HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-24PLANNING BOARD MEETING July 24, 1912 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman, Mrs. Brown with members Costello, Graham, Clarke, interim planning director Downe, planning intern Ennis and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Copy of a letter from Dr. Kassler, chairman of the Conservation Commission,MIN. MAN .to Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical High School District Committee, R.V.T. HIGH dated July 21, 1972, was noted. The committee was advised of a "Hatch Act"SCHOOL hearing to be held on July 31, 1972, regarding filling of wetlands at the HATCH ACT site of the proposed school. Minutes of the Planning Board hearing of July 10, 1972, were reviewed. Mr. Graham informed the members that construction of "Burlington Plaza" be on Cambridge St., Burlington, not on Middlesex Tpk., Burlington, as ported in "Commerce Digest" and quoted in the minutes. It was voted to approve the July 10, 1972, minutes as corrected. will re - MINUTES 7/10 The minutes of Planning Board meeting of July 17, 1972, were approved as amended. MINUTES 7/17 Suggestions were made action of Town boards scheduled for July 25, by Alexander Zaleski, of personnel in other ence to discussion of this interaction. as to areas and implementation of increased inter- INTERACTION and committees, subject for discussion at a meeting TOWN AGENCIES 1972, which Dr. Clarke will attend. A memorandum dated June 2, 1972, containing statistics on number town planning board offices was referred to in refer - need for additional staff necessary to facilitate Messrs. Charles Spaulding and Wm. Kreutzjans, of Spaulding and Slye Corp. CENTRE ESTA25 met with the Board to present preliminary plans for subdivision into 44 SPAULDING & lots, land at Bedford St. on which they propose construction of a single- SLYE family -house development, in partnership with Mark Moore, Jr. Proposed relocation along B&M RR tracks of the North Lexington Brook was pointed out and areas which would be filled were indicated. The Board questioned the plan for a grade crossing over the tracks and suggestion was made that a pedestrian crossing at that point was preferred. Applicability of the "Hatch Act" in regard to filling of wetland and proposed relocation of theHATCH ACT brook was discussed and the developers were encouraged to apply for a per- mit prior to submission of definitive plans in 60 days. Reference was made to the letter of Feb. 12, 1971, from Commissioner ARtbur W. Brownell, DNR, re construction within watershed of North Lexington Brook. Copies of two reports from Haley & Aldrich, dated 2/25/72 and 3/9/72 to the developers on soil conditions at the site were given to the Board. Mr. Spaulding re- quested informal conditional Planning Board approval of the layout plans for "Centre Estates" prior to Hatch Act hearing. After examination of photogrammetric map of the area, the Board requested that the developers supply alternative layout plans which accommodate the North Lexington Brook in its natural course. The developers will proceed with application to the Conservation Commission for Hatch Act hearing and will return in early September for further discussion of the matter with the Planning Board following conference with Dr. Kassler, chariman of the Conservation Comm. Page 2 7/24/72 Mr. Costello referred to para. 3.4 of "Rules & Regulations Governing IDYLWILDE the Subdivision of Land in Lexington, Mass." and made a suggestion in- volving higher density in a portion of the site and deeding of the wetland for conservation. It was voted that the Town Counsel will be requested by letter for an interpretation of the abovementioned subsection. Mr. Ennis informed the Board of interest of several developers in lot 157 COLUMBUS ST. at Columbus St. which is for sale. A sketch of the parcel was shown and subdivision of the lot involving construction of access road and permanent turnaround was discussed. Mr. Murray McMillen, father of the owner of the land and owner of the abutting lot (also for sale), was present. The Board agreed that if more than one house is to be built on lot 157, an access road and permanent turnaround to provide legal frontage will be necessary. A letter from the Board of Selectmen, dated July 11, 1972, requesting LCSR Planning Board recommendations for appointments to LCSR was read by the APPOINTMENTS chairman. It was voted to recommend that Eric T. Clarke be designated as the representative of the Planning Board to the Lexington Commission on Suburban Responisbility. The Board also voted to recommend that the Lexington representative to the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (current- ly Lois W. Brown) continue to be a member of the LCSR. A letter will be written by Dr. Clarke informing the Selectmen of these recommendations. Mr. Downe reported to the Board on progress relative to the Monroe Brook MONROE BR. Meadows area site study. Acknowledgement to unsuccessful bidders and a AREA SITE ' letter informing Eco -Systems, (successful bidder) of names and telephone STUDY numbers of Planning Board contacts, signed by Mr. Brown, were noted. An Eco-Systems/Planning Board contract, drafted in letter form by Mr. Downs, was reviewed. The form of the contract, acceptable to Eco -Systems and to ECO -SYSTEMS the Town Manager, was approved by the Board. Upon a motion duly made and CONTRACT seconded, it was voted to accept the proposal of Eco -Systema and the con- tract was signed on behalf of the Board by Mrs. Brown. Eco -Systems has agreed to resubmit their proposal, which is considered to be a part of the aforementioned contract, omitting reference to breakdown of the budget by categories of employees. After signature by Eco -Systems of the contract, copies will be sent to the Town Manager and the Comptroller. A time schedule for progress reports (included in the contract) was noted. Members will re- ceive copies of the schedule and Mr. Downe will be in communication with Eco -Systems on a weekly basis regarding progress of the study. The Board reviewed the draft of Planning Board report to the Appeals Board INTERFAITH on the application of Lexington Interfaith Corp. A cover letter was reviewed and, after amendment, was signed by the majority of the Board. A minority REPT. TO statement to accompany the report will be written and signed by Mr. Costello. BD.OF AP. Several editorial changes to the body of the report were submitted in list form by Mrs. Brown. Following review and revision of the draft as to content, it was voted by the majority of the Board to approve the report as amended, sub- ject to editorial changes by Dr. Clarke and as suggested by Mrs. Brown. Discussion of policy regarding public distribution or examination of in- TAX TITLE formation compiled by Planning Board staff regarding tax -title lots LOT INFO. followed. Mrs. Brown reported on conversation with Mr. Kenney, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, on the matter. Mr. Costello's motion proposing that any person who so requests may examine the list of locations of tax -title Page 3 7/24/72 ' lots, subject of Art. 83, 1972 A.T.M., was not acted upon by the Board TAX TITLE at this time, pending conference by Dr. Clarke with the Selectmen to INFO. clarify policy covering the matter. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m. 1 1 Donald M. Graham, Clerk