HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-05-29PLANNING BOARD MEETING May 29, 1973 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman Mrs. Brown with members S. Brown, Graham, Clarke, planning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were Messrs. Notkin and Davies, DAC, and C. Waixel, Lexington Minute -Man. The minutes of Planning Baord meetings of May 7, and May 14, 1973 were MINUTES 5/7 & approved as amended. 5/14/73 Planning Board disapproval of the preliminary plan for Willow Ridge WILLOW RIDGE subdivision was considered. Wording of a motion (as approved by Town SUBDIVISION Counsel) for disapproval was discussed and amended and upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To disapprove the preliminary subdivision plan entitled "Willow DISAPPROVAL Ridge in Lexington, Mass.", dated March 29, 1973, by Albert A. Miller & Wilbur C. Nylander, Civil Engrs. & Surveyors, Carl E. Good, applicant. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that the following reasons for disapproval be included in the Certificate of Action: 1. Public Safety Considerations. The proposed subdivision would be located on a cul-de-sac at the end of a series of streets already over 1400 feet long with no alternate access. It thus is incon- sistent with Subdivision Regulation 6.5.6 and fails to meet require- ments of traffic safety and convenience. Regulation 3.1 and G.L. c.41, s. 81M. 2. Inadequate Street Connection. Meadowbrook Avenue and Wellington Lane Avenue are unpaved private ways in existence prior to adoption of the Subdivision Control Law. While these ways service 9 existing dwellings, their construction is not adequate to serve 10 additional homes which would result from this connecting subdivision street. G.L. Ch.4, Sec. 81L and 81M. 3. Alternate Access Available. A short street easement from Worthen Road to the boundaries of this land was conveyed on December 21, 1964, to the Town by the developer of Minute Man Highlands, Section 4. Construction of a road over this easement would solve the access prob- lems described in paragraphs 1 and 2 and would be consistent with the purpose for which the Planning Board required this easement. Carl E. Good, applicant, John Tuttle, Scott Properties (developer), Town Clerk, Town Counsel, Town Engineer, and Board of Health will be notified of this action. Definitive plans for the Columbus Street subdivision (with addition of COLUMBUS ST existing and proposed contour lines as required by the Planning Board) 'SUBDIVISION were reviewed. A draft of Certificate of Action, wording of which had been approved by the Town Counsel, was read by the chairman. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To approve the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Subdivision of APPROVAL Land in Lexington,Mass., owned by Donald M. & Mary C. MacMillan", dated February 26, 1973, by John R. Snelling Assocktes, Engineers and Land Surveyors, Donald M. MacMillan, applicant 1 Page 2 5.29.73 Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: The approval is subject to the following terms and conditions: COLUMBUS ST. 1. As provided in Section 81-R, Chapter 41 of the General Laws, the CERT.OF ACTION Planning Board hereby waives strict compliance with the Rules & Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in Lexington, Mass." to the extent indicated below and on the plan, but all other require- ments of said "Rules & Regulations" and standards and specifications of the Dept. of Public Works shall be strictly complied with. a. The width of the right of way shall be 40 feet. b. The width of the pavement shall be 24 feet c. A hammerhead back-up strip shall be permitted to serve as a turn -around as described in Section 6.5.6. of the Subdivision Rules and Regulations of Lexington, Mass. d. Sidewalks shall not be required. 2. The pavement shall be laid with a radius of approximately 75 ft. rather than following the 29032'47" angle of the road as shown on the plan. 3. The hammerhead shall be constructed so that water will not collect in the southerly end of the backup strip. 4. The name of the street shall be Columbus Street. Draft of a letter by Mrs. Brown to the Building Inspector from the INT.CONS.OF Planning Board, directing his attention to an apparent zoning violation MUSIC SIGN ' at 375 Lowell St., involving display of a sign at the International Conservatory of Music(RO district), was reviewed. It was voted that the letter be approved as written. 1 The Board reviewed notice of Bd. of Appeals hearing on the petition of CARROL,B/A John Carrol, 32 Allen St., for permission to store junked cars at the HEARING premises. Planning Board comments and recommendations on Mr. Carrol's JUNKED CARS '70, '71 and '72 petitions were noted. Mrs. Sanderson, resident of the Allen St. area, voiced approval and commented on support of the neighbors of Mr. Carrol, for granting of his petition. Following discussion, it was agreed that a draft of a letter, reflecting prior Planning Board disfavor, will be prepared for consideration of the Board on June 4, 1973. The Board voted to hold regdar meetings in June on each Monday night PL. BD. JUNE as customary. The summer schedule of the Board of Selectmen, with MTG.SCHEDULE meetings every second week in July and August, was noted. It was voted that the Planning Board will adopt a similar schedule for the two months as follows: Monday, July 2, 1973 Monday, July 16, 1973 Monday, July 30, 1973 Monday, August 13, 1973 Monday, August 27, 1973 Page 3 5.29.73 Mr. Brown, newly appointed member of Joint Arl/Lex Great Meadow Committee, reported on the May 23 meeting which had been held at Mrs. Frick's home, and gave a resume of the discussion and explanation of the effect of ARL/LEX GT. Wetland zoning on the Great Meadow. MEADOW COMM. Erik Lund met with the Board to discuss plans for possible land use of CR TRUST C-R Trust property for two office buildings. Parking requirements for office buildings and economics of construction of a structure vs. park- ing lot were discussed. It was decided that Mr. Briggs will contact Mr. McClennen, Waltham Planning Director, regarding cooperation of Waltham re provision of services and utilities to the site. Further consideration of Planning Board action on the preliminary plan was postponed pending Mr. Briggs' report on the outcome of the conference. Mr. Briggs' draft "Improvement Planning Process" was reviewed and a list of Town objectives (as requested by the Town Manager) noted. Mr. Briggs explained need for the Board's consideration of this process with res- IMPROVEMENT pect to "outside planning forces" and relationship to the Capital PLANNING Budget process. PROCESS The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m. ct `Lb4 ' Thomas F. Costello, Clerk C