HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-17PLANNING BOARD MEETING July 17, 1972 ' The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by the chairman, Mrs. Brown with members Costello, Clarke, S. Brown, planning intern Ennis and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were F.Sandy, CLC, J. Davies, DAC and S. Politi, Lexington Minute -Man. Action of the Board on the Idylwilde Farms subdivision plan was considered. Wordings of endorsement to be added to the definitive plan for the subdi- IDYLWILDE vision, as dictated to Mrs. Brown by the Town Counsel, and of the Certificate EXTENSION of Action of the Planning Board were discussed with respect to an apparent discrepancy in elevation figures used as a basis for design. Discussion as to procedures necessary for correction of the abovementioned wordings and the data on the subdivision plan within the period of time in which the Planning Board must act on the subdivision. Following telephone conversation with Mr. Charles McDermott, attorney for Cape & Islands Financial Corp.,developers, and upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To extend the time required for Planning Board action on the definitive plan for Idylwilde Farms subdivision to July 25, 1972, on the basis of oral request by the applicant, Cape & Islands Financial Corp., received on July 17, 1972, provided that a written confirmation of the request is received in the office of the Planning Board prior to July 24, 1972, otherwise the plans are disapproved. Mr. Roland Greeley and Mr. Ted Nussdorfer of the Lexington Bicentennial BICENTENNIAL ' Committee met with the Board to discuss Planning Policy Questions regarding accommodations for family camping, picnic facilities, procedures involved with increased need for rooming and/or boarding houses and permits for fee - paying off-street parking facilities, for visitors to Lexington during the 1975-76 Bicentennial celebration. Mr. Greeley presented questions on several aspects of the abovementioned subjects. These questions will be reporduced and distributed to Board members for review prior to discussion of the items at a Planning Board meeting in September, 1972. Mr. Costello informed the members of a SILC meeting scheduled for July 27, SILC MTG. 1972, at 8:00 p.m. in Weston. Topic for discussion will be an advanced COMMUTER RAIL draft of a report to Governor Sargent of a Commuter Rail Improvement Study IMPROVEMENT by that committee. Mr. Costello and Mr. Graham plan to attend. Erik Lund, Interfaith Corporation, and Herbert Eisenberg, architect of INTERFAITH proposed plan for low and moderate income housing at Garfield and Hickory CORP. HOUSING streets, met with the Board at 9 p.m. for discussion of redesign of site plan as suggested by the Planning Board. Advantages of increased rear yard area to permit more private open space for each tenant was discussed and Messrs. Lund and Eisenberg displayed a revised plan showing such re- design. Interfaith Corp. will present this plan, which will require vari- ance regarding inadequate front yard setback, as an alternate plan to the Board of Appeals as well as the original plan, at the hearing on August 1, 1972. The plans will also be revised to show a 22' driveway turning radi- us instead of 20' as shown. A plan of the site submitted by Francis Smith, Esq. on Jan. 28, 1972, with application Form A72-1 was shown, and the frontage measurement (160') which is shown as 163' on the Interfaith site plan was noted. Correction of this descrepancy will be made. In answer to questions, Mr. Lund informed the members that management will be responsible for rubbish page 2 7/17/72 disposal, cutting of grass and general maintenance at the project and explained the basis for establishment of rental fees to tenants. Section 36.24 of the Zoning By -Law was referred to and read and its pro- visions compared with density of the proposed development. Reference was INTERFAITH made to several nearby open areas (Town and privately -owned) which would PROPOSAL compensate for lack of required open -space on the actual site after con- struction. The Board reviewed the revised draft of Planning Board report to the Board REPORT TO of Appeals on the Interfaith application and editorial changes as suggested BD. OF APP. by the members were made in the content. The cover letter was reviewed and amended. Revised drafts of the report and of the letter including reference to a minority report by Mr. Costello will be prepared by the chairman and staff for review of the Board on July 19, 1972. Mr. Lund was given a copy of a memorandum to the Planning Board dated July 7, 1972, from Mr. John Davies expressing support of the Interfaith proposal on behalf of the DAC. Discussion by the Board of distribution to public of compiled information re -TAX TITLE garding tax title lots in Lexington was scheduled for the agenda of 7/24/72. LOT INFO. The members were requested by Dr. Clarke to contribute suggestions which INTERACTION would lead to closer involvement and interaction of Town agencies, prior to TOWN BOARDS his attendance at the July 25th meeting of chairman of Boards and committees with the Town Manager. Mr. S. Brown reported on his review and comparison of the original and J. CARROLL amended permits granted by the Board of Appeals to John Carroll, 31 Allen StPERMIT Mrs. Brown informed the members of a Hatch Act hearing on Idylwilde Farms IDYLWILDE subdivision plans, to be held on July 24, 1972. HATCH ACT Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To go into executive session for discussion of matters the disclosure EXEC. SESSION of which would adversely affect the reputation of any person. Following discussion regarding Planning Board personnel, the meeting adjourned at 11:45 p.m. ADon"aldM. Graham, Clerk 1