HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-02-05PLANNING BOARD MEETING February 5, 1973 ' The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chaisaam, Mrs. Brown with members Clarke, Costello, S. Brown, Graham, planning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were M. Gilson, LWV, F.Sandy, CLC, M. Weinmayr, DAC and C. Waixel, Lexington Minute Man. The minutes of the Planning Board meeting of Jan. 22, 1973 were MINUTES 1/22 approved as amended. The Board reviewed a plan submitted with Application Form A73-4 FORM A73-4 showing land at Rte 128/Hobbs Brook Basin. Upon a motion duly RTE12WHOBBS made and seconded, it was VOTED: BR. BASIN The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington and Waltham, Mass.", dated Jan. 25, 1973, by Schofield Brothers Inc. submitted on Jan 29, 1973, by Myron C. Roberts, Tr. for C-R Trust, requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. Mr. Briggs reported on an invitation he received from Major Rhoades,BICENTENNIAL Hanscom Field, to attend a Lexington/Concord meeting on BicentennialLEX/CONCORD related matters. A memorandum dated Jan. 31, 1973, containing MEETING details of the meeting was noted. It was agreed that since a Planning ' Board public hearing on rezoning is scheduled for the same date, Feb. 15, 1973, Mr. Briggs will be unable to participate in the meeting. Mr. Graham may attend instead. Mr. Briggs informed the Board of Mr. O'Connell's preference for Tuesday, Feb. 13 for his meeting with the Planning Board. It was agreed that the meeting will be held in the Planning Board office at 8 p.m. on that evening. The Board discussed design of Planning Board stationery, which must be ordered in the near future. It was voted that the type of stationery currently in use will be re -ordered, subject to Mr. Briggs' investi-PL. BD. STATIO] gation as to comparative price of the newly designed paper and ERY envelopes. Messrs. Mark Moore, Chas. Spaulding and Wm. Kreutzjans, Spaulding and DRUMMER Slye, met with the Board by appointment to present plans for a BOY SUBD. condominium development on the "Drummer Boy" land off Bedford St. which will require rezoning to RM. Mr. Spaulding showed an overall plan for 250 units on 62+ acres and referred to a tentative plan for access from the Bedford St./Hartwell Ave. intersection to Grove St. The developers were informed of the Planning Board concept for design of such a connector road so as to discourage its use as a major industrial road. Drainage features were shown on a topographical map. Mr. Spaulding gave comparative tax -benefit figures which would result from development of the parcel for single-family residences and for the condominium develop- ment and a fact sheet on the subject was distributed. Recreation features and parking provisions were noted. A proposal was presented to locate on a separate 11 acre parcel off Bedford St. a development of low/moderate income housing. Areas designated for Conservation land were pointed out, and the plan to donate the remaining land to the Lexington Housing Authority for a period of 5 years and, after development 1 1 page 2 2.5.73 design by the L.H.A. has been formulated, to charge a maximum of $1,000 per unit was explained. Public Hearing on rezoning of the Drummer Boy land is scheduled for Feb. 15, 1973. Dr. Clarke who had attended a meeting with the Selectmen at 8:30 p.m. SCATTERED SITE reported on L.H.A. Chairman, Temple Scanlon's report on progress of the HOUSING-LHA scattered site housing project proposed for specific tax -title lots in Lexington. The Board was informed of the vote of the Selectmen to ex- tend the 1 year moratorium on the abovementioned tax -title lots beyond March 30, 1973 to Sept. 30, 1973, at which time Mr. Scanlon will again report to the Bd. of Selectmen. The Board reviewed a preliminary subdivision plan submitted on Jan.29, 1973, for land at the Rte. 128/Rte.2 interchange in the Hobbs Brook Basin area which is on the Lexington/Waltham line. Mr. Briggs was asked to confer with the proponent, C-R Trust, concerning sewer and water provisions and road construction and design. The matter will again be considered at the Feb. 12 meeting. The February 1 Public Information Meeting on the proposed Wetland Protection rezoning Article was discussed. Methods for polling verbal questions, public reaction and information gathered by map guides was considered as well as procedure for answering written questions. Dr. Clarke reported on Mr. Nickerson's request that Board of Appeals and Planning Board members meet for an in-depth explanation of the proposed Article because of extensive involvement of the Appeals Board if rezoning occurs. CR TRUST SUBDIVISION WETLAND ART. PUBLIC INFO. MTG. The revised draft by Mr. Graham of Planning Board statement on the RTE.2 ENVIRON - Route 2 Draft Environmental Impact Statement was read by the members MENTAL IMPACT and editorial changes made. Following addition of a section referring STATEMENT to Bedford St., Mr. Graham will give the revised draft to Chairman Kenney, Board of Selectmen, and to Mr. John Wofford, BTPR Director, who has requested this information as soon as possible. Letters from the Town Engineer, dated Jan. 31, 1973, regarding BOND AMOUNTS recommended bond amounts in Idylwilde, Springdale, Emerson Gardens IDYLWILDE and Hartwell Park subdivisions were noted. It was agreed that followingSPRINGDALE conference by Mr. Briggs with Mr. McSweeney as to methods used in arriv-EMERSON GARD. ing at the figures stated, Dr. Clarke will be informed and will make HARTWELL PK. recommendations on behalf of the Planning Board as to concurrence with Mr. McSweeney's recommendations. Board of Appeals notices of hearings to be held on Feb. 20, 1973, were reviewed. It was agreed that the "Milliken Rd." and the International B/A HEARINGS Conservatory of Music petitions will be investigated and more detailed MILLIKEN RD. information obtained and assessment as to need for Planning Board commentlNT. CONS. OF on these petitions will be made on Feb. 12. MUSIC Mr. Briggs reported on the visit of John Tuttle, Scott Properties, and discussion of an alternate proposal for development of land at WellingtotvILLOW RIDGE Lane. Length of a cul-de-sac included in this plan and question as to it§UBD• actual point of origin were discussed. The meeting was adjourned at 11 p.m. ^ Thomas F. Costello, Clerk