HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-08-30PLANNING BOARD MEETING August 30, 1971 ' The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by the vice chairman Dr. Clarke who presided at the meeting at the request of the chairman with member Costello, Mrs. Brown, planning director Zaleski, planning intern Fennessey and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in atten- dance were Mr. Frank Sandy, Mr. Thomas Curran, and Mr. Donald Olson of the DAC. A draft of a letter to Messrs. Tropeano, Nylander and Campanelli, rejectingTROPEANO the definitive subdivision plan for Hartwell Park was discussed and the NYLANDER plan examined by those present. It was voted to send the letters after sevUMPANELLI ral changes have been made in the form. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED: to award the printing of 400 sets of Zoning By-laws and district maps to the Spaulding Co., low bidder, and the printing of 500 zoning maps to PRINTING OF Wm. Hutcheson, low bidder, as recommended by the planning director on ZONING BY-LAW the basis of quotation received from 6 out of 9 printers contacted. Mr. Allen Morgan met with the Board by appointment at 8:00 p.m. to discuss ALLEN MORGAN tentative plans for conversion of a house #33/35 Shirley Rd. from 2 to 4 33/35 SHIRLEY family and to get the members' opinion on the possibility of obtaining the ROAD required variance. Mr. Morgan will write a letter to the Planning Board with more detailed information. A letter from the Town Engineer regarding Mr. Nicolai's request for bond HERITAGE ACRES release on Heritage Acres subdivision was read. Upon a motion duly made BOND RELEASE and seconded it was unanimously VOTED: the construction of ways and the installation of utilities in the Heritage Acres subdivision having been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the developer's bond and agreements with the Town dated Jan. 5, 1970, upon the execution by the developer, Guyton Nicolai, of a grant of utilities in a form satisfactory to the Town Counsel, the Town Counsel is hereby authorized and requested to arrange for the return to the developer of the security in the a- mount of $3,000 now held by the Town to ensure said construction and installation. This will release the interest of the Town and terminate the obligations of the developer under said Agreement and bond of Jan. 5, 1970. This vote is subject to the grant of utilities being executed by the developer, Mr. Nicolai. A letter from the Town Engineer regarding Mr. Essarian's request for bond CARMEL CIRCLE release on Carmel Circle (Woodbridge Estates II) subdivision was noted. BOND RELEASE Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED: the construction of ways and the installation of utilities in the Carmel Circle (Woodbridge Estates II) subdivision having been completed in ' accordance with the terms and conditions of the developer's bond and agreements with the Town dated Oct. 7, 1968, upon the execution by the developer, John Armen Essarian, of a grant of utilities in a form satis- factory to the Town Counsel, the Town Counsel is hereby authorized and requested to arrange for the return to the developer of the security in the amount of $1,000 now held by the Town to ensure said construction and installation. This will release the interest of the Town and terminate the obligations of the developer under said Agreement and bond of Oct. 7, 1968. This vote is subject to the grant of utilities being executed by the developer, Mr. Essarian. The minutes of August 4, 1971 were approved as amended. MINUTES 8/4/71 Letters inviting Mr. O'Connell and Mr. McSweeney to attend Planning Board MR. O'CONNELL & meeting of September 8, 1971, were approved. MR. MCSWEENEY INVITED The members reviewed a preliminary development layout submitted by owners Tropeano and Nylander for a subdivision at Worthen and Kendall roads. WORTHEN & Mr. Zaleski will contact Mr. Nylander to inform him of the need for more KENDALL RDS. details regarding topography and drainage provisions sufficient to satisfyNYLANDER & the Planning Board that this land can be developed without a detrimental TROPEANO effect on the subdivision itself and the adjacent areas due to the in- creased runoff and elimination of a "sponge" area. The design for the new Town of Lexington stationery was noted. STATIONERY The petition for variance to the Board of Appeals by Mr. Francis Napoli NAPOLI, regarding parking on a residential lot was discussed. The Planning BD. OF APPEALS Board will not oppose the granting of this petition. PETITION Mr. Zaleski's memorandum to Mr. O'Connell regarding possible new em- EMERGENCY ' ployees under the Emergency Act, was read and explained by Mr. Zaleski. EMPLOYMENT ACT Mr. Fennessey's draft of the Recreation Program was distributed. It will RECREATION be discussed at the September 8 meeting of the Board. PROGRAM A revised plan, submitted by Mr. George Matheson, on the Central Block CENTRAL BLOCK construction was examined by the members and discussed. Dr. Clarke and Mr. Zaleski reported on the meeting on August 24, 1971, SCOTTISH RITE at the Scottish Rite Masonic Building at Mass. Ave. and Marret Rd., which MASONIC BLDG. was also attended by the Town Manager, three selectmen, members of HDC and of the Board of Appeals. A plan showing proposed architectural changes was examined by the members and a letter, written by Mr. Zaleski to Messrs. Jaquith of HDC and Mr. Nickerson, Board of Appeals, suggesting site photographs with the proposed building painted in was noted. A newsletter from C.L.C., August, 1971, was noted and federal reimburse- FEDERAL AID ment for conservation purchases was discussed. CONSERVATIO Notice of a meeting of the Mass. Fed. of Planning Boards on Oct. 2, 1971, MASS. FED. OF at Pittsfield, Mass. was read. Mrs. Brown plans to attend this meeting. PL. BDS. MEET A letter from the Selectmen to the Planning Board regarding the Peacock PEACOCK FARMS Farms easements was read. EASEMENTS A copy of a letter to Mr. Dickerson from the Selectmen refusing the sale TAX TITLE LAND of tax -title land in the Valley Rd. area was noted. VALLEY ROAD 1 I I 1 Mr. Frank Sandy's letter to the Planning Board regarding PUD regulations PUD REGULATIONS was reviewed and a discussion of PUD is to be scheduled when agreeable to Mr. Lund; Mr. Sandy will be invited to participate in this discussion. The minutes of Conservation Commission meeting of 7/26/71 were placed on CONS. COMM. file. MINUTES,7/26/71 The appointment of Mr. Norman Cohen as a new member of the Conservation NORMAN COHEN Commission was reported by Mr. Sandy. CONS. COMM. MEMBER Housing statistics as published in the HUD Newsletter of August 9, 1971, HOUSING STATIS- were noted. TICS Memoranda from the Comptroller regarding the application of President WAGE FREEZE Nixon's wage freeze order and regulations regarding purchasing procedures PURCHASING were read and placed on file. REGULATIONS A letter from Mr. Edward McCann, who has been appointed as DCA liaison MC CANN DCA on balanced transportation from Boston, was read. LIAISON,TRANSP. Mr. Costello reported that he had submitted his proposals for the Concord CONCORD AVE Avenue area plan through Mr. Notkin for a review by the residents of the AREA PLAN Five Fields area. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Donald M. Graham Clerk