HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-01-24r PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' January 24, 1972 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman, Mrs. Brown with members Costello, Clarke, Graham, planning director Zaleski and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were T. Curran, Lexington Minute -Man, F. Sandy, CLC, L. Notkin, DAC, M. Friedman and A. Frick, representing the Conservation Commission. The minutes of the Planning Board meeting of Jan. 17, 1972, were approved as amended. The public hearing of the Planning Board on rezoning of land on Concord Ave. to RM (Haroian) was scheduled to be held on Feb. 24, 1972, in the HAROIAN REZON- Science Lecture Hall, Senior High School, to avoid conflict with a ING TO RM meeting on Feb. 17, 1972 regarding subregional planning for the Bicen- tennial. A letter from Mr. Cataldo, requesting appointment of a member of the H.D.C. EBTEN- Planning Board to the Historic District Extension Committee was noted. SION COMM. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that Dr. Clarke rep- resent the Planning Board on this committee. An explanation of the two public hearings scheduled for Feb. 3, 1972, NEWS RELEASE as drafted by the planning director, for release in the Minute -Man on PUBLIC HEARING Jan. 27th was reviewed. It was agreed that after editing by Mrs. BrownINFORMATION and Mr. Zaleski and the addition of information on four subsequent public hearings, the copy would be submitted to the Minute -Man for publication. The proposal of the Saddle Club Area Swim Club for a private pool for the residents of the Saddle Club and Oak Park areas was discussed. Copies of a letter from members of the club to the Selectmen outlin- ing plans and a map showing the proposed site, on Town -owned open land which they wish to purchase, were reviewed. Further discussion and decision as to the procedures of the Board will take place after a meeting with the Planning Board on Jan. 31, 1972, of Mr. Chas. Chiklis, representing the organization. Mr. Lund joined the meeting at this time. The contents of a letter to the Board of Appeals, drafted by Mr.Zal- eski, with recommendations of the Planning Board regarding the peti- tion of Mr. A. Tropeano to expand the use of his building at 114 Wal- tham St. were considered. Following a discussion of allowed uses under the definition of "propfessional" and editing and amending of the letter as suggested by the members, it was voted by a majority of the Board to approve the letter as edited for transmittal to the Board of Appeals before Mr. Tropeano's hearing on Jan. 25, 1972. SADDLE CLUB AREA SWIM CLUB TROPEANO B/A 114 WALTHAM ST. ' At 8:00 p.m. Mr. Van T. Boughton, Asst. Vice President of the W.R. W.R.GRACE Grace Co. and Mr. Robert Sweatman of the Austin Co. met with the Board by invitation for discussion of a proposed plan for construction of W. R. Grace Co. research laboratory on Hayden Ave. Representatives of r Page 2 1.21/72 the Conservation Comm., Mrs. Frick and Assoc. Member Dr. Friedman, W.R.GRACE and Mr. Notkin, DAC, were present as requested by the Board to view the presentation by Mr. Boughton and to participate in discussion. Several interested residents were also in attendance. A map showing proposed construction (which is to be corrected regarding setback at the rear, was examined. Topography of the land, preservation of exist- ing trees and attitude of the neighborhood were considered. Location of wetland on the site was pointed out and concern of the Conservation Commission regarding protection of the wetland in the case of further expansion and need for additional parking space in the future. Park- ing lot standards and parking specifications as proposed on the plan were discussed. Renderings of the building were displayed and the ex- terior appearance was commented upon by Mr. Notkin as to choice of color. Questions of those present were answered regarding increase in traffic, function of the plant, dispersion of wastes and noxious fumes. Messrs. Boughton and Sweatman left the meeting at 8:50 p.m. After site review of the Hayden Ave. land, the Conservation Comm. will communicate with W. R. Grace Co. and will advise the Planning Board and Bd. of Appeals of their findings prior to the forthcoming hearing on the pro- posal. Content of a letter in response to the Board of Appeals request as to the views of the Planning Board on the proposal was discussed re- garding parking lot specifications and utility, and the letter will be drafted by Mr. Zaleski for approval by the Board. The ARticle