HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-01-03PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' January 3, 1972 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman, Mrs. Brown with members Costello, Clarke and Graham, planning director Zaleski and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were Mr. Notkin, DAC, Mr. Curran, Lexington Minute - Man, and Mr. Sandy,CLC. Mr. Frank Michelman, Chairman of LCSR subcommittee on scattered site ART. TAX TITLE housing, was present to discuss with the Board wording of the proposed LAND SALE Article regarding sale of tax title land for scattered site subsidized housing. Mr. Michelman's and Mr. Zaleski's drafts were reviewed and after the suggested revisions were agreed upon it was voted by a major- ity of the Board that the Article be submitted by the Planning Board for the Warrant as revised. Mr. Costello opposed submission of the Article in its present form which does not limit the use of tax title lots to single-family homes. Messrs. Fred and Richard Corazzini met with the Board by invitation to CORAZZINI LAND discuss the possibility of Town acquisition of a portion of their land RECREATION for recreation facilities in the Concord Ave. area. Mr. Charles Gallagher, Chairman of the Recreation Committee, was also present. After a brief explanation by the chairman regarding location of the play area, age group to be served and supervision, Mr. Corazzini stated that he and his brother were unwilling to consider sale of land because of danger of ' vandalism to existing and future greenhouses. It was agreed by the Board that Articles regarding a playground in this area will not be presented at this time. Selectmen Kenney joined the meeting briefly to ask the Planning Board MASON ST. EASE - if they would be opposed to postponing the insertion in the Warrant of MENT ART. an Article for the acceptance by the Town of an easement over land off Mason St. for a Town Path, and referred to a letter received by the Selectmen from the Pleasant Brook Assoc. proposing an alternate loca- tion for this easement. After examination of a map of the area, the members agreed to postpone the Town Path confirmation Article. Mr. John McSweeney, Town Engineer, met with the Board at his request at 8:30 p.m. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To go into executive session for discussion of matters the dis- EXEC. SESSION closure of which would adversely affect the financial interest LAND ACQ. & of the town or the reputation of any person. UNACCEPTED STS. Following discussions regardingland acquisition and town's respon- sibilities with regard to unaccepted streets, the Board voted to resume open meeting. The members considered action to be taken regarding the Mountain Rd. MOUNTAIN RD.SUBD, definitive subdivision plan for land owned by Robert Colbourne. APPROVAL ' Mr. Francis Jenney, attorney for Mr. Colbourne, was present. The practical problems related to construction of Mountain Rd. were reviewed. The chairman and Mr. Zaleski referred to legal complications regarding the title to the land, and a portion of a letter from the Town Counsel Page 2 was read, referring to Parcels 1 and 2 and with comments regarding ' names of owners of the parcels. Mr. Legro joined the meeting at the Board's request at 9:30 p.m. A discussion of Mr. Jenny's request for an extension of time, his power to act for Mr. Colbourne, and possible consequences followed. The problems involved in plowing and fire protection for the road as submitted were considered. A motion to disapprove the subdivision was made by Mr. Graham, but was not seconded. Provisions of a Certificate of Action were read by the chairman. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the Certificate.of Action approving the subdivision (see appendix). Mr. Graham voted in opposition. 1 1 Following discussion of the length of an extension of time requested DRUMMER BOY by Oneida Corp. and review of advice of the Town Counsel for a period EXTENSION shorter than 1 year, upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To extend to Juen 6, 1972, inclusive, the time within which the Planning Board must act on the definitive subdivision plan en- titled "Drummer Boy, Lexington, Mass.", dated August 18, 1969, revised to Sept. 1, 1970, as requested by the Oneida Corp., applicant. The minutes of the Planning Board meeting of Dec. 27, 1971, were approved as amended. A draft of proposed Article "S", regarding a request for an appropri- ART. "S" ation of funds for site studies was reviewed and amended. The members APPROVED voted to approve submission of the Article as amended. It was voted to renew membership of the Board in the Mass. Federation of Planning Boards for the coming year at a cost of $50.00. A letter from the Town Engineer recommending that bonds for Nickerson and Philip roads not be released was noted. The developers will be notified of the reasons the release of their bonds was denied. It was voted to propose to the Selectmen that Maureen Rd. be accepted by the Town as recommended by the Town Engineer in his memorandum of Jan. 3, 1972. A