HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-10-041 r 1 PLANNING BOARD MEETING October 4, 1971 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs. Brown with members Clarke, Costello, Graham, planning director Zaleski and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were Mr. Frank Sandy of CLC, Messrs. Ken Kreutziger and Walter Pierce of the DAC, a reporter from the Lexington Minute Man and several interested citizens. The appointment of Mr. Costello to the subcommittee on scattered site housing of the LCSR was first on the agenda. Mr. Costello agreed to accept the appointment on the condition that the Planning Board would support the use of tax title lots for such housing. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: That the Planning Board supports the LCSR scattered site housing committee in its efforts to have Sec. 235 housing built on tax - title lots. APPT. TO LCSR SC. SITE HSING SUBCOMMITTEE COSTELLO The minutes of the Planning Board meeting of September 27, 1971, were MINUTES 9/27/71 approved as amended. A draft of a letter to the Board of Appeals with Planning Board recom- MASONIC SC.RITE mendations regarding the proposal of the Masonic Scottish Rite was read. Disapproval was voiced by Mr. Costello because this draft had been shown to Chairman Nickerson before Planning Board approval of the form of the letter. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was VOTED: To accept the letter as amended. The letter was signed by the chairman. Mr. Graham abstained from voting. A draft of a letter to the Board of Selectmen from the Board regarding STAR MKT.PARKING the Star Market parking violation was read. It was voted to send the VIOLATION letter;; -as written. The residents of the Adams Estates wish to have a private membership TENNIS CLUB outdoor tennis club located on the vacant property of Lidberg on Adams ADAMS ST. St., including the accessory parking area. The residents requested information as to the view of the Planning Board regarding the extension of Emerson Rd., which would affect plans for this tennis court. The mem- bers expressed no objections to proceeding with the plans for the tennis club. Wetland development controls were discussed next and Mr. Zaleski's memo WETLAND DEV. of Sept. 10, 1971, referred to. The function of the Board of Health CONTROLS regarding drainage and sewers in approval of subdivisions, the effect of subdivisions without sewers on land downstream and watershed flood pro- tection versus increased lot sizes were among the subjects discussed. Regarding zoning requirements applying to new subdivisions, increase in fees to cover soil testsmere mentioned. The use of photogrammetric maps in determining wetlands was discussed. An Article for the 1972 Town Meeting requiring sill or floor elevations SILL ELEVATION to be shown on building permit plot plans will be drafted by Mr. Zaleski ARTICLE -2 - An amendment to the Subdivision Regulations will be worked on by MTG.,BD. of HLTH Mr. Zaleski after a meeting with the Board of Health to discuss policies A draft of an Article on wetland protection to amend the Zoning By -Law will be made after receipt of the photogrammetric maps. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was VOTED: To go into executive session to discuss matters the disclosure of EXECUTIVE which could adversely affect the financial interest of the Town or SESSION the reputation of any person. Following a discussion pertaining to land acquisition, the Board voted to return to open session. AcfonotoilE�iercioc�ac€nnla hceIg�ira �o$f committees in Concord and Mr. Costello and Rep. Lincoln BICENTENNIAL Cole are working on a draft of an article for 1972 Town Meeting to auth-ACTON,CONCORD orize a 1975 Bicentennial Commission for Lexington to be eligible to receive federal and state grants. Mr. Costello reported that at least one=,bf the County Commissioners was RECR. LAND agreeable in principle to the conveyance of some land in the Middlesex MIDDLESEX SAN. County Sanatorium to the Town of Lexington for recreation purposes. Mr. Costello will continue discussion with the County Commissioner using sketch maps prepared by the planning director. ' A copy of a letter to Stanley Brown, chairman of the Conservation Commis- sion from the Town Counsel regarding acquisition of Ballou land for CONS. ACQUIS. conservation was read to the members. BALLOU LAND The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Donald M. Graham Clerk