submitted by the Planning Board requesting appropriation PL. BD. ARTICLE of funds for site investigation of soil conditions was considered as FUNDS/STUDIES to the amount of money to be requested for these studies. It was decided to request a meeting on Monday, Jan. 31, 1972, with the Select- men for the purpose of explaining the need for such investigations. Reference was made to Mr. Zaleski's memo of Jan. 21, 1972, regarding specific areas which should be investigated prior to anticipated develop- ment. It was agreed that two areas; land on Bedford St. near Hartwell Ave. and the Munroe Brook Meadows, as well as one of the sites listed on Mr. Zaleski's Jan. 21 memo comprise the 1972 program and that $8500 be requested for studies of these sites. The Star Market parking lot violation on the Lexington/Waltham line, asSTAR MKT. PARK - yet unresolved, and a report by Mr. Costello of commercial activity ING LOT VIOLA - on Hayden Ave. involving trucking were discussed. A letter will be TION sent from the Planning Baord to the Selectmen regarding the abovemen- tioned Star Market violation with copies to the Town Manager and the Building Inspector. Mr. Zaleski will investigate the reported Hayden Ave. violation. A plan prepared by Mr. Costello for the Concord Ave. area was viewed byCONCORD AVE. the members and discussed briefly. Mr. Notkin expressed favorable RECR. PLAN views on the plan and offered several suggestions based on conversation with Mr. Sasaki, landscape architect. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Donald -M. Graham Clerk r PLANNING BOARD MEETING January 31, 1972 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman Mrs. Brown with members Costello, Graham, Clarke, planning director Zaleski and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were L. Notkin, DAC, F. Sandy, CLC, and T. Curran of the Lexington Minute -Man. Mr. Roland Greeley, member of Lexington Bicentennial Committee, met with BICENTENNIAL the Board at 7:30 for informal discussion of current activity of that committee. Mention was made of a subcommittee formed for the purpose of tentative planning and selection of possible sites for a historical museum and funds which will be requested at the Town Meeting for this preliminary study. The Selectmen have been asked to submit an Article in the Warrant requesting an appropriation of $10,000 to partially defray the cost of the 1975 celebration. The role of the Planning Board and the extent to which it should provide initiative on a regional basis was discussed. Mr. Greeley encouraged this initiative, based on advance clearance with the Bicentennial Committee. It was agreed to meet with Mr. Greeley soon after the Feb. 17, 1972, meeting on subregional planning in Concord, at which Mrs. Brown, Dr. Clarke and Mr. Zaleski plan to represent the Planning Board. Timing and desired portion of the extension of Rte. 2A to be completed prior to the 1975 celebration, was discussed briefly. Alan Altman, Esq., Mr. and Mrs. Chiklis and Mr. Goldberg of the Saddle Club Area Swimming Pool Assoc., met with the Board at 7:50 p.m. Mr. Altman out- lined a proposal for a swimming pool and tennis courts on PUD open land in ' Oak Park II subdivision and indicated on a map two parcels of town -owned SADDLE CLUB land, one of which they desire to purchase for this purpose. Discussion SWIM ASSOC. of parking provisions, access to sewer lines, and basis for membership of residents in the association followed. The Board was asked to consider the proposal with regard to future recommendations to the Board of Appeals. Messrs. Sateriale and Prelack, developers of Oak Park II subdivision, are to be informed by the planning director of features of the proposed neighborhood recreation area plans and Mr. Altman, attorney for the association is to be informed of the Planning Board's position on the Vetter request regarding compensatory exchange of land. Mr. Nishan Haroian, Mr. William Whalen, his attorney, and his architect HAROIAN RM met with the Board regarding the rezoning to RM of his property on PROPOSAL Concord Ave. as proposed by Mr. Haroian in an Article to be inserted in CONCORD AVE. the Warrant. Preliminary plans for 96 townhouse units for ental on 8 acres of land were shown and fact sheets were distributed to members. A community center and recreation area with swimming pool for tenants were described and, in answer to questions regarding provision of subsidized units, Mr. Haroian stated that Town or private subsidization of some untis would be welcomed by him. He expressed hope that the proposed layout would be given approval by the Planning Board. At 8:30 p.m. the Planning Board joined the Selectmen in their Meeting Room. , Mr. Cataldo reported in response to inquiries from the Board concerning STAR MKT. PARK - abatement of the Star Market parking lot violation, that the matter would ING LOT VIOLA - be satisfactorily resolved within a few days, based on recent conversationTION with Mr. Mugar. 