' course of action to be taken to resolve the dispute. Mr. Kreutziger agreed, on behalf of the DAC, to prepare a report to the B/A on the situation, as requested by the Selectmen to the abovementioned letter. page 2 1.28.74 Letter from Dan Small, Lexington representative to Subregion Inter- D. SMALL SILC ' town Liaison Committee, submitting his resignation as representative, RESIGNATION was noted. Mr. Briggs was instructed to inform the Selectmen of Planning Board recommendation for acceptance of Mr. Small's resignation. Memo from the Board of Selectmen, received on Jan. 23, requesting traffic impact statements by proponents of developmentinthe Rte. 128/Winter St. area of Bedford St., was noted. Mr. Briggs will inform the Regal Inn and Drummer Boy developers of this request. The proposed plan for expansion of non -conforming use by Daniel Curtin at 428 Marrett Rd. (Curtin Realty Trust), was reviewed. Mr. Curtin, whose B/A hearing is tentatively scheduled for Feb. 19, has requested Planning Board view on the proposal. Discussion of increased non -conforming land use, and inadequate parking provisions will be continued at the Feb. 4 meeting. Progress with preparation of photogrammetric maps defining areas to be proposed at the A.T.M. for Wetland Zoning were reviewed and procedures explained by Mr. Brown and Mr. Whitney. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. D 1 P4J.cKenzie, Clerk DRUMMER BOY & REGAL INN TRAFFIC STUDY CURTIN B/A PROPOSAL WETLAND ZONING MAPS