HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-08-04PLANNING BOARD MEETING
August 4, 1971
The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
by the chairman, Mrs. Brown with members Lund, Graham, Clarke, planning
director Zaleski, planning intern Fennessey and secretary Mrs. Snow present.
Also in attendance were Mr. F. Sandy, Mr. T. Curran and Mrs. Wendy Pease.
Mr. Walter O'Connell, Town Manager, was present upon invitation to discuss
with the Board several matters of mutual interest.
A letter from Mrs. Amicangello to Atty. Gen'l Quinn regarding the taking of AMICANGELLO
land for non-payment of taxes was read and discussed. LETTER
The matter of legislation regarding the forming of a commission for Bicen-
tennial plans by vote of the Town Meeting was referred to by Mrs. Brown and BICENTENNIAL
Mr. O'Connell explained the purpose of this legislation which would allow COMMISSION
accumulation of funds from year to year. A letter is to be written to Mr.
Kingston Howard, Gen'l Chairman of the Bicen. Committee, indicating the will-
ingness and desire of the Planning Board to assist in planning for 1975 as
regards the areas of responsibility of the Board.
The need for the formulation of a definite policy re. old "paper" streets and
the Planning Board's desire for written comments by Mr. Legro on the subjectPAPER STREETS
were mentioned.
Mr. Zaleski reported on the replies from developers regarding overdue sub- OVERDUE
After receipt from the Town Engineer on the status of undone work, it must
be.decided where legally the responsibility lies for completing it; the Town,
the abutters or the subdivider. Content of agreements to be drawn up in the
case of future subdivisions was considered. Mr. McSweeney is to be invited
to the first meeting in September so that this matter may be pursued further.
Regarding the matter of the Peacock Farms easements, Mr. O'Connell said that
the Board of Selectmen had reviewed the situation as outlined by the letter PEACOCK FARMS
from the Planning Board and that the Town Counsel is now preparing a report EASEMENTS
as to methods for retaining these easements, which will be ready for the
August 16 meeting of the Board of Selectmen. The Planning Board has been
invited to attend this meeting at which the Hatch Act and other affiliated
legislation will be discussed by Mr. Cousins of the DNR. Mr. Graham has
agreed to represent the Planning Board at this meeting and other member were
asked to attend if possible.
Mr. O'Connell reported on the progress of acquisition of land at the BurlingEURLINGTON
ton line; negotiations are in progress with one owner (Steeves). LINE
Mr. O'Connell asked about the extent of involvement of the Planning Board QUESTIONNAIRE
with federally assisted programs and projects in reference to the answering FED'L GOVT.
of a comprehensive questionnaire on the subject.
The complaint of a future home owner in Oak Park II subdivision, relative to
the allegedly unsafe condition of a bridge across the Vine Brook located on VINE BROOK
Town land was discussed. The responsibility of the Town and the extent of BRIDGE
work necessary to restore the bridge to proper condition will be investi-
gated and the decision as to future action will be made by the Selectmen.
An informational meeting with the Mass. Port Authority was held at Hanscom HANSCOM FLD
Field and representatives of various communities attended. Mr. Ed King and MASS. PORT
other Mass. Port Authority officials were present as well a members of the AUTHORITY
Air Force administrative staff who explained the purpose and the scope of
work being done on hangars and runways at Hanscom Field.
Mrs. Brown referred to need for a priority in the construction of the
Hartwell Ave. Connector over the construction of the Hanscom Field loop road.
Mr. O'Connell left the meeting at this time.
It was agreed to keep the official minutes limited to actual decisions, votes
and specific facts without recording conversations or quoting opinions or MINUTES
statements, other than policy decisions. CONTENT
The minutes of July 26, 1971, were approved as amended.
Dr. Clarke will preside at the August 30 meeting of the Planning Board. It DR. CLARKE
It was decided that the first meeting in September will be held on AUG.30 MTG.
Wednesday, the 8th.
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize Donald
Graham, Clerk of the Planning Board, to execute a Certificate of Compliance
C. OF C.
for the building at 89 Hill St. owned by Edmund Morelli.
It was voted to approve payment of the bill for $250 from Thomas Griffin
Assoc. for a special report, completing the work under the terms of the
Agreement for engineering service for the Meagherville Study.
The Board of Appeals notice of special permit, dated 8/2/71, for construc-
tion in the Central Block was noted as well as a letter from Mr. Giroux,
B. OF A.
dated 7/31, containing a resume of planning for this building.
The following Board of Appeals notices of hearings were noted:
B. of A.
Dayton, reduction of front yard at 16 Slocum Rd.
Myers, reduction of front yard at 11 Constitution Rd.
Antonucci, addition to premises at 16 Green Lane.
No comment was made by the Planning Board on these petitions.
Mr. Fennessey's report on 4 possible sites for a recreation area was dis-
cussed and the qualifications of each pointed out by Mr. Fennessey. It was
agreed that Mr. Fennessey will furnish additional data re. the cost of
earthwork required on each site.
A Superior Court decision regarding the Planning Board of Natick vs. United
Reis Homes, Inc. was commented upon briefly by Mr. Lund.
Mrs. Brown and Mr. Zaleski reported on a meeting at DPW district 4 office
on July 28, regarding "Urban Highways" network systems.
It was decided that Mr. Zaleski will write a letter conveying Planning
Board recommendations against the sale of tax title land on Valley Rd.
A lengthy discussion of scattered site housing and the problem of public
accaeptance of multiple dwellings and subsidized housing followed. Mrs.
Wendy Pease, a member of the Scattered Site Subcommittee of the Lex. Comm.
on Suburban Responsibility, reproted on the first preliminary meeting of
that group concerning definitions of terms and possibilities. Mr. Zaleski's
memorandum of May 24, 1971, on Subsidized Housing was referred to. Mr. Graham
suggested that Rep. David Liederman of the Urban Affairs Committee or
Mr. Bernard Frieden, head of the housing task force of the Harvard - M.I.T.
Joint Center of Urban Studies be asked to speak to appropriate Lexington
Committees about solutions to the housing problems. The discussion of hous-
ing is to be continued on August 30, 1971.
The meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m.
4onaAldM. Graham