HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-12-13PLANNING BOARD MEETING December 13, 1971 rThe meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:20 p.m. by the chairman, Mrs. Brown with members Costello, Clarke, Graham and Lund, planning director Zaleski and secretary Mrs. Snow %: present. Mr. Eric Kula, Mr. Frank Sandy and Mr. RoystonnDaley, DAC, also attended. After a brief discussion with Mr. Kula regarding the desirability and PEACOCK FARMS the necessary procedures for acceptance by the Town of three easements EASEMENTS in the Peacock Farms subdivision, the Planning Board joined the Select-MTG./SELECTMEN men at their request in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 7:30 p.m. with LAND ACQUISITION members of the Recreation Committee, Conservation Commission, Capital PROGRAM Expenditures and Appropriations committees for a discussion of the problems and philosophy of land acquisition. The Town Counsel, Mr. Legro, was also present. Copies of a 1969 publication "Functions of Land Advisory Committee" were distributed to those present. Regarding implementation of a land acquisition program, Mr. Cataldo spoke of possible need for a "land negotiator". The scope and time element of land acquisition program, whether long term bended or short term, were considered. Members of the abovementioned committees were asked to submit to the Selectmen written comments and suggestions regarding land negotiation procedures by Dec. 21 for circulation among all committees present. After a review of these comments, representatives of each com- mittee will meet with the Selectmen on Dec. 29 (tentative) for further discussion and resolution of the matter before Jan. 8, 1972. The Planning Board, the Selectmen and the Town Counsel reviewed the matter of Town acceptance of the Peacock Farms easements. Dr. Clarke described PEACOCK FARMS the sinstruments proposed by Mr. White of Benj. Franklin Homes, Inc. for EASEHMS three easements and the expiration date of Jan. 2, 1972, of two of the agreements. The Planning Board was encouraged to obtain an extension of time and a revised agreement in proper form from owners of land involved in the nature preservation easement so as to gain authorization for acceptance by the Town Meeting in March, 1972. It was suggested that these five land owners meet with the Planning Board for explanation of the situation. The Acceptance of town path easement along the boundaries presented no difficulties. Procurement of the easement for a pedestrian path along the brook was thought to be not possible due to the time element and the requirement for reciprocal grants by the Peacock Farms Association. The members returned to the Planning Board offices at 8:30 and were joined by Mr. Frank Michelman, LCSR, present by invitation, for discussion of SCATTERED SITE scattered site housing on tax title land. Mesdames Byrnes and Pease andTAX TITLE LAND Mr. Plasse of LCSR scattered sites subcommittee were also in attendance. After a review of his comments made at a previous meeting, Mr. Michelman reported on the progress of investigation as to the financial feasibility of construction with the limits prescribed under S.235. The need for further research by a potential sponsor as to legal aspects, zoning matters; soil conditions and access to utilities was mentioned. Mr. Lund spoke as representative of Interfaith Corp., developers, a possible non-profit sponsor. Mr. Michelman stated the desire of his subcommittee to propose that the Town Meeting authorize the Selectmen to convey tax title land for subsidized 2 scattered site housing in Lexington. He will transmit copies of his draft for an Article to Board members. A new federal program, "Turnkey IV" involving long term rent supple- TURNKEY IV ment by the Housing Authority with lease convertible to a mortgage INTERFAITH CORP. later was described and the advantages as to cost limitations under this program presented by Mr. Michelman. Mr. Lund explained a plan of Interfaith Corp. for construction of duplex houses, to be subsidized without state or federal funding, and the plan for financing of such construction. He stated that under Ch.774, Acts of 1969, Boards of Appeals permit rather than rezoning of land for duplex houses would be sufficient. A definition of low/moderate income in certain subsidised programs, as per subsection 36.11 of the Lexington Zoning By -Law was read and discussed. The wording of the proposed Article, including a clause requiring Planning Board and Selectmen's certification of suita- bility of any tax title lots proposed for construction of single or duplex homes was discussed. It was proposed that three separate Arti- cles be submitted for insertion in the Warrant. (a) to authorize the Selectmen to sell tax title lots at less than market value, to be limited to construction of single family houses. (b) to authorize the Selectmen to sell tax title lots at less than market value, to be used for individually owned subsidized duplex houses. (c) to authorize the Selectmen to sell tax title lots at less than market value, to be used for construction of houses to be leased to low/moderat income families, rental fees to be supplemented by the Housing Authority, authorizing the Lexington Housing Authority participation in such pro- grams for subsidizing housing for low-income people other than the elderly. A plan submitted by H.S.R. White with application Form A71-30 on Dec.8,FORM A71-30 1971, was reviewed by the members. