HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-09-15PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' September 15, 1972 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by the chairman, Mrs. Brown with members Clarke, Graham, secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were Michael Weinmayr, DAC and Cheryl Waixel, Lexington Minuteman. The Board reviewed a plan submitted by Harvey Duffy, with application Form A72-28, showing lots 248, 249 and 250 at Barrett Rd. Upon a motion duly FORM A72-28 made and seconded, it was VOTED: BARRETT RD. FFY The plan entitled "A Subdivision of Land Court Case #23539, Land in Lexing- ton, Mass." dated July 31, 1972, by Miller and Nylander, showing lots 2489 249 and 250 at Barrett Rd. requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. A note on the plan indicated that Lot 249 is to be conveyed to the owner of Lot 248. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. Mrs. Brown reported on her telephone conversation on Sept. 14, 19721, with CENTRE ESTATES Mr. Charles Spaulding, proponent of Centre Estates preliminary subdivision plan, at which time he was informed of Planning Board decision to disapprove the plan at the meeting of Sept. 18, 1972, unless the developers intend to withdraw the plan. Mr. Downe's draft of a letter informing the developer of disapproval and enumerating reasons for such action, was reviewed, amend- ed and will be re -typed for consideration of the Board on Monday, Sept. 18. The members were informed of the tblephone call to the Planning Board office from Mr. Wm. Kreuttjans, Project Mgr., Spaulding & Slye, on Sept. 14, 1972, and decision of the applicant to withdraw the aforementioned plans. Written confirmation of this withdrawal has not yet been received in the Planning Board office. Review of "Hartwell Park" subdivision plans followed. The Board considered disapproval of the plan due to insufficient time in which to evaluate HARTWELL PARK additional data and information not yet received and for review by the Town Counsel before expiration of the 60 day time period after submission of the plans. Mrs. Brown read a list of information and material to be deliv- ered to the Planning Board from the developers, Mass. Port Authority, Shawsheen Watershed Assoc., Conservation Commission and indicated which of these docu- ments and other communication have been received to date. Road location and construction features of the proposed cul-de-sac were reviewed and a map pre- pared by Mr. Downs showing land contours in color, was exhibited. A letter from Mr. McSweeney, Town Engr., dated Sept. 13, 1972, commenting on revised August 28, 1972, Hartwell Park plans and Mr. Downe's comments on the letter, noting two new requests by the Town Engr., were reviewed. Reference to Mr. Brownell's February 1971 letter was made and its applicabilit#=;to the Hartwell Park plans re compensatory water storage was considered. A letter from Mr. Heustis, Health Director, dated Sept. 5, 1972, was noted. Mr. Heustis will be asked for clarification of his letter and additional comments on the revised Hartwell Park plans. Mrs. Brown informed the Board of the advice of Mr. W. Arcese, representing the Tenn. Gas. Transmission Co., (whose easement crosses the parcel over the proposed road) that the developers must comply with DPU regulations. Following discussion of several possible reasons for disapproval of the plans, Page 2 9.15.72 it was agreed that the developer will be contacted by Mrs. Brown and informed ' of these areas of concern and Planning Board requirement for additional HARTWELL PARK information. Mrs. Brown will suggest that an extension of time be request#cont'd) ed by the developer. Conservation Comm. letter, dated 8/28/72, to DNR re Hartwell Park plans was read in part by the chairman. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. "044-"�� Donald M. Graham, Clerk 1 1