HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-10-30r J [J PLANNING BOARD October 30, 1972 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman Mrs. Brown with members Clarke, Costello, S. Brown and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were R. Cochin, L.W.V., T. Holzbog, D.A.C., and C. Waixel, Lexington Minute -Man. The Board reviewed the request by Alfred C. Tropeano, dated Oct. 27, 1972, for extension of time on Hartwell Park subdivision. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To extend to November 28, 1972, inclusive, the time within which the Lexington Planning Board must act on the definitive sub- division plan entitled "Hartwell Park", dated May 23, 1972, re- vised October 18, 1972. A letter notifying the Town Clerk of this action was signed by members of the Board. Mrs. Brown informed the Board of cancellation of Mr. Bellizia's appointment for Oct. 30, 1972. Mr. Bellizia has abandoned plans for expansion of Pine Meadows Golf Club because of inadequate area for a driving range. Mr. Brown reported on his conference on October 25, 1972, with Mr. Donald Yonika, Eco -Systems, and Mr. Downe, at which time comments and suggestions of the Planning Board for revision of the draft of the site study of the Munroe Brook Meadow area were relayed to Mr. Yonika. Because of additional time requested by Mr. Yonika to implement these changes, the Board discussed extension of time for final approval by the Planning Board and delivery date by Eco -Systems. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To alter the schedule as stated in the Eco-Systems/Planning Board letter of Sept. 27, 1972, as discussed on Wednesday, Oct.25,1972, by Stanley A. Brown on behalf of the Planning Board and Donald Yonika for Eco -Systems. The new schedule will be as follows: Nov. 17, 1972 - date of final approval by Planning Board Nov. 24, 1972, completion date of printed report HARTWELL PARK EXTENSION PINE MEADOWS GOLF CLUB MUNROE BROOK STUDY ECO- SYSTEMS SCHEDULE A letter received on October 30, 1972, from Mr. Harmon White, principal GREEN & WHITE land owner in the Munroe Brook Meadow area, requesting opportunity to review the abovementioned draft before final Planning Board approval was noted. The Board voted to accede to this request and Mr. Brown will contact Mr. White to arrange for transmittal of the draft. The members considered the Planning Board meeting schedule for the coming month. It was agreed that regular meetings will be held on Monda7#METING SCHED, of each week in November. The Board reviewed the revised draft of a letter to the Selectmen, re- sponding to their request of Sept. 7, 1972 for Planning Board comments on recommendations of the Arlington/Lexington Great Meadows Study Committee. Mrs. Brown reported on Conservation Commission concurrence with the content of the draft. After several editorial changes the Board approved the letter for transmittal to the Selectmen, copy to be sent to the Conservation Committee. GREAT MEADOWS - 2 - Previous and future plans for additional parking facilities in the Central Business District were reviewed. The Board considered pro- cedures for encouragement of Town Meeting approval of extension of the Meriam St./RR parking lot. Mr. Holzbog agreed to collaborate with Mr. Downe in obtaining cost estimates for construction of a parking structure in CBD and Mrs. Brown will confer with Mr. O'Connell and Mr. Kenney re progress in installation of meters at the RR tracks, behind the Woolworth Bldg. and neighboring stores. The Board reviewed a draft of a letter by Mr. Costello to the Town Counsel with respect to actions of the Planning Board on plans sub- mitted for endorsement which do not require approval under the Sub- division Control Law. Following suggestions for editorial changes it was voted to approve the letter as amended. A memorandum received October 18, 1972, from Roland Greeley, Lexington Bicentennial Commission, regarding Planning Board policy on family camping areas was noted. Following discussion as to procedures for arriving at a policy it was agreed that Mr. Downe will be asked for advice and infor- mation on areas of concern for the Planning Board and on plans formuhted by Concord on this subject. It was suggested that a discussion meeting of the Planning, Appeals and Health Boards (with Mr. Greeley in attendance) be scheduled followed by a Public Information Meeting. A letter from Mr. Paul Farace, Mugar Group, dated Oct. 20,1972, regarding the zoning violation at Star Market parking lot was read. Mr. Brown agreed to inspect the chain barrier described in the letter. Copy of a letter of request to lease Town land for a driving range to the Selectmen from the Lexington Golf Club, dated October 6, 1972, and the response from the Selectmen, dated Oct. 17, 1972, was read. A memo dated Oct. 17 from the Selectmen, requesting the advisory opinion of the Planning Board on the matter was noted. Discussion followed as to the desirability and legal aspects of such land use and traffic impact on the Hill/Cedar streets area. Mr. Brown agreed to draft a letter based on the discussion for consideration of the Board at the November 6th. meeting. CBD PARKING FORM A TOWN COUNSEL RULING BICENTENNIAL CAMPING BICENTENNIAL CONCORD PLANS STAR MARKET LEX. GOLF CLUB ' Mrs. Brown reported on the Conservation Commission request for a REFERENDUM Planning Board statement in favor of Referendum questions #1 QUESTIONS 1&5 (Farmland Assessment) and #5 (environmental Bill of Rights). The Planning Board unamimously voted affirmative: support regarding these two questions. Mr. Downe's written report on his conversation with