1 Page 2 1.31.72 A letter to the Selectmen from the Planning Board outlining need for FUNDING ART. appropriation of funds for site investigation studies as proposed in SITE STUDIES the ARticle submitted by the Board, was brought to the meeting and copies were distributed to the Selectmen. Mrs. Brown read portions of the letter and noted several areas proposed for investigation. A dis- cussion followed regarding advantages of study and analysis conducted by professional consulting firms as opposed to obtaining information which may be available in the Engineering Dept. records which could then be analyzed by professional consultants. Mr. Zaleski will confer with the Town Engineer as to the scope of studies and type of information desired by the Planning Board. The request of Mr. and Mrs. Vetter to purchase a parcel of Town owned land for the purpose of relocating a house (Nunn -Smith house) was dis- cussed. A letter to the Selectmen from the Planning Board regarding the matter was read and the view of the Board regarding land acquisi- tion program explored. Suggestion was made that a compensatory parcel of land be purchased by the Vetters and exchanged for the desired town - owned parcel. NUNN-SMITH HOUSE/VETTER The Planning Board returned to its office at 9:40 p.m. It was agreed SITES STUDIES that copies of correspondence to and from the three consulting firms, CONSULTANTS regarding the Board's requests for quotation on costs for site investiga- tion studies and a list of areas under consideration be given to the Town Engineer prior to a discussion with him: relative to the availa- bility in the Engineering Dept. of information required by the Board for site studies. An appointment will be made to discuss the amount of money to be re- quested for site investigation with the Appropriations Committee. Draft of a letter to the Board of Appeals regarding the proposed W.R. GRACE W. R. Grace facility off Hayden Ave. was considered. After discussion B/A F & D regarding possible emission of noxious fumes from this laboratory which resulted in amendment of the letter, it was decided that the letter be approved and that the supplementary Planning Baord recommendations would be transmitted to the Board of Appeals prior to the forthcoming hearing. The minutes of the Planning Board meeting of Jan. 24, 1972, were approved as amended. A plan submitted by Francis Smith, Esq. with the application Form A72-1, showing lots 1, 2, 3, & 4 on Garfield St. to be consolidated with land FORM A72-1 owned by Robert Arthur, was reviewed by the Board. Upon a motion duly GARFIELD ST. made and seconded, it was VOTED: The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated January 19, 19729 by Miller and Nylander, showing lots 1-4 on Garfield St., re- quires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. A letter from the Town Counsel dated Jan. 26, 1972, regarding the wording of ARticle "T" was reviewed and discussed and the vote under Arta 37 of SCATTERED SITE the Acts of 1953 referred to. Mr. Zaleski was asked to notify Mr. HOUSING T.T. Legro of Planning Board consideration of his recommendations and of LOTS the Board's decision to submit Art. "T" as written. Copies of Mr. Legro's r 1 1 Page 3 1.31.72 letter and of the 1953 vote will be sent to Mr. Frank Michelman, of the LCSR subcommittee on scattered site housing. Mr. Walter O'Connell, Town Manager, the Selectmen Mr. Busa and Mrs. NUNN SMITH Riffin joined the meeting at 10:50. The Planning Board was asked for VETTER an opinion as to whether the town -owned land wanted by the Vetters and now not necessary for extension of Emerson Rd. would serve any other public purpose now or in the future. A map showing the 2 1/2 acre parcel was examined. Following brief discussion, it was decided that a letter stating the position of the Board will be conveyed to the Selectmen before Thursday, after conferring with Mr. Lind. The Board reviewed the reported Carroll violation and discussed what CARROLL action, if any, would be taken regarding the business being conducted ALLEN ST. at 31 Allen St. It was agreed that the Chairman would investigate the conditions. The meeting adjourned at 11:35 p.m. Donald M. Graham, Clerk