HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-05-15PLANNING BOARD MEETING May 15, 1972 ' The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the vice chairman Dr. Clarke with members Costello, Graham, S. Brown, planning director Zaleski and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Tom Holzbog, DAC, and Tom Curran, Lexington Minute -Man also attended. Mr. Mitchell Cohen, 21 Mason St., met with the Board by appointment to submit a plan for relocation of a pedestrian easement at lot 67, from the westerly to the easterly side of his lot and a petition, with signatures of neighbors, supporting his proposal. Mr. Cohen explained his reasons for desiring re- location of the easement and distributed copies of correspondence, the peti- tion and a map to members. lie stated his willingness to assume costs for MASON ST.EASE_- surveying involved in preparation of a new plan. The members expressed noMENT M.COHEN objection to the proposed relocation. A copy of Mr. Cohen's letter of in tent with a cover letter containing comments of the Planning Board will be forwarded to the Selectmen, for submission of the matter to the Town Meeting. Minutes of Planning Board meetings of April 29, May 1 and 8, 1972, were MINUTES 4/29, approved as written. 5/1, 5/8/72 The Board reviewed a plan submitted by Alfred P. Tropeano, attorney, with FORM A72-16 application Form A72-16, showing land at Revere St., which is to be divi- REVERE ST. ded into two lots, both with sufficient area, one of which would have inad- equate frontage. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated May 3, 1972, by Miller & Nylander, submitted on May 9, 1972, by Alfred P. Tropeano, Esq. for Joseph C. Tropeano, showing lots A & B at Revere St., requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. A notation, "Lot B does not meet the requirements of the Zoning By -Law" was included in the endorsement by the members of the Board. A plan showing land at Lowell St., submitted by Anthony Mancini, Esq. for FORM A72-17 Peterson, Inc., with application Form A72-17 was reviewed by the members. PETERSON INC. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: LOWELL'ST. The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated April 25, 1972, by Miller & Nylander, submitted on May 9, 1972, by Anthony Mancini Esq. for Peterson Inc., showing Parcel D & Lot 2 on Lowell St., requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. Draft of a letter from the Planning Board to Dr. Joseph Leader, denying his request of April 27, 1972, for waiver of the requirement for bituminous DR. J.LEADER aberm adjacent to his lot on Fairfield Dr., was approved and will be signedFAIRFIELDDR. by the chairman. Draft of a letter to Mr. Temple Scanlon, Lex. Housing Authority, and two L. H. A. pages of data including elevation and legal information pertaining to tax TAX TITLE foreclosure lots in Lexington to be considered for scattered site sub- DATA & LETTER sidized housing, were reviewed by the Board. It was voted to approve the letter and data sheets, which will be sent to Mr. Scanlon, with copies Co the Bd. of Selectmen, LCSR, Town Manager, and the Assessors. page 2 5/15/72 Mr. John Sellars, Mr. Harry McCrensky of Letter -Men, Inc. and Wm. Dailey, Esq. met with the Board at 8:00 p.m. to present a market study report and plans for a recreation facility at 430 Concord Ave.,prior to application to the Bd. of Appeals. Copies of the proposal, including map and plan, were distributed to members for review. Status of the facility as "non-profit" under the Zoning By -Law, was discussed and Mr. Sellars agreed to seek opinion of the Town Counsel on the matter. The coporate structure (family owned and operated), financing of construction, types of activities, projected membership, and plans for possible future expan- sion were discussed and preliminary drawing of the building was commented on by Mr. Holzbog: Planning Board recommendation will be made following conference of Mr. Sellars and the Town Counsel on the legal status of the enterprize, DAC review of the plans, and the return and compilation of questionnaires sent to residents of the area by Mr. Sellars. SELLARS CONCORD AVE. RECREATION Draft of an invitation to Messrs. O'Connell, McSweeney, Heustis, Irwin R.F.P. and to the Conservation Commission (1 member) to attend a meeting on SITE STUDY May 17, 1972, at 3:00 p.m, in the Planning Board office, regarding tech- ART. 82 nical aspects of RFP's to consultants regarding site studies under Art.82, and form, as suggested by the planning director, for the content of such requests were reviewed by the Board. It was voted that the letter of in- vitation and suggested question list be transmitted to the abovementioned and that Jason Cortell (Eco -Systems) be added to the list of proposers to be contacted. The Planning Board joined the Bd. of Selectmen in their meeting room at MTG. W. 9 p.m, for further discussion of procedures for dealing with the proposed SELECTMEN extension of the MBTA. Mr. McSweeney, Dir. of Public Works, who was also MBTA EXTENSIO] present, agreed that Peter Chalpin of the Engineering Dept. would be an appropriate choice for Lexington's representative and observer at the weekly BTPR regional subcommittee meetings in Boston, starting May 16, 1972. A subcommittee consisting of one member of the Bd. of Selectmen and of the Planning Board, Mr. McSweeney, Mr. Zaleski, and one member of LCSR, will be formed for investigation and discussion regarding progress of plans for the extension. Information