HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-09-05PLANNING BOARD MEETING September 5, 1972 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by the chairman Mrs. Brown with members Graham, Clarke, Costello, S. Brown, interim planning director Downe and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were Michael Weinmayr, DAC, Frank Sandy, CLC and Cheryl Waixel, Lexington Minute -Man. The minutes of Planning Board meeting of August 28, 1972, were approved as MINUTES 8/28/72 written. It was decided that a letter of appreciation will be written to Allan Ennis former summer planning intern, by Mrs. Brown on behalf of the Board. ALLAN ENNIS The Board reviewed a plan submitted by Concord Ave. Realty Corp. with appli- cation Form A72-26 showing land at Spring St. including Parcel A which is to be deeded to the Town for Conservation. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: FORM A72-26 The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated July 31, SPRING ST. 1972, submitted on August 31, 1972, by Concord Ave. Realty Corp. CONCORD AVE. showing land on Spring St., Parcel A, and lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, requires REALTY CORP. no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. A plan submitted by F. Lawrence Doherty with application Form A72-27, show- ing Lot A, Lot B and Parcel 24 at Patterson Rd. was reviewed by the Board. Following discussion as to inadequate information regarding the intent of the applicant and upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: The plan entitled a "Compiled Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", FORM A72-27 dated March 8, 1972, by Miller & Nylander, submitted on Sept. 1, PATTERSON RD. 1972, by F. Lawrence Doherty with application form A72-27, showing Lot A, Lot B and Lot 24 at Patterson Rd. requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. Mr. Graham abstained and Mrs. Brown voted in opposition. The plan was then endorsed by a majority of the Board. Mr. Wayne Barber, president of Creative Environments, Inc. met with the FLINTLOCK Board at 8:00 p.m. to present in concept a proposal for approximately 175 PROPOSAL, W. condominium units on 33 acres of land at the corner of Hartwell Ave. and BARBER Wood St., on which he has an option which will expire in July, 1973. Mr. Barber has not yet developed any layouts, but described his current plans for density and design in contrast to his 1971 "Flintlock" proposal for this same land. Rezoning to RM would be necessary. Mr. Barber inquired wheth or the Planning Board would support such an RM proposal at the March Town Meet- ing under the following conditions: 1. Density overall would average 6 to 7 units per acre rather than the much higher figure possible under RH limitations. A landowner restriction in the deed to Creative Environments, limiting density for any RM develop- ment to a specific agreed figure would protect the Town from the threat of resale of rezoned land to a different developer who would otherwise not be bound by the promised density limit. Page 2 9.5.72 2. Some low and moderate income housing would be provided by the developer's FLINTLOCK conveyance of a number of units (possibly 15X), scattered through the com- (cont'd) ' plex, to a non-profit condominium owners' association, "Flintlock Trust", who would lease these dwellings to qualified tenants under an agreement with the Lexington Housing Authority. Costs of maintaining these units and of membership privileges for these tenants would be absorbed by the association. The purchase agreement for a condominium sold to a private owner would in- clude these responsibilities for the low and moderate income units. Mr. Costello felt that the landowner deed restriction might constitute il- legal "contract zoning", and that a 6-7 unit per acre density would be too high. The other members of the Board expressed willingness to support an article for RM rezoning for this land if the conditions described could be met with an otherwise satisfactory design. Messrs. Mark Moore, Jr. and Charles Spaulding, proponents of "Centre CENTRE ESTATES Estates" subdivision, met with the Board at 8:30 p.m. by invitation for MOORE, SPAULDIN discussion of possible revision of the preliminary plan of the subdivision SLYE regarding accesses and proposed construction in a wet area at the site. Maps showing existing and proposed contours, watershed area and alternate layout deisgas were reviewed. Planning Board concern was expressed regard- ing the proposed grade crossing, length of culs-de-sac, and drainage or water storage problems resulting from development of the low wet area. Legality of a subdivision plan, dated 1912, considered as possible basis for combination of the 60' lots shown thereon into 120' lots was discussed and the developers agreed to obtain opinion on the current legal status of the plan from their attorneys. A memorandum by Mr. Downs, dated August 31, ' 1972, on cul-de-sac length requirements in other towns was noted. Dis- cussion continued as to possible redesign of the subdivision plan in a manner practical for the developers and acceptable to the Planning Board. The Board continued discussion of the subdivision plan later in the evening. Drainage problems at the site relative to downstream flooding and the need for a holding area rather than ditch for drainage were considered. Notes by Allan Ennis on reasons for possible disapproval of the Centre Estates preliminary plan were read by Mr. Downs, who will draft a letter of Planning Board disapproval of the preliminary plan, for use if the Board votes to disapprove. The Board reviewed a preliminary outline prepared by Mrs. Brown and Dr. CBD PARKING Clarke (and reflecting suggestions by Richard Michelson, Chamber of Commerce) with attached memo by Alexander V. Zaleski, 4.7.72, to be used by the mem- bers in discussion with the Selectmen on September 11th of parking in the Lexington Central Business District. Mrs. Brown requested that the mem- bers review the outline and inform her or the Planning Board office of any suggested revisions on September 7th. Revised copies will be transmitted to the members and the Selectmen prior to the September 11th meeting. Sec. IV of the outline (Planning Board/policy positions) was reviewed and amended. Mr. Weinmayr, DAC, was given a copy of the outline. It was decided that the DAC representative scheduied for attendance at Planning Board meetings will be sent copies of all agenda material which is mailed to Board members on Friday of each week. I Mr. Walter O'Connell, Town Manager, joined the meeting at 9:45 p.m. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To go into executive session for discussion of matters the disclosure EXEC. SESSION of which could adversely affect the reputation of any person. Following discussion regarding Planning Board personnel, open session was Page 3 9.5.72 at 10:25 p.m. ' A memorandum from Allan Ennis, dated Sept. 1, 1972, was reviewed regard- HARTWELL AVE. ing location of the proposed Hartwell Ave. connector road with respect to CONNECTOR RD. the "Hartwell Park"•,subdivision plan (hearing Sept. 11, 1972). A letter to Comm. Brownell from the Conservation Commission, dated August 29, 1972, ex- pressing concern of the Commission with respect to issuance of a Hatch Act permit was noted. A letter from Chairman Kenney, Bd. of Selectmen, to Commissioner Campbell. State DPW, dated May 23, 1972, regarding plans for a limited connector road at Hartwell Ave. was read by the Chairman. Mr. Cos- tello agreed to contact Mr. Caswell, SILC Chairman, and Mrs. Brown will con- tact Mr. Giezentanner, MAPC, in an effort to obtain current information on the connector road plans. A letter from Mr. McSweeney, Town Eng neer, dated August 18, 1972, with comments on the subdivision plans was reviewed. A copy of this letter will be sent to the developer, with cover letter by Mrs. Brown, prior to the public hearing on Sept. llth. Period of time within which the Planning Board must act on the subdivision was noted, and possibility of re- quest by the developer for extension of time was briefly discussed. Mrs. Brown reported on conversation with Mr. O'Connell relative to submission of Planning Board Capital Expense budget items and the need for additional personnel in the Planning Board office The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 p.m. 1 Dold M. Graham, Clerk 1