HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-12-20PLANNING BOARD MEETING December 20, 1972 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman, Mrs. Brown with members Clarke and Costello, planning director Zaleski and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were Frank Sandy, CLC, Roy Daley, DAC, and Tom Curran of the Lexington Minute - Man. Mr. Melvin Holland, chairman of the TMMA Land Use Committee, and several C8NCORD AVE. representatives of the Minute Man Highlands Assoc. met with the Board to AREA-RECREATI� discuss the need for a playground in the Concord Ave. area. A letter to the Planning Board from Francis Visalli, President of the Minute Man Hlnds Assoc., containing results of a poll of the area as to desirable size and location of a playfield in this area was noted. Availability, cost of devel- opment, and topography of a prime site north of Concord Ave. for a 1 1/2 to 2 acre site near Lawn Ave. was discussed and the attitude and willingness to sell of owners of this land considered. An alternate site near the road to the MDC water tower, involving less expense to the Town, was mentioned by Board members. Several unfavorable aspects of this location were stated by the residents. Two other locations were discussed briefly as to suita- bility and availability. The Planning Board was requested by Mr. Holland to submit an Article for insertion in the Warrant regarding acquisition of a portion of the Corrazini land near Lawn Ave. Mr. Zaleski will prepare a preliminary draft of an Article and a map of the area showing a possible site. Planning Board consideration and decision on the matter was post- poned until December 27 meeting, when it is hoped that a full Board wil be ' present. The minutes of the Planning Board meeting of Dec. 13, 1971, were approved MINUTES 12/13 as amended. A letter from the Town Engineer regarding bond release on Forbes Rd was FORBES RD. noted. Due to legal problems as yet not settled, release is to be de- BOND RELEASE layed. The members voted to hold regular meetings of the Planning Board on Mon- PLANNING BD. day, Dec. 27, 1971, and on Monday, January 3, 1972. MTG. SCHEDULE The revised draft of Article "C" proposing an amendment to the Zoning By- ART."C" Law regarding commercial recreation facilities was reviewed. It was COMM. RECR. voted by the members that the form of this Article be approved, subject to the approval of the Town Counsel. It was voted that the "Planning Board Policy Recommendations" regarding LAND ACQUIS. land acquisition, after rephrasing and editing as suggested by the mem- PROCEDURES bers, be sent to the Selectmen with a letter of transmittal, for distri- bution to the Conservation Commission, Recreation, Capital Expenditures and Appropriations committees. A draft of Article "R", as prepared by Mr. Zaleski, which would give in- ART. "R" ' creased control to the Town of construction of drive-in and take-out RESTAURANTS restaurants by requiring Boards of Appeals action was reviewed. It was voted by the members to accept the draft. Mr. Daley and other DAC mem- bers will formulate a program for assisting the Planning Board in their recommendations to the Board of Appeals regarding requests for special permits. 2 A copy of a letter to the Selectmen from Robert Lyon proposing expansion ROBERT LYON of the historic district as means of protection to the appearance of the ' Town was discussed and a letter to the Selectmen, referring to Art."R" as a possible solution, will be drafted by the planning director for con- sideration at the next meeting. 1 1 Planning Board action on the proposed Mountain Rd. subdivision was con- MOUNTAIN RD. sidered. It was noted that no reply had been received from the Town Engineer to a specific request for information on several engineering problems involved in the construction of the access road. In view of the fact that the Planning Board has to act by January 3, 1972, on this sub- division and there is no way to get an extension as Mr. Colbourne, owner, has gone to England, the Board discussed a course of action. The majority of members present was in favor of deciding on specifications in the ab- sence of the Town Engineer's recommendations and acting on the plan. Mr. Graham joined the meeting at this time. The minority viewpoint was that it is not proper for the Board to approve the engineering aspects of a plan contrary to the Town Engineer's recom- mendations. Mr. David W. Perley, engineer for Mr. Colbourne, will be asked to make certain formal changes on the plans and to submit calculations to substantiate the width of the water pipe proposed. Mr. Legro, Town Counsel, will be asked by Mrs. Brown for recommendations regarding certain legal as- pects of the situation, prior to a continuation of discussion at the next meeting. It was voted by the members that a letter be written to the Selectmen re- FERN 6 PLEAS- garding improvement of traffic conditions at Fern and Pleasant streets ANT STS. with the Planning Board recommendation that an Article be inserted in the TRAFFIC Warrant for a land taking at the corner of #11 Pleasant St. for the widen- ing of this junction. A memorandum from the comptroller, showing an unexpended balance of $222.50 in the Meagherville Land Study appropriation was noted. It was decided 1971 BALANCE that Mr. Perry be advised that this amount may be returned to the E&D account as of the end of 1971. A letter from the Town Engineer to the Planning Board with his recommenda-CARMEL CIRCLE tion against proposing acceptance of Carmel Circle as a public way was ACCEPTANCE received. Mr. Esserian, developer, will be informed by letter of the reason for delay. A request for Planning Board comments on the Phase 1 report of the BTPR, PHASE 1 REPT. received Dec. 20, 1971, was noted. It was agreed that the principal BTPR comment should be that sufficient time was not given to study the report to permit well thought out comments. In that respect, the BTPR should be criticized for the manner of distribution of these reports. A copy of a letter to the building inspector from the attorney for Thomas Curtin of Marrett Rd., regarding possible zoning violations by the Getty Service Station at 431-433 Marrett Rd. was read. Dr. Clarke reported on a discussion of the matter of Honeywell Radiation ZONING VIOLATAI GETTY STATION 3 expansion with the chairman of the Board of Appeals. Mr. Nickerson indi- cated that he is receptive to the idea of a Board of Appeals variance, but HONEYWELL requested Planning Board recommendation as to the basis for such a variance,RAD. CTB. ' The members considered possible financial hardship to Honeywell if forced EXPANSION to relocate and the danger of setting a precedent on that basis. Mr. Nick- erson will be informed by letter of the views of the Planning Board in that vein and of the requirement that there be no detrimental impact on the neighborhood or environment caused by the proposed expansion. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m. 1 L WRA,4,'�� Donald M. Graham Clerk