HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-08-28PLANNING BOARD MEETING August 28, 1972 ' The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by the chairman Mrs. Brown with members Costello, Clarke, Graham, interim planning director Downe, planning intern Ennis and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were C. Waixel, Lexington Minute -Man and M. Weinmayr, DAC. A report by Allan Ennis, dated Aug. 28, 1972, on the July 26, 1972 meeting TRAFFIC COMM of the Traffic Committee was noted. MTG. 7/26/72 Mr. Ennis informed the Board of his new position with the Lower Pioneer Valley Regional Planning Commission in Springfield, which will commence on September 4, 1972, in conjunction with a special program at the Univ. of Mass. The members expressed thanks and appreciation to Mr. Ennis for his excellent performance and work in the Planning Board office during the summer months. Minutes of the Planning Board meeting of July 19, 1972, were approved as MINUTES written. 7/19/72 Minutes of the meeting of July 24, 1972, were approved as amended. MINUTES 7/24/72 The Board considered the written request, dated August 14, 1972, of SPRINGDALE Donald Jenkins, Jr., President of Jenkins Realty, Inc. for extension of ESTATES,TIME ' time within which the Planning Board must act on Springdale Estates sub- EXTENSION division. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To extend the time required for Planning Board action on the definitive plan for Springdale Estates subdivision, dated July 13, 1969, to January 23, 1973, as requested by the applicant, Jenkins Realty, Inc. A letter informing the Town Clerk of this action of the Board was signed by the members A letter from Leonard Notkin, dated August 7, 1972, reporting the nomi- DAC NEW nation of three members to the Design Advisory Committee and the appoint- MEMBERS ment of Tom Holzbog as chairman for the current year, was reviewed. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To appoint John Davies, Michael Weinmayr and Robert Bowyer as members of the Design Advisory Committee, as nominated by the Design Advisory Group at their annual meeting on June 1, 1972, and as recommended to us in a letter dated August 7, 1972, from Leonard Notkin. A schedule for the coming year of D.A.C. member representation at Planning Board meeting was noted. The September meeting schedule of the Planning Board was considered. It PLANNING BD. was agreed by the members to meet on Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1972, of Labor Day MTG. SCHEDULI week. A letter informing the Town Clerk of the September meeting schedule ' was signed by the chairman. Definitive plans for Hartwell Park subdivision, submitted on July 31, 1972,HARTWELL PARI were reviewed by the Board. A Hatch Act hearing,held on August 21, 1972, SUBDIVISION and concern of the Conservation Commission regarding inadequate information with respect to drainage at the site were referred to. Areas proposed for Page 2 9/28/72 cutting and filling and cul-de-sac access were pointed out on the plans. HARTWELL PK. ' It was agreed that the Conservation Commission will be invited to meet SUBDIVISION with the Board for discussion of drainage problems prior to the Planning Board public hearing on the subdivision which is scheduled for Sept.11,1972. 1 1 A letter to Comm. Campbell, State DPW, from Mr. Kenney, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, dated May 23, 1972, regarding revised plans for a limited Hartwell Ave./Rte. 128 connector road was referred to with respect to the possibility of the road's location on the Hartwell Park site. A letter containing comments of the Dir. of Public Works, Mr. McSweeney, dated August 18, 1972, on the subdivision plans was noted. A copy of this letter was delivered to the Conservation Commission and copies will be reproduced for Planning Board members. Further discussion of technical points of the plan was tabled pending in- vestigation regarding the connector road and conference with the Conser- vation Commission. HARTWELL AVE CONNECTOR RD, Mr. and Mrs. Samoylenko, proponents of "Lexington Mews", scheduled for LEXINGTON Board of Appeals hearing on Sept. 5, 1972, met with the Board to present MEWS,BD. OF revised plans for construction at 10-12 Muzzey St. Mrs. Samoylenko in- APPEALS formed the members of her request for opening in a Town fence at the bound- ary of the Town parking lot and the rear of her