HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-10-13PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' October 13, 1971 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs. Brown with members Clarke, Lund, planning director Zaleski and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were Frank Sandy of CLC, Shirley Byrnes, LCSR and Gordon Brigham, a resident of Concord Ave. Mr. Charles Gallagher, Chairman of the Recreation Committee met with RECREATION the Board by invitation to discuss the 1972 budget request and the 1972 BUDGET Concord Ave. area playground sites. The relative merits, such as REQUEST proximity to the residential concentrations of various sites were reviewed. The sites mentioned include the Corrazzini land, a portion of the Middlesex County Sanatorium and the land of Nardone at Rte. 2 and Waltham St. It was agreed that the Recreation Committee will make a capital budget request for the acquisition and improvement of one or more playground sites and that the Planning Board may support the Recreation Committee request by letter, but will not make a re- quest of its own. Negotiations for land acquisition or preparation for Town Meeting Article will be initiated by the Planning Board or other agency for the Recreation Committee. Also discussed was the planning being done by the DAC for the Recrea- BICYCLE & tion Committee for a system of bicycle and hiking trails. Some money HIKING TRAILS, will be asked for the first part of the system of trails. Mr. Gallagher DAC ' mentioned that the DAC had designed a tot lot for the Center Playground. Mr. Brigham was asked about the meeting schedule of the Minute Man CONCORD AVE. Highlands Assn. with a view toward Mr. Gallagher and possibly Mr. Cos- RECREATION tello attending one of the meetings to hear the residents' views about the recreation needs of their neighborhood. Planning Board discussion with Mr. Gallagher will be resumed within a month. Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Brigham left the meetinglat 8:30 p.m. Mr. Robert Colbourne and Mr. David Perley met with the Board by appoint -MOUNTAIN RD. ment at this time regarding Mr. Colbourne's proposal to improve Moun- PROPOSAL tain Rd. Revised preliminary plans were examined and letters from COLBOURNE Dr. Bergmeyer and Mr. Hagenah, abutting neighbors, were reviewed. Width of pavement on the road and the installation of a water pipe were discussed. Mr. Colbourne will confer with the abuttors and notify the Planning Board in a written statement of their conclusions. The Town Engineer and the Board of Health will be asked for comments on the plan. Action on the minutes of October 4, 1971, was postponed. The Board discussed the plan submitted by Patricia L. Bud with the appliWRM A71-20 cation Form A71-20, showing lots located at 10-12 Muzzey St. in CB dis- MUZZEY ST. trict which had been resurbeyed to define boundaries. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was VOTED: ' The plan entitled "Plan of Land in LExington, Mass.", dated September 30, 1971, by Miller & Nylander, requires no approval under the Sub- division Control Law. The Plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. A plan submitted for the Lexington Housing Authority by Wilbur Nylander with the application Form A71-21 showing Parcel "A", part of Lot 7 on Waltham St. was reviewed by the Board. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was VOTED: -2- C. FORM A71-21 southerly LEX. HSG. AUTH. WALTHAM ST. The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated October 6, 19711 by Miller and Nylander, requires no approval under the Sub- division Control Law since Parcel "A" is not to be used as a separate lot but to be added to Housing Authority land. A notation to that effect will be placed on the plan. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. A letter to Mr. William Maloney, Emerson Gardens Corp., regarding BRYANT RD. Bryant Rd. connection and the Planning Board discussion with Mr.Cataldo CONNECTION was signed by Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Brown stated that she had asked that no requests be made of the INFO. FROM Assessors to supply information regarding tax -title lots until after ASSESSORS the matter had been discussed by the Board. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. F-1 Donald M. Graham Clerk The procedures of the Planning Board regarding the use of Planning Board letterhead and action on behalf of the Planning Boadd by members was discussed"briefly. It was agreed to discuss this when the full Board will be present. The status of incomplete work and the question of release of bonds re- INGLESIDE/ garding Ingleside subdivision and Carnegie P1. were reveiwed. It was CARNEGIE PL. ' suggested that the Board of Health be asked to report to the Planning BOND RELEASE Board in one year on the condition of the pond at Carnegie P1. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was VOTED: To go into executive session to discuss matters the disclosure of EXECUTIVE SESSION SESSION S which could adversely affect the financial interest of the town 0DUE SUBDV. or the reputation of any person. Following a discussion of overdue bonds the Board voted to return to open session. Mention was made of the need for establishing a quorum at Planning Board meetings. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. F-1 Donald M. Graham Clerk