HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-10-25PLANNING BOARD MEETING October 25, 1971 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by the chairman, Mrs. Brown with members Costello, Clarke and Graham, planning director Zaleski and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were Frank Sandy, Ken Kreutziger, DAC, Frank Michelman, Shirley Byrnes, Helene Butters and Wendy Pease of the LCSR scattered site housing subcommittee and several interested citizens. Mr. Michelman met with the Board by invitation to give an interim re- SCATTERED SITE port on the activities of the subcommittee of LCSR on scattered site HSG. SUBCOM. subsidized housing. His report included description of the number of MICHELMAN units in such housing, i.e. single, duplex or 3-4 units each, finan- cial dimensions, ownership by the occupant under Sec. 235 or lease under Turnkey 3 program. Cost limitations involved in obtaining federal subsidization were discussed and a map showing tax -title land in Lexington was shown. Mr. Michelman pointed out a number of fairly small lots which might be legal and buildable according to the Zoning By -Law for scattered site housing and suitable for this purpose and would not require rezoning through a vote of the Town Meeting. Mr. Michelman discussed characteristics which would eliminate some lots from consideration and mentioned approximately 16 areas as possibilities which could provide 16 to 21 units. The need for zoning changes, con- struction of new streets for the use of large sites were discussed and approximately 15 such areas were mentioned which could provide about ' 30 duplex units. Mr. Michelman mentioned the question of "spot zoning". Possible social impact on neighborhoods and occupants of the subsidized duplex houses was considered. Estimates of building and title search costs were given and effort was made to determine how much, if any, money the Town could be paid for tax -title lots used for housing built with federal aid. It was generally agreed by the members of the Board that the next step by the subcommittee should be to investigate and obtain well documented firm figures from organizations willing to develop single dwelling units wtthin price limitations necessary. No formal action by the Planning Board was asked for at this time. Mr. Michelman will draft a citizen's Article for the Town Meeting to authorize the Selectmen to sell specified tax -title lots at less than market cost for use for subsidized housing. This Article should have Planning Board TAX TITLE LOTS support. The use of privately owned land, under Sec. 235 for scattered site housing in developments with a bonus arrangement for developers was discussed as another possibility. SEC. 235 Mr. Michelman left the meeting at this time. The minutes of the Planning Board meetings of October 13 and 18, 1971, MINUTES, 10/13 were approved as amended. & 10/18/71 ' Regarding the proposal of Mr. Robert Colbourne for the improvement of MOUNTAIN RD. Mountain Rd., it was noted that certain essentials, necessary for the COLBOURNE submission of formal preliminary plans had not been completed by him. Mrs. Brown said that Mr. Colbourne should be informed of this fact and advised by letter of the proper procedure to follow in the future as -2 - regards the submission of the definitive plan. A draft of a letter to Mr. Spagnuola, developer of Ingleside and :; INGLESIDE & Carnegie P1. subdivisions, outlining the steps for rewriting of CARNEGIE PL. agreements and bonds to accelerate completion of these subdivisions, SPAGNUOLA was reviewed by the Board. This draft will be revised and all mem- bers will receive copies. The draft of an Article on Planned Residential Development was dis- PRD ARTICLE cussed briefly. After review of this by the DAC, this discussion will be resumed at the November 8 meeting of the Planning Board. The question of disapproval or extension for the Idylwilde sub- IDYLWILDE division was considered. JoJen Realty Trust, developers, are to be notified by letter that unless there is active interest in extend- ing time for Planning Board action, this subdivision will be dis- approved by the Planning Board. Regarding the Drummer Boy subdivision, it was decided that the PlanningDRUMMER BOY Board would approve an extension of 3 months if requested by the ONEIDA CORP. Oneida Corp., developers. Mrs. Brown said she plans to attend the seminar on soils of the En- SOILS SEMINAR vironmental Health Assoc. on November 8, 1971, in Peabody, Mass. 11/8/71 A request by Dr. Howard Smith regarding convers4on of a barn on SMITH Woodberry Dr. into living quarters for rental was discussed. It was WOODBERRY DR. suggested that members try to visit this site to investigate the matter of access to the barn. The discussion will be resumed on November 3. Upon request of Selectman Alfred Buss, the Planning Board considered ARTICLE RE. the need for a Town Meeting Article which would require a special per- DRIVE-IN mit for the operation of "take-out" or "drive-in" type restaurants RESTAURANTS in Lexington's CB districts. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was VOTED: To refer the matter of the need for special permit for "take-out" restaurants to the planning director for study and recommendations. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was VOTED: EXECUTIVE SESS. To go into executive session to discuss matters the disclosure of which could adversely affect the 'financial interest of the Town or the reputation of any person. Folllowing a discussion pertaining to land acquisition for conservation open meeting was resumed at 11 p.m. LAND ACQUIS. CONSERVATION It was decided to hold a meeting of the Planning Board on Monday, Nov. 1 as well as on Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1971. i 1 1 It was suggested by Mr. and other municipalities grammetric maps. -3- Costello that the State Dept. of Public Works PHOTOGRAMMETRIC be notified of the existence of the photo- MAPS The meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m. Donald M. Graham Clerk