HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-06-05I L PLANNING BOARD MEETING June 5, 1972 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was culled to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman, Mrs. Brown with members Graham, Clarke, planning director Zaleski, planning intern Ennis and secretary Mrs. Snow present. L. Notkin, DAC, B. Larson, Lexington Minute -Man and several citizens also attended. The Board reviewed the petition to the Board of Appeals of Edward Abell, E. ABELL 5 Poplar St., for variances regarding insufficient yard areas, on which the BD. OF APP. Board had not intended to make any recommendation. Mr. Zaleski informed the 6/6/72 members of previous Planning Board endorsement of a plan submitted with Appli- cation Form A70-38 on December 14, 1972, and legal aspects concerning lack of status as a street of Poplar St. Draft of a letter by the planning director to the Appeals Board, commenting on history of #5 Poplar St. and pointing out lack of frontage on a legal street, was reviewed and approved as written. Minutes of Planning Board meeting of May 22, 1972, were approved as amended. MINUTES 5/22/72 The Board reviewed the request of Cape and Islands Financial Corp. for a time extension on Idylwilde Farms subdivision. Upon a motion duly made and IDYLWILDE seconded, it was VOTED: EXTENSION To extend to June 27, 1972, inclusive, the time within which the Planning Board must act on the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Idylwilde Farms", dated December 29, 1969, revised July 1971, as requested by Cape and Islands Financial Corporation, applicant. A letter informing the Town Clerk of this action was signed by members of the Board. The request of Donald Jenkins, Jr., for extension of time on Springdale Estates was reviewed. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To extend to September 12, 1972, inclusive, the time within which the SPRINGDALE Planning Board must act on the definitive subdivision plan entitled ESTATES "Springdale Estates", dated July 13, 1969, as requested by the applicant EXTENSION Jenkins Realty, Inc. A letter informing the Town Clerk of this action was signed by the members of the Board. Draft of a letter by the planning director, to the Board of Appeals, replyingBD. OF APP.: to Mr. Nickerson's request of May 249 1972, for Planning Board site plan 115 KENDALL review of 115 Kendall Corp. layout, was approved as written. CORP. Mr. Costello joined the meeting at this time. A summary by Allan Ennis of petitions to the Board of Appeals was reviewed. The Board agreed that no comment to the Appeals Board was necessary on the Mobil Oil Co. petition for a sign at Lowell and North streets. Plans for expansion of the Arts & Crafts Society building were examined. Minor inac- curacies in the dimensions of the plot plan submitted by the architect, which may be important because of the close tolerances involved, were noted. Information on membership statistics and expected use of the facilities will be obtained, relative to required number of parking spaces. A draft of a letter will be prepared by Mr. Zaleski, after preparation of suggested parking layout, for consideration at the June 12th meeting of the Planning Board. MOBIL OIL CO. ARTS & CRAFTS page 2 6/5/72 The petition of Lexington Gardens Inc. for special permit for expansion BD. OF APP.: of Peterson Farm, Lowell St., was reviewed. A letter to the Board of AppealsLEX.GARDENS will be drafted reflecting suggestions in Mr. Ennis' memorandum, for con- LOWELL ST. sideration of the Board on June 12, 1972. The petition of Robert Graves, PHILLIPS 66 Phillips "66" gas station on Waltham St., for a variance to allow parking GRAVES of wrecked cars behind Brewster's Restaurant in CN zone, was reviewed and the area pointed out on a map. Following discussion of land use, location and zoning, it was decided to table the matter pending receipt of a complete plan for the proposal. Erik Lund, Esq., representing Interfaith Corp. and Herbert Eisenberg, archi- INTERFAITH tect, met with the Board at 8:10 p.m. for preliminary presentation of a HICKORY b proposal to construct 6 subsidized units on land at Hickory and Garfield GARFIELD STS, streets, which Interfaith Corp. has option to buy. Phase I or preliminary approval by the MHFA has been obtained. Application under Chapter 774 to the Board of Appeals for a comprehensive permit will be made in the near future. Mr. Eisenberg displayed layout plans for the 6 units, 2 stories high, to be leased to tenants and construction details, access to parking and a one story garage were explained. Mr. Lund requested response of the Planning Board as to compliance with statutory criteria by the developer. Discussion of resultant density, sewer connection plans, construction details and complete cost of construction followed. After receipt of more detailed and complete plans, and formal application to the Appeals Board, the Planning Board will review the proposal formally and present its findings and recommen- dations. Discussion of content and implications of Chapter 774 and the area of responsibility of the Planning Board followed. Members are to be given annotated copies of Chapter 774 and addendum to the Rules h Regulations of ' the Board of Appeals. It was requested that the proposed construction be shown on a copy of a topographic map. Contact will be made with the Dept. of Community Affairs and MAPC regarding technical advice, and with the Planning Board of Concord as to their activity in similar situation. The proposal of D. R. McAulay for a practice golf driving range at the sani- DR.R.MCAULAY tary landfill site at Hartwell Ave., which was referred to the Planning GOLF RANGE Board by the Town Manager for comment and recommendation on land use, was HARTWELL AVE reviewed. A memorandum from the Planning Board, drafted by Mr. Zaleski, to Mr. O'Connell was reviewed and, after revision, was approved. Mr. Zaleski informed the Board of confirmation of his position, as of June 13, 1972, as Technical Director of SRPEDD. He will be present at the Planning A.ZALESKI Board meetings on June 19 and June 26, 1972, and, if possible, will spend TECH. DIR. one or two evenings during two weeks following June 12th at the Planning SRPEDD Board office. Need for an interim resident planner, 1 to 1 1/2 days a week was discussed and Mrs. Brown has agreed to request from the Town Manager that such additional personnel be retained. An informal conference of the Plan- INTERIM ning Board and the Town Manager will be planned to review possible candidatesYLANNER Mr. Costello noted that he did not see the need for a resident planner during the slow summer months and felt that the summer planning intern could handle the job adequately. A list of Work Program priorities, as prepared by the chairman, was reviewed.SUMMER Of the items on the program as suggested by Mr. Zaleski in the memorandum WORK PROGRAM of April 24, 1972, it was decided that in addition to ongoing technical matters, the proposal of Interfaith Corporation for 6 subsidized housing units page 3 6/5/72 on Garfield and Hickory streets, Site Evaluation studies under Art. 82, and work on the records and maps for tax title lots (Art. 83) would consti- tute the minimum summer program of the Planning Board and Planning Board staff. The meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m. �K Donald M. Graham, Clerk 1 1 SUMMER WORK PROGRAM