HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-05-21PLANNING BOARD MEETING May 21, 1973 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman Mrs. Brown with members Graham, S. Brown, planning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendnace were L. Notkin, DAC, F. Sandy, CLC, and C. Waixel, Lexington Minute -Man. Request from the Selectmen for Planning Board authorization of reimburse- ment to the developer for extra width on Worthen Rd. in the Vinebrook II VINEBROOK II subdivision was noted and discussed. Upon a motion duly made and second-WORTHEN RD. ed, it was VOTED: REIMBURSEMENT In accordance with General Laws, Chapter 570, Acts of 1962, and Section 7.1.2 of the Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in the Town of Lexington, Mass., the Planning Board recommends that the Trustee of the Vine Brook Realty Trust, developer of the subdivision entitled Vine Brook II, be reimbursed by the Town of Lexington the amount $1,650.46, this being the unpaid remainder of the total amount originally recommended by the Planning Board as reimburse- ment for the installation of municipal services in and the construction of Worthen Road from Waltham Street southeasterly for a distance of approximately 1,053 feet at a width greater than necessary for the subdivision alone, as required by the Planning Board when the definitive plan for this subdivision was approved. This amount will be paid, as recommended by the Planning Board, from the ' funds appropriated under Art. 34 of the 1969 Annual Town Meeting. A letter will be trnasmitted to the Bd. of Selectmen informing them of this action of the Planning Board. The Board reviewed a plan submitted with Application Form A73-16 on May 11, 1973, by Ronald G. Grammont, showing land at Morgan, Jean and Aaron Roads. Wording of a notation appearing on the plan, as approved by Town Counsel, was read: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: FORM A73-16 The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated April 19,GRAMMONT 1973, by Miller & Nylander, submitted on May 11, 1973, by Ronald G. JEAN/MORGAN Grammont, showing lots 1, 2 & 3 on Jean Rd. and Morgan Road, vithr-e ROADS Application Form A73-16, requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. The plan submitted by Paul B. Lloyd with Application Form A73-17, showing land at Cedar St. was reviewed by the Board. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated May 18, FORM A73-17 1973, by Joseph W. Moore Co., Inc. showing Lot A on Cedar St., with CEDAR ST. Application Form A73-17, requires no approval under the Subdivision LLOYD Control Law. ' The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. A letter from Town Counsel, requesting Planning Board endorsement of RELEASE FROM release from Covenant of Lots 14, 15, 16 and part of 17 in Emerson COVENANT Gardens subdivision and the appropriate instrument for signatures were EMERSON GARDENS 1 Ilu page 2 5.21.73 reviewed. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the instrument as advised by the Town Counsel. Copy of a letter dated May 18, 1973, to the Lexington Housing Authority SCATTERED SITE from Frank Michelman, LCSR, was noted, encouraging formation of a sub- HOUSING SUB committee to proceed with a program for scattered site housing on tax COMMITTEE title lots. Further discussion of the matter was tabled until such time as a full Board is present. Edward Linde, John McKee of Boston Urban Assoc., and Erik Lund, attor- CR TRUST ney,met with the Board at 8 p.m. for presentation of a preliminary SUBDIVISION proposal for development at the C-R Trust land. Site plan of the pro- posed office park was shown and explained by Mr. McKee and soil conditions with respect to construction of a parking lot were discussed. Because the preliminary subdivision plan was filed before the adoption of wetland zoning, this proposal will be excluded from wetland restrictions if a definitive plan is submitted within 7 months from the date of submission of the preliminary subdivision plan. A Hatch Act permit would be needed. Lack of proximity of the site to Lexington utility facilities was dis- cussed and, since the land is in two municipalities, the possibility of provision by Waltham of water and sewer services was considered. Compen- sation to Waltham for this and estimates of percentages of tax benefits to each Town were discussed. It was decided that Mr. Briggs will have exploratory conversation with Mr. McClennen, Waltham Planning Director, regarding the abovementioned, and the proponents will again meet with the Baord following this conference. Draft of a Certificate of Action for Columbus St. subdivision was re- COLUMBUS ST. viewed. Mr. Briggs displayed revised plans showing location of build- SUBDIVISION ings and their effect on drainage flow was pointed out. It was voted that endorsement of the Certificate be postponed pending provision by the developer of a plan showing existing and proposed contour lines at the site, in compliance with "Rules & Regulations Governing the Sub- division of Land in Lexington, Mass.". Mr. Brown left the meeting at this time. Informal discussion of the following matter ensued, because of lack of a quorum. Mr. Wathen-Dunne was present to discuss H. Bill 5220, recently signed SCENIC ROADS into law, regarding "Scenic Roads" designation. A letter dated May 14, LEGISLATION 1973, signed by Joan Crothers, Spencer Lavan and Mr. Wathen-Dunne was referred to and applicability of the law to Lexington roads was dis- cussed. Mr. Wathen-Dunn offered on behalf of Mrs. Crothers and Mr. Lavan to assist the Planning Board in establishing prescribed procedures for designation of such roads in Lexington and he was informally en- couraged to consider the abovementioned (plus a member of the DAC) a committee for development of criteria and definition. Discussion of the matter will continue in the near future when a full Board is present, at which time formal appointment of the committee will be considered. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. omas F. Costello, Clerk