HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-11-081 CI 1 PLANNING BOARD MEETING November 8, 1971 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman, Mrs. Brown with members Clarke and Graham, planning director Zaleski and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were Mr. Curran, Lexington Minute Man, Mr. Sandy, CLC, Mr. & Mrs. Plasse, Mrs. Pease, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Sanderson, and a representative of L.W.V., Mr. Holzbog, DAC and Mr. & Mrs. Cosgrove. A plan submitted by James A. Bissonnette, with application Form A71-25 showing land at #81-83 Hancock St. was reviewed by members of the FORM A71-25 Board. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: HANCOCK ST. The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated November 4, 1971, by Miller & Nylander showing Parcel A2 on Hancock St. requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. A plan submitted by Temple E. Scanlon for with application Form A71-26 showing 10.5 Waltham St. was reviewed by members of the made and seconded, it was VOTED: the Lexington Housing Authority, acres of tax title land off FORM A71-26 Board. Upon a motion duly LEX. HSING AUTHORITY The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated November 8, 1971, by Miller & Nylander, showing Town land off Waltham St. requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. A definitive plan, submitted by Mr. Robert Colbourne, showing proposed MOUNTAIN RD. improvements to Mountain Rd. was examined by the members. It was de- COLBOURNE tided to schedule a public hearing on this proposal on November 29, 1971, which will be advertised in the Lexington Minute Man on Nov.11&18, 1971, and all abuttors notified by certified mail. The TMMA invitation and agenda for a meeting on December 1, 1971, at TMMA,12/1/71 8:00 p.m. at the Senior High School concerning recreation was read. RECREATION Mr. Graham will se if he can attend this meeting. Copies of the agenda will be distributed to Planning Board members. A copy of a letter from the Town Counsel to the Selectmen regarding a conservation acquisition on Oneida Rd. in the Drummer Boy subdivision was noted. The members were informed of new legislation, Ch. 569, Acts of 1971, adopted on August 29, 1971, requiring boards of appeal to notify abuttors of abuttors, even if in other towns, of public hearings. Minutes of the Planning Board meeting of November 1, 1971, were approved as written. CONSERVATION ACQUISITION ONEIDA RD. CH.569'71 BD. OF APP. HEARINGS MINUTES 11/1/71 Mr. Wayne Barber and three associates met with the Board at 8 p.m. re- FLINTLOCK garding his proposal for a housing development, "Flintlock", at Wood St. W. BARBER Mrs. Brown stated the Planning Board position concerning the provision of some housing for low or moderate income people in any proposed mul- tiple -dwelling development and referred to the minutes of November 1, 1971, ' and Planning Board action re. the Mark Moore proposal of June, 1971. Mr. Barber displayed several maps of the site and charts with statis- tics on the number and possible types of units, revenue to the Town for each, prices for each of 3 types of units, estimate of the number of additional schoolchildren, recreational features, a comparison of conventional, cluster and PUD housing assessments and an outline of a 5 year development plan. He referred to and quoted H.B. 5681 (PUD Enabl. Act) as to standards and conditions of PUD developments. A discussion of the effect of change in density, zoning approach, estimated costs of modular housing in Lexington if the PUD Act is not passed and the possibility of some subsidized/low income housing in "Flintlock" followed. Mr. Barber will be notified of the Planning Board's position regarding his specific proposal and the proposed PUD legislation after further discussion. Mr. Barber also stated that his study revealed that a 1200 sq. ft. modular home with a nominal cost of $17,000 would cost over $27,000 complete, including $3000 for land. He agreed to send the Board his summary of costs. A resident of Bates Rd., who complained of sewer leakage and showed pictures illustrating the condition, questioned the capacity of sewer lines into the Wood St. area. 1 1 2 The written comments of the DAC concerning a Planned Residential Devel- PRD- DAC opment proposal were presented by Mr. Kreutziger and Mr. Zaleski's pro- eOMhfNTS posal, dated 1/22/71 and memo on same of 10/27/71 were reviewed. A dis- cussion of the DAC comments followed. It was decided that the draft be revised to include several points brought out in the discussion and a copy of this draft and the memo of 10/27 be given to the DAC. A letter from the Town Engineer recommending release of security for the BIRCH HILL Birch Hill subdivision wasiead. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, SECURITY it was VOTED: RELEASE The construction of ways and the installation of utilities having been completed in accordance with the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Birch Hill Estates" dated March 16, 1967, by Joseph W. Moore, Inc., and in accordance with the terms of the Agreement dated March 16, 1971, upon the execution by the developer of a grant of utilities in a form satisfactory to the Town Counsel, the Town Counsel is hereby authorized and requested to release to the owners, William E. and Margaret A. Maloney, the security now held by the Town to ensure said construction of ways and installation of utilities. This release will terminate the developer's obligations under the terms of said Agreement and under the "Assumption of Obligations of Subdivider by Subsequent Purchaser" dated March 16, 1971. The Board of Health will be invited to meet with the Planning Board. A letter will be written by the chairman setting a tentative date of December 6, 1971, for this meeting. The question of whether to abolish the scheduling of Planning Board meet- PL. BD. ings on the first Wednesday of each month was discussed briefly and a MEET. SCHED. vote on this matter will be taken on November 15, 1971. A draft of a letter to the Capital Expenditures the recreation facilities budget was considered members. After revision by Mr. Zaleski and Mrs. presented to the Board for approval at the next The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. L 1 3 Committee regarding CAP. EXP. and discussed by the COMM. - Brown it will be RECREATION meeting. anVald M. Graham Clerk