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: WHITE PINE LANE The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated Oct.13, 1971, by Chaies D. Thompson, showing lots 91B and 102 on White Pine Lane requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. A plan submitted by Norman T. May for the Lexington Arts & Crafts Soc. FORM A71-31 with application Form A71-31 on December 13, 1971, was examined by the ARTS & CRAFTS SOC members and explained by the planning director. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated Nov.22, 1971, by Miller & Nylander, showing Parcels "C" and "D" off Waltham St. requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. This endorsement is conditional upon the addition of a note stating that Parcels C and D do not have the frontage required for separate building lots. The following will also be noted on the plan if not stated in the deed: No parking or building to be located on Parcel C within 85 feet of the nearest part of the Housing for the Elderly building. ' Discussion was resumed regarding the Peacock Farms nature preservation PEACOCK FARMS easement. Dr. Clarke agreed to meet informally with the five land NATURE PRES. owners at the home of Mr. Kula sometime before Jan. 1, 1972, regard- EASEMENT ing extending time limit and revising of the agreements. The Town Counsel is to be asked to prepare a draft of an agreement in a form 1 1 1 acceptable to the Town to be shown to the owners. The minutes of November 22, 1971, were approved as amended. The minutes of November 29,and December 6, 1971, were approved as written. 3 MINUTES 11/22/71 11/29, 12/6/71 The Selectmen have recommended that the Planning Board's proposal re- COL. ACRES III garding street acceptance in Colonial Acres III subdivision postponed ST. ACCEPTANCE pending complete settlement of the matter. The Board agreed to abide by this recommendation. Draft of an Article regarding commercially sponsored recreation facili-RECREATION ART. ties in Lexington was reviewed. Several revisions and amendments were COMMERCIAL agreed upon by the members and a new draft will be prepared by the plan- ning director for consideration next week. Draft of an Article proposing rezoning from RM to RS of two tracts of VINE BROOK RE - town land off Winthrop Rd. adjacent to the Vine Brook Village housing ZONING ART. for the elderly was reviewed. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that this Article (Art.V) be inserted in the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting. A draft of an Article as prepared by Mr. Frank Sandy, proposing creating of RP district with minimum area of 2 acres in lots and 85% open space ART. RP DISTRICT in each lot was discussed. The Board expressed general approval of the concept. Several revisions as suggested by Mr. Zaleski were mentioned and it was decided to postpone further action on this proposal until a Special Town Meeting later in 1972. The proposed Honeywell Radiation Center expansion plan was discussed HONEYWELL and the possibility of rezoning to CM of the entire CR district, in- EXPANSION cluding C.C.6F., considered. Mention was made of the proximity of this district to the Min. Man National Historical Park and need for conservation easements over wetland and some high land. The possibility of Board of Appeals action on the Honeywell proposal was suggested. Dr. Clarke will informally discuss the matter with Mr. Nickerson. The Board discussed the question raised in the meeting with the Select -LAND ACQUIS. men regarding land acquisition. Mr. Graham recommended centralizing POLICY STATEMENT the entire program in the office of the Selectmen with additional man- power on retainer or salary basis. It was agreed that the planning director and the chairman would collaborate on the development of a policy statement of the Board in draft form regarding land negotiation procedures. The Board voted to amend its earlier vote relative to the endorsement FORM A71-31 of the Waltham St. plan submitted with Form A71-31 to require that the WALTHAM ST. plan be amended to provide 55 ft. frontage for the Lexington Housing AMENDED VOTE Authority in accordance with the Board of Appeals decision of March 23, 1971, and a frontage of 33 ft. more or less for the land to be conveyed to the Lexington Arts and Crafts Society in accordance with Article 7 of the June 11, 1971, Special Town Meeting. The meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m. C C Donald M. ffa/m; Clerk