HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-11-26PLANNING BOARD MEETING November 26, 1973 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the Chairman Dr. Clarke with members L. Brown, S. Brown, Graham, Costello, planning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in atten- dance were J. Frick, Conservation Commission, Richard Rogers, DAC, Cheryl Waixel, Lexington Minute -Man and Frank Sandy, CLC. Dr. Robert DeSanto, C. E. Maguire Company, met with the Board for discus- sion of final drafts of 4 reports on Tophet Swamp (Botanical Survey, TOPHET SWAMP Erosion Control Guidelines, Water Quality Survey & Hydraulic Study). STUDY Dr. De Santo reported on development, purposes and conclusions of the studies. Suggestions were made by the members on several changes to the form of the finished report, of which ten copies will be received by the Planning Board. Arrangements will be made for printing of a 6-8 page summary in multiple copies, for wider distribution. At 8 p.m. Eric Lund,Esq., Herbert Lakehomer and William Bailey met with REGAL INN the Board for discussion of plans for proposed Regal Inn, hotel and office bldg. complex at Bedford St. and Rte. 128. Locations of accesses in re- lationship to existing heavy traffic and impact on Eldred St. were dis- cussed and Mr. Bailey was questioned about projected usage of proposed pool/health facilities. Design and architectural features and parking provisions for the hotel complex and office building were considered. Members expressed concern about effects of additional traffic on Bedford St. and the impact of the construction on the Tophet Swamp. Petition to the Bd. of Appeals for finding and determination will be filed in the near future. Study on projected traffic impact will be supplied by the proponents. Mrs. Frick requested that the developers present the plans to the Conservation Commission as soon as possible. Sam Silverman was present to report on proceedings at the court appeal MALONEY,LOWELL by Wm. Maloney to overthrow the B/A decision on his Lowell St. green- ST. GREENHOUSE house petition. The case will be continued on Dec. 6. Weiant Wathen- Dunn reported on the revised form of the Burlington Board of Appeals de- cision on the Martin Bernard (Burlington Arcade) petition. Portion of the decision concerning land in Lexington was discussed. Minutes of Planning Board meeting of Nov.12, 1973, were approved as MINUTES 11/12 amended. Mr. Costello's draft of a letter to the Bd. of Selectmen, containing SALE TAX TITLE Planning Board recommendations on adoption of a procedural policy regard -LOTS POLICY ing sale of tax -title lots was reviewed and approved as written. Dr. Clarke requested comments by members on his draft of the annual re- PL. BD.ANNUAL port of the Planning Board. Several revisions were considered. Mrs. REPORT Brown and Dr. Clarke will collaborate on a final draft. The Board reviewed a plan showing land at Hill St., submitted with Appli-FORM A73-38. cation Form A73-38. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was HILL ST. VOTED: R. PRICE The plan entitled "Subdivision Plan of Land in Lexington,Mass." dated Oct. 3, 1973, by Robert H. Dunning, submitted on Nov.26, 1973, by Robert Price, showing land at Hill St. requires no approval under Subdivision Control Law. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. Questionnaire on revision of the Zoning Enabling Act, sent by the Mass. Federation of Planning Boards, was discussed. Mr. Briggs will answer the form based on this discussion. Page 2 11.26.73 MFPB QUESTION- NAIRE, ZONING LEGISLATION A letter to the Planning Board from the Traffic Safety Committee, BRYANT ROAD dated Nov. 26, 1973, recommending opening of Bryant Rd. to public travel BARRICADE was read aloud by the Chairman. The Planning Director was instructed MALONEY to send a letter to Mr. Maloney, Emerson Gardens developer, requesting, on behalf of the Planning Board, that barricades be removed, as advised by the Traffic Safety Committee. It was agreed that discussion of Form A procedures will be included in FORM A PRO - the December 1 Planning Board work session. Messrs. Cohen and Callag- CEDURES han, Town Counsels, will be asked to be present. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. 1 1 Paul 9acKenzie, Clerk