the A draft by Mr. Downe of conditions, for future use in the Certificate ' of Action for Hartwell Park subdivision, was reviewed and amended HARTWELL PARK editorially. Mr. Costello reported on the October 19 meeting of SILC and discussion BICENTENNIAL of sources for funding of a study on regional transportation needs in TRANSPORTATION the Bicentennial years. Minutes of the SILC meeting of Sept. 21,1972, were noted. Previous and future plans for additional parking facilities in the Central Business District were reviewed. The Board considered pro- cedures for encouragement of Town Meeting approval of extension of the Meriam St./RR parking lot. Mr. Holzbog agreed to collaborate with Mr. Downe in obtaining cost estimates for construction of a parking structure in CBD and Mrs. Brown will confer with Mr. O'Connell and Mr. Kenney re progress in installation of meters at the RR tracks, behind the Woolworth Bldg. and neighboring stores. The Board reviewed a draft of a letter by Mr. Costello to the Town Counsel with respect to actions of the Planning Board on plans sub- mitted for endorsement which do not require approval under the Sub- division Control Law. Following suggestions for editorial changes it was voted to approve the letter as amended. A memorandum received October 18, 1972, from Roland Greeley, Lexington Bicentennial Commission, regarding Planning Board policy on family camping areas was noted. Following discussion as to procedures for arriving at a policy it was agreed that Mr. Downe will be asked for advice and infor- mation on areas of concern for the Planning Board and on plans formuhted by Concord on this subject. It was suggested that a discussion meeting of the Planning, Appeals and Health Boards (with Mr. Greeley in attendance) be scheduled followed by a Public Information Meeting. A letter from Mr. Paul Farace, Mugar Group, dated Oct. 20,1972, regarding the zoning violation at Star Market parking lot was read. Mr. Brown agreed to inspect the chain barrier described in the letter. Copy of a letter of request to lease Town land for a driving range to the Selectmen from the Lexington Golf Club, dated October 6, 1972, and the response from the Selectmen, dated Oct. 17, 1972, was read. A memo dated Oct. 17 from the Selectmen, requesting the advisory opinion of the Planning Board on the matter was noted. Discussion followed as to the desirability and legal aspects of such land use and traffic impact on the Hill/Cedar streets area. Mr. Brown agreed to draft a letter based on the discussion for consideration of the Board at the November 6th. meeting. CBD PARKING FORM A TOWN COUNSEL RULING BICENTENNIAL CAMPING BICENTENNIAL CONCORD PLANS STAR MARKET LEX. GOLF CLUB ' Mrs. Brown reported on the Conservation Commission request for a REFERENDUM Planning Board statement in favor of Referendum questions #1 QUESTIONS 1&5 (Farmland Assessment) and #5 (environmental Bill of Rights). The Planning Board unamimously voted affirmative: support regarding these two questions. Mr. Downe's written report on his conversation with the - 3 - ' Jas. Sewell Co. regarding addition of lot lines on the photo- grammetric maps was reviewed, and quoted price and proposed LOT LINES methods were discussed. It was suggested that a draftsman PHOTOGR.MAPS might be hired to manually perform this task. Dr. Clarke re- quested copies of 2 assessors maps and corralated photo- grammetric map for a trial of this method to establish its feasibility. Mr. Brown reported on his efforts to obtain information re- SANITARY LAND- garding progress of the Engineering Dept. study of the FILL STUDY sanitary landfill area. Lexington Minute -Man report on the request of the Town Manager for transfer of funds to underwrite the study was noted. Mr. Brown agreed to confer with Mr. McSweeney, Dir, of Public Works, and Mr. Furash, Chairman of the Appropriations Comm., about the possibility of coordination of Planning Board study of Tophet Swamp (under AYT.82) with the proposed Engr. Dept.study. A draft R.F.Q. by Mr. Zaleski for Tophet Swamp study was given to Mr. Brown. Mrs. Brown reported on the meeting on October 26, 1972, of Department heads and Chairmen of Boards with Mr. O'Connell and Town Counsel Norman Cohen for a comprehensive report on new HATCH ACT Hatch Act legislation and advise of the Town Counsel as to pro- cedures and administration. Dr. Clarke, who attended the Mass. Fed. of Planning Boards meeting in Amherst on Oct. 14, 1972, ' for discussion of the same subject matter, also reported. Mrs. Brown reported on the October 24 meeting of the Conversation PL. BD. Commission and told of the Commission's request for Planning ATTENDANCE Board representation at all meetings. It was decided that pre- CONS. COMM. paration and content of an article for the 1973 Warrant for wetland protection will be discussed at the Nov. 4, 1972 meeting of the Planning Board. A joint meeting of the Conversation Commission and the Planning Board will be scheduled following the 11/6 meeting. firs. Brown informed the Board of support of the Commission regarding the Planning Board request for additional staff (Junior Planner) and will informally confer with Messrs. Kenney and O'Connell during the forthcoming week on the matter. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To go into executive session for discussion of matters the EXEC. SESSION disclosure of which could affect the reputation of any person or the financial interests of the Town. Following discussion regarding Planning Board staff and matters pertaining to land acquisition, the meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m. Thomas F. Costello, Clerk 1