property as egress and told of locations of the tenants and operations in the proposed building. A portion of the Board of Appeals denial of the Samoylenko petition at a hearing on August 1, 1972, was read by the chairman and further explanation of reasons for the denial were given by Mrs. Samoylenko. It was agreed by the members that Mrs. Brown and Dr. Clarke will prepare and send a letter to the Appeals Board expressing Planning Board approval of the revised proposal. Mr. Donald Yonkia, Eco -Systems, met with the Board at 8:30 to give a verbal progress report on the site study of the Monroe Brook area under Art. 82, ECO -SYSTEMS 1972 A.T.M. Mr. Weinmayr, DAC, was given a resume of the purposes of Art. PROGRESS 82 and it was deicded that one membe of the DAC (as yet undpecified) will REPORT be kept informed of progress throughout the entire study. Mr. Weinmayr was given a copy of the Eco-Systems/Planning Board contract for the study and will be present at an August 31st daytime meeting of Mr. Yonika and Mr. Downe. Mr. Yonika reported on the "inventory stage" of the study now being conducted including work by a geologist, biologist and ecologist and displayed working maps showing vegetation types, elevation of ground water table, locations of water stations establishing areas of highest pollution and an aerial photo of the area. Brief remarks on types of wildlife and vegetation, soil samples and erodability were made. A 1970 preliminary subdivision plan for 200+ lots in the Monroe Brook area will be given to the consultant. Water quality samples at high flow conditions will be taken after heavy rain. Mr. Yonika estimated that 30% of the work specified in the contract has been completed. This fact finding and preliminary analysis will be used as basis for the final analysis as to amount of development recommended and its impact on the site. Mr. Yonika will attend the Planning Board meeting on Sept 18, 1972, to make f urther progress reports. n 1 1 Page 3 x/28/72 Preliminary plans submitted on July 25, 19729 by M. Moore/Spaulding & Slye for "Centre Estates" subdivision on land off Bedford St. were re- CENTRE ESTATES viewed. A contour map prepared by Allan Ennis showing watershed area, MOORE,SPAULDIN( a contour map prepared as per the proposed "Centre Estates" plan, and & SLYE alternate subdivision designs by Mr. Downe and Mr. Ennis were shown. A grade crossing over RR tracks on the parcel as planned by the develop- ers was discussed as opposed to longer culs-de-sac as an alternative. A 1912 plan of a formerly proposed subdivision was examined and it was suggested that it be used as basis for a revision of the current proposal. Realtor Couette and Atty. Atkins, representing Mr. Rosa, Brigham Rd. resident, Mr. Stepanian and Mr. Byrne, residents of Carol Lane, were present during the discussion of the subdivision plan. The developers are to be requested to meet with the Planning Board at the earliest possible date for discussion of drainage problems at the site and possible alternative layout designs. The Board reviewed the matter of undeveloped lots on Denver St. on a DENVER ST. portion of the street which considered as a "paper" street. Mr. Ennis informed the Board that Mrs. Walsh, owner of one of the lots, had visited the Planning Board office during the previous week and stated her ob- jections to the status of her lot as unbuildable after having paid betterments for sewer line in front of the lot. History of Denver St. as a "paper" street, Planning Board 1968 disapproval of "Denver St." sub- division plan, and reasons for decisions regarding the status as unaccepted private way of a portion of Denver St. were discussed and the 1968 sub- division plan (withdrawn by developer Compagnone) was viewed. It was de- cided that Mr. Ennis and Mr. Downe will communicate with Mr. McSweeney, Dir. of Public Works, on the situation and request his opinion as to resolution of the matter. At 10:40 p.m., upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: EXECUTIVE To go into executive session for discussion of matters, the disclosure SESSION of which could adversely affect the reputation of any person. Messrs. Downe and Ennis and Ms. Snow were excused from further attendance at the meeting at this time. Following discussion involving Planning Board procedures, open session was resumed and the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 p.m. Donald M. Graham, Clerk