draft of a letter to the Board of Appeals regarding the Harrison petition was amended as suggested by the members and approved by a majority. MASS. FED. OF PL. BDS. MEMBER- SHIP 1972 NICKERSON & PHILIP RDS.REL. DENIED MAUREEN RD. ACCEPTANCE HARRISON-BD. OF APPEALS A draft of a letter to Spaulding and S1ye.Corp. requesting additional "LEXINGTON GREEN" information regarding the subsidized units in the proposed "Lexington SPAULDING&SLYE Green" development was approved as revised. It was unanimously voted that Mrs. Brown and Mr. Zaleski should attend MAPC CONFERENCE the MAPC Conference on Area -Wide Planning in Boston on Jan. 27,28,1972.1.27,28.72 The Board noted a copy of a letter from Kingston Howard, Chairman of the Bicentennial Committee, to Mr. John Finegan, Chaitman, 1975 Celebration REGIONAL PLAN - Committee of Concord regarding regional planning for traffic and NING,BICENTENN. transportation problems in 1975, and suggesting a joint meeting on TRAFFIC & Feb. 17, 1972, with representatives of 10 towns in this area. TRANSPORTATION 1 1 1 Page 3 Mr. Roland Greeley, Bicentennial Committee member, is to be invited to BICENTENNIAL a Planning Board meeting in the very near future for a discussion as to PL. BD. ROLE the Planning Board role relative to the Bicentennial celebration. It was agreed that the Selectmen be requested to refrain from includingOPEN SPACE an Article as suggested earlier by the Planning Board regarding"DRUMMER BOYART. acceptance of open space in the "DRUMMER BOY" subdivision because of the delay in approving this subdivision. A discussion of the Concord Ave. area plan is scheduled for Jan. 17, 1972, with Mr. Leonard Notkin, DAC, attending. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Donald M. Graham Clerk CONCORD AVE.AREA PLAN- DAC January 3_ 1172 CFAT1PICAXE OF ACTION This is to certify that the Lx xlugtaa 'Plauniug toard has thin uay approved, subject to teras and conditiona of a Covenant given under the provisions of Section 81-U. Chapter 41 of Vanera.l Laws and subject to further terms and conditions en=eratee3d below, the definitive subdivisiou plan entitled "Colbourne Suvcfviai , Lexington, Hass.", dated Dov. 4, 1971, rev. 12.29.71, by David 104 Perle-7. Civil Enrlueer, Robert Colbor_rnee, applicant. The approval is subject to the following terms and conditions', 1. ' o building or structure shall be built or placed oca Lot at without spec: #ic approval of the Lexington :hoard of Leal.th. 2. A.s provided in Section 81 -?R. Chapter 41 of. Cesaral Laces, Lot A small not be further sehdivided and not "re than one over -family dwelling, including its accessory buildings and st"ctures, shall be placed cn, Lot d without further consent by the Planning Board. 3. As provided in sold Section 51-R, Chapter 41:, ta+r Planaing 1!0*rd hereby waives strict compliance with the '�Anles and Regnl..stions Governing time Subdivision of Lind in Laaington, Moss." to the extent indicated below and on the plan, but all other requirements of said "Raves and Regulationan and of "Standard Specifica- tions for Seven, Water, Draia, Street and Sidewalks, 1965, Toms of Lexington, Department of Prblic Works" shall be observed as. The turnaround back-up strip may be redaced to the jim"sions Iindicated on the definitive .plan. b. The width of pmt may be reduced as shown on date_diefluitive Plan- e. The width of street graesing ray be reednced to pvmiue two forst wide gravel should*rs beyond each side of pavement for the entire length of strteat to Station b f 20. Beyond the portion graded the existing slopes of less than me foot 'vertical` azo two feet horizontal (2z1) shall sae preserved and, where the exist- ing slope is steeper than this, slopes not exceeding one foot vertical on two feet horizontal shall be cos-istrocted for this entire 40.00 feat width of the right -of - w". d. Sieevalks, asphalt berms, gutters and curbing rosy be omitted. The entire area within the right-of-way beyond tbfa gravel shoulders shall be haemal and seecIe i. e. Eotmds slay be omitted :long the northerly aide of the right -ref -way. f. Pavement thiekness nsy be, reu'uced to 2 1/2" applied ixa tv courses 1 1/4" each. s , The raster -L ply pipe in the st.r"t .+gay No reduced to V dieter copper pipe. 1 Panne 2 4. Me names of the strut shall be `fotmtain Road. 5. All constrmtion within the limits of the Foston Edison Company easesent shall be in strict couxplisace witty the applicable requirements and regulations of the. Boston rdisem Company. Under than tarns of the Grant of Right of ksy doted July 9, 1962, the Toon of Lexington is under'no obligation to constvact, improve or maintain tate rigbt-of- way and under me obligation to plaza or re"vo snow thorefro%. When bu It in accordance with the approved definitive plan, Mountain Road will not zest the standards for acceptance as a Town way. A duly advertised public hearing on this definitive plan was hold on November 29, 1971. cc; Town Clerk Town Counsel Town f-tgineer Bldg. inspector U, of Vealth Doston Edison Co. - riire Dept. Police Dept. 190st Office LF-AZL WJA i PLA. i"(, WARt (By the tjority of members thereof)