obtained by Mr. Chalpin and the subcommittee will be transmitted to the Selectmen and to the Planning Board to aid in establishing the Lexington position on the matter. Mr. Kenney reported on his and Mr. McSweeney's conversation with Comm. HARTWELL AVE. Campbell, State DPW, regarding preliminary plan, less extensive than as SERVICE ROAD formerly proposed, for a limited service road on the westerly side of Hartwell Ave. Proposed location for this road was indicated on a map and viewed by those present. It was agreed that endorsement by the Plan- ning Board and the Selectmen of the new concept and recommendation as to exact location will be transmitted to Comm. Campbell. Dr. Clarke informed the Selectmen of a request of Cape & Islands Financial Corp. for a waiver regarding reduction of pavement width in Idylwilde sub- division and the intent of the Planning Board to consider a policy change to reduce the standard pavement width of subdivision streets carrying local traffic. ' The Planning Board returned to its office at 9:40 p.m. STREET WIDTH REDUCTION page 3 5/15/72 1 1 Mr. Zaleski reported on the meeting of May 9, 1972, with the Town Manager at which Mr. Robar, Municipal Computer Services, presented an overview DATA PROCESS. and answered questions regarding data programming in Lexington. Mr. Zaleski's written report of the meeting was referred to. It was decided that an in- formal meeting, with Mr. Robar or other proposer, and Mr. Cronin, Assessors Office, will be planned in the near future. Report that owners of the Grey Nuns land are desirous of selling either GREY NUNS the entire parcel, or the front portion (on Mass. Ave.), separately, for LAND house lots was noted and a map showing the land examined. Efforts will be made by the Planning Board to investigate possibility of Town acquisition of the front portion and Mr. Brown agreed to confer with Dr. Kassler, Chairman of the Conservation Commission, regarding the matter. Notification by the Town Manager that owners of land (Jackson) on Clarke JACKSON LAND St. are willing to sell the 2 acre parcel, with greenhouses, at reduced CLARKE ST. price, was noted and after brief discussion, the members agreed that no apparent purpose would be served by Town acquisition of the land. A 2.6 acre parcel owned by Mr. Hamilton, Marrett Rd. was discussed briefly and access problem regarding this interior lot noted. HAMILTON, MARRETT RD. Historic Districts Comm. hearing on May 179 1972, for amendment regard- H.D.C. MTG. ing the construction on the Central Block was noted. CENTRAL BLOCK Memorandum by Mrs. Brown regarding report of a computer listing of all STREET LIST. streets in the Commonwealth was noted and effort will be made to obtain COMP UTER(MASS; further information. Leon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To go into executive session for discussion of a matter, the disclosure of which could adversely affect the reputation of any person. EXEC. SESSION Following discussion regarding Planning Board staff, it was voted to resume open session. The meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. onald M. Graham Clerk A letter sent to Mr. Legro by the planning director requesting legal ZONING advice on extent prior to hearing of time of was noted. enforceability of proposed zoning revisions REVISIONS, TOWN COUNSEL Selection of Planning Board member of the META extension subcommittee MBTA SUBCOM. was considered. Mr. Graham agreed to represent the Board at the meetiugs.PL. BD. REP 1 1 Mr. Zaleski reported on the meeting of May 9, 1972, with the Town Manager at which Mr. Robar, Municipal Computer Services, presented an overview DATA PROCESS. and answered questions regarding data programming in Lexington. Mr. Zaleski's written report of the meeting was referred to. It was decided that an in- formal meeting, with Mr. Robar or other proposer, and Mr. Cronin, Assessors Office, will be planned in the near future. Report that owners of the Grey Nuns land are desirous of selling either GREY NUNS the entire parcel, or the front portion (on Mass. Ave.), separately, for LAND house lots was noted and a map showing the land examined. Efforts will be made by the Planning Board to investigate possibility of Town acquisition of the front portion and Mr. Brown agreed to confer with Dr. Kassler, Chairman of the Conservation Commission, regarding the matter. Notification by the Town Manager that owners of land (Jackson) on Clarke JACKSON LAND St. are willing to sell the 2 acre parcel, with greenhouses, at reduced CLARKE ST. price, was noted and after brief discussion, the members agreed that no apparent purpose would be served by Town acquisition of the land. A 2.6 acre parcel owned by Mr. Hamilton, Marrett Rd. was discussed briefly and access problem regarding this interior lot noted. HAMILTON, MARRETT RD. Historic Districts Comm. hearing on May 179 1972, for amendment regard- H.D.C. MTG. ing the construction on the Central Block was noted. CENTRAL BLOCK Memorandum by Mrs. Brown regarding report of a computer listing of all STREET LIST. streets in the Commonwealth was noted and effort will be made to obtain COMP UTER(MASS; further information. Leon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To go into executive session for discussion of a matter, the disclosure of which could adversely affect the reputation of any person. EXEC. SESSION Following discussion regarding Planning Board staff, it was voted to resume open session. The meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. onald M. Graham Clerk