HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-19PLANNING BOARD MEETING July 19, 1972 ' The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by the chairman, Mrs. Brown with members Graham, Clarke, planning intern Ennis and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Mr. William J. Martin, Asst. Town Engineer, was present to answer questions from the Board regarding elevation figures supplied by the Engr. Dept. to IDYLWILDE Mr. Nitzsche, engineer for the developer of Idylwilde Farms subdivision. A.SUBDIVISION memorandum to the Board from the planning intern, dated July 19, 1972, con- cerning the relationship of elevation figures on the subdivision plans to Lexington Sewer Base was reviewed by the members and Mr. Martin. Following Mr. Martin's explanation of the apparent discrepancy as shown on the plans, he informed the members of Engineering Dept. plans to correct Lexington elevation figures to conform with U.S.G.S. base. Mr. Martin defined "Lexing- ton Base" and gave the correction factor used to arrive at U.S.G.S. base. Draft of wording of an endorsement to appear on the Idylwilde plan was re- viewed. After discussion as to revision of the endorsement and upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To approve the endorsement wording for plans for Idylwilde Farms subdivision reading as follows: Approved subject to the provisions of a PLAN Covenant to be recorded herewith and subject to the conditions that no ENDORSEMENT foundation or floor elevation (including basement floor) shall be below the elevation of 245.00 relative to the benchmark 264.10, and that lots 19, 20, 22 and 23 shall not be built upon, filled, or graded until a per- mit therefor issued by the Mass. Dept. of Natural Resources has been filed with the Lexington Planning Board. Draft of a Certificate of Action, amended as stated in items 6 and 7, was CERT. OF reviewed. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: ACTION AND To approve the definitive subdivision plan for Idylwilde Farms subdivi- APPROVAL sion subject to the terms as stated in the following: This is to certify that the Lexington Planning Board has this day approved subject to terms and conditions of a Covenant given under the provisions of Section 81-U, Chapter 41 of General Laws and subject to further terms and conditions enumerated below, the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Idylwilde Farms, Lexington, Mass.", dated December 29, 1969, revised June 12, 19722 by Erich W. Nitzsche, registered professional engineer and land surveyor, Cape and Islands Financial Corporation, applicant. The approval is subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. Lots 19, 20, 22 and 23 are not to be built upon, filled, or graded until a permit has been obtained from the Department of Natural Resources under the Hatch Act and a certified copy thereof filed with the Lexington Planning Board, and then only in accordance with such permit. 2. The swale or ditch through the land to be conveyed to the Town will follow an approximately straight line from the outlet at the rear of lot 22 to the inlet near lot 12. Geometric precision in clearing the ditch will not be required and slight curvature may be introduced where necessary to preserve large trees. Every effort shall be made by the developer to minimize interference with the natural condition of lot 21. The existing drain from the edge of the Marrett Road pavement shall be relaid at a grade approximating +2.0 percent. Page 2 7/19/72 ' 4. The Board waives the installation of a granite curb on the outside of IDYLWILDE the curve in Idylwilde Rd. Sta. 2+15 to 3+88. Type VB granite curbs CERT. OF will be required on the inside of this curve and at the corner roundingICTION (cont'( at Middle St. 5. The developer shall relocate the driveway of house #23 Middle St. to enter Idylwilde Rd. in the location agreed upon by the developer and the owner of house #23 Middle St. The driveway shall be bituminous paved 11' wide on a gravel base and connect to a portion of the existing driveway. 6. These plans assume the elevation of the rim of the sewer manhole in Middle St. at the intersection with Idylwilde Rd. to be 264.10. This benchmark shall be used as the datum for all elevations in all construc- tion in this subdivision. 7. The lowest floor elevation, including the basement floor, for any home to be built in this subdivision shall be not less than 245.00 based on the datum defined in condition #6. 8. The name of the street shall be Idylwilde Road. A duly advertised public hearing on this definitive plan was held on May 22, 1972. The Certificate of Action was signed by those members present. Copies will be sent to the Town Clerk, Town Counsel, Town Engineer, Building Inspector, ' Board of Health, Fire Dept., Police Dept., Post Office, Conservation Comm. and Cape and Islands Financial Corp., developer. The definitive subdivision plan will be endorsed by signature of the majority of the Board on August 8, 1972. A letter from the Planning Board to the Conservation Commission, drafted HATCH ACT by Mrs. Brown, informing the Commission of approval of Idylwilde Farms HEARING subdivision was reviewed and revised. It was voted to approve the letter which will be sent with copies of the Certificate of Action, wording of the plan endorsement and Mr. Ennis' July 19 memo prior to the forthcoming Hatch Act hearing on the subdivision on July 24, 1972. In response to questions regarding sewer installations in the Town, Mr. Martin informed the Board of plans for completion of Town -wide sewer system in the near future and indicated that the Planning Board will receive an LEXINGTON updated sewer -line map when it has been completed. SEWER SYSTEM A memorandum from Mr. Kenney, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, dated SILC July 19, 1972, to the Planning Board, regarding a copy received by the Selectmen of communication from Mr. John Caswell, SILC chairman, to Mr. Costello, SILC observor, was reviewed. Draft by Mrs. Brown of a reply to Mr. Kenney was reviewed and approved by the members. Revised draft of the Planning Board report to the Board of Appeals on the INTERFAITH Lexington Interfaith application was reviewed by the Board and revisions BD. OF APP. and corrections of the content were made. Completion of the draft with PL. BD. REPT. further editorial changes is planned for review of the Board at the July 24, 1972, meeting. Mrs. Brown's draft of a statement with respect to her membership in Interfaith Corp. was read. Page 3 7/19/72 ' A draft of a letter to the Appeals Board regarding the petition of LEXINGTON Samoylenko (Lexington Mews) was reviewed and approved by the Board as MEWS edited. BD. OF APP. Petition of Tennis Club Guarantors Trust regarding constuction of two TENNIS CLUB additional courts and the planning intern's memorandum, July 14, 1972, BD. OF APP. with additional details and recommendations were reviewed. It was agreed that the chairman will write a letter to the Appeals Board, reflecting the suggestions in the abovementioned memo, for trnasmission to the Board of Appeals before the July 25, 1972, hearing. Notices of Board of Appeals hearings to be held on August 1, 1972, were BD. OF APP. considered: 8/1/72 Interfaith Corporation Miller, Taft Avenue, re insufficient frontage Yusah, Circle Road, insufficient rear yard area Wang, Pleasant Street, insufficient side yard Honeywell Inc., Forbes Road, temporary mobile offices Lexington Gardens, Inc., Lowell Street, construction of garage and furnace facilities. Mr. Ennis explained details of the Honeywell petition to the members and showed a plan illustrating proposed temporary location of the 18 mobile offices. It was decided that no comment will be offered to the Board of Appeals. ' Mrs. Brown informed the Board of the extent of neighborhood opposition to LEXINGTON the Lexington Gardens petition and reported on a telephone conversation GARDENS with Mrs. Morey, Board of Appeals member, and Mrs. Morey's concern with LOWELL ST. respect to increasing problems generated by nursery operations in the Town. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. 1 aA41W&04,#��� Donald M. Graham, Clerk