HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-01-29PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' January 29, 1973 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman Mrs. Brown with members S. Brown, Costello, Clarke, Graham, planning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were Frank Sandy, CLC, R. Cochin, LWV, and J. Davies, DAC. The minutes of the Planning Board meeting of Jan. 15, 1973 were approved MINUTES 1/15/7: as amended. Mr. Walker,Eco-Systems, was present to present a draft of a summary of MUNROE BR.STUD7 the Munroe Brook Area Study, for approval of the Board prior to its SUMMARY printing. Mr. Brown recommended approval of the draft based on his previous review. Following review by other members, approval was voted. Discussion continued as to distribution of the 300 copies of the summary. It was decided that it will be sent by mail to present Town Meeting member as soon as received and to newly elected Town Meeting members,following the March 5th, election. Investigation will be made as to cost of an add- itional 100 copies. The Board reviewed a plan submitted with Form A73-3, by Mr. H.S.B. White FORM A73-3 of Benjamin Franklin Homes, Inc., showing 160 + acres between Maple and GREEN & WHITE Woburn streets. Mrs. Brown reported on the Town Counsel's recommendation MAPLE/WOBURN that the plan be endorsed by the Board. Upon a motion duly made and STREETS seconded, it was VOTED: ' The plan entitled "Compiled Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated Jan. 19, 1973, byMacCarthy Engineering Service, Inc., submitted on Jan. 19, 1973, by H.S.B. White of Benjamin Franklin Homes, Inc., requires no approval under the Sub- division Control Law. The secretary was instructed to record in the minutes that, upon advice of Town Counsel, the endorsement of the Planning Board confers no additional status to ways shown on this plan. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. Mr. Briggs reported on his conference with Mr. McSweeney, Town Engineer, EMERSON GARD. regarding recommendations as to amount of bonding for Emerson Gardens BOND subdivision. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To accept the recommendation of John J. McSweeney, Town Engineer, (made verbally) to reduce the requested amount of bond necessary to ensure completion of work on Emerson and Bryant roads in the Emerson Gardens subdivision from $16,000 to $80000. Mr. Briggs was instructed to inform the Town Counsel of this action of the Board. The preliminary plan for the Columbus St. subdivision and letters of COLUMBUS ST. recommendation on the plan from the Town Engr., dated Jan. 11, 1973, SUBDIVISION and the Board of Health, dated Jan. 26, 1973, were reviewed. The design ' of a hammerhead turnaround was discussed and it was noted that the Town Engineer did not object to the design. It was voted that the applicant will be advised of the abovementinned recommendations, and after filing of revised definitive plans, date of a public hearing on the subdivision will be set. page 2 1.29.73 ' The Board discussed plans for the Public Information Meeting on the,mro- WETLAND ART. posed Wetland Protection Article. Town Counsel's suggested revisions of PUBLIC INFO. wording of the text of Articles 78 and 79 was reviewed and several MTG. changes agreed upon. Copies of the articles, Mr. Downe's statement on criteria for determination of wetland boundaries, an explanation of the philosophy of Wetland Zoning and copies of a 1972 Supreme Court decision in the "Dedham Case", will be reproduced for distribution at the February 1 Public Information Meeting. Mr. Briggs' report based on notes taken at the Jan. 8 meeting re impact ALTERATION on Lexington of alterations to Rtes. 2 & 128 was reviewed, and revisions RTES. 2 & 128 were suggested and made. Mr. Graham agreed to prepare a redraft which will include referees to Bedford St. and the sanitary landfill area for review of the Board on February 5. House Bill #1208, proposing requirement for underground installation of high tension wires was read. Mr. Costello reported on his meeting with the Board of Selectmen earlier in the evening during its discussion of support of the bill, and the Selectmen's vote to support the bill in amended form. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that the Planning Board will support House Bill 1208 with the amendment that only those wires within view of the Minute Man National Historic Park be concerned (a distance of approximately 2000 ft.). Mr. Briggs informed the Board that Mr. O'Connell had requested a ' special meeting with the Planning Board and that he be informed in advance of the agenda. Mr. Briggs was instructed to suggest February 6 or 13 for this meeting. HIGH TENSION WIRES The Board voted to schedule regular Planning Board meetings on each PLANNING BD. Monday during the month of February. The Town Clerk will be informed of MEETING SCHED. this action. M r. Briggs reported on suggestion by the developer of "Hartwell Park" for naming of the road within the subdivision. Following discussion it was voted that the street be named Hartwell Place. The developer is to be informed of this decision. A plan for development of land at Wellington La. presented by John Tuttle, Scott Properties, was discussed briefly. Mrs. Sanderson, resident, of the area, questioned plans for road construction. Mr. Briggs reported on hisWILLOW RIDGE investigation and site review. Town Counsel will be asked for opinion as SUBDIVISION to the status of the 1913 plan, which is the basis of Mr. Tuttle's proposal. Mr. Briggs reported on his investigation and site review. At 10 p.m. upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To go into executive session for discussion of matters the dis- closure of which could adversely affect the financial interests EXEC. SESSION of the Town. Following discussion with the Town Counsel of revision of wording of the WETLAND ART. Wetland Protection Article text, open session was resumed and the meeting was adjourned at 11:20 p.m. r- 1 Thomas F. Costello, Clerk