HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-07-07PLANNING BOARD MEETING July 7, 1971 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:40 p.m, by the chairman, Mrs. Brown with members Clarke, Lund, Costello and Graham, planning director Zaleski, planning intern Fennessey and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance were the Town Manager, Mr. O'Connell, who met with the Board by appointment, Mr. Frank Sandy, Mr. Leonard Notkin, Mr. Thomas Curran and Mr. Eric Kula. The members discussed with Mr. O'Connell the problem of overdue sub- OVERDUE divisions and the list of replies from the developers of these subdivi- SUBDIVISIONS sions was reviewed. Mr. O'Connell suggested that an inventory should be made by the Engineering Dept. in each overdue subdivision as to the extent of the incomplete work and repairs necessary because of deterior- ation. This work would be done by the Town when it could best be scheduled, unless a safety factor is involved, and bonds and other securities lifted to help defray the cost of the work. A definite policy should be adopted to enable the Town to legally act when a developer is delinquent in com- pletion of his contracted work. It was also suggested that, in the case of future subdivisions, the protective level of security, either in the form of a bond, certified check or a pass -book, be increased to 2 1/2 to 3 times the amount estimated by the Town Engineer in such cases in the past, which would insure prompt completion of work by developers. Mr. Zaleski and Mr. O'Connell will outline a set of procedures in cooperation with the Town Engineer. 1 The matter of the Peacock Farm Nature Preservation area and West Farms PEACOCK FARM Conservation area easements were considered next. It was agreed that EASEMENTS the Planning Board should present as much information and background on this situation as possible to the Board of Selectmen and ,ask them to im- plement, amend or drop the conditions of the grant before Jan. 2, 1972, which is the deadline before the Town loses these easements. Mr. Zaleski will assemble all available facts and develop information on the status quo for transmittal to the Selectmen. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was VOTED: To go into executive session to discuss matters the premature dis- EXECUTIVE closure of which could adversely affect the financial interest of SESSION the Town. Following a discussion of matters involving Seasons Four and of possible sites of the Min. Man Voc. Tech. Reg. High School the Board voted to resume open session. The minutes of the meeting of June 28, 1971, were approved as amended. The letter to the Board of Selectmen regarding lots 61,62 Garfield St. was reviewed and is to be re -drafted by Mr. Zaleski and the chairman. A letter from the Board of Selectmen to Mrs. Brown requesting nomination of a Planning Board member to the Lexington Commission on Suburban Res- ponsibility for the coming year was read and it was unanimously voted to recommend that Dr. Clarke replace Mr. Graham, the current representative who would like to be relieved. MINUTES 6/28 61,62 GARFIELD STREET 1 1 The revised draft of the Recreation Questionnaire and related issues were discussed at some length. It was suggested that the Recreation Plan of 1966 should be reviewed and examined by the Planning Board members and further discussion will take place after that review. On Mrs. Brown's suggestion, it was agreed to establish the following priority groups for 1971 work projects: Central Business District. #1 Special permit uses, especially commercial recreation. Revision of Subdivision Rules which involves street standards and policies. #2 Recreation Plan including Commercial recreation and conservation. Wetland development controls. Housing. #3 RM regulations, extension of PUD concept. Concord Avenue area plan RECREATION QUESTIONNAIRE The methods and approaches of handling the above were debated. It is the opinion of the Board that it can consider each issue best by using past plans and policies (such as the EDA report for CBD, 1966 Recreation Plan, etc.) as points of departure. On matters which are primarily tech- nical, such as Subdivision Regulations and Wetlands, the planning director will prepare drafts for review by the Board. It was decided to discuss the CBD on July 12, street standards on July 19 and housing on July 26. Con- cord Avenue area plan will be discussed on August 2nd. Copies of available information on the 1966 Recreation Plan will be distributed to members for review and preliminary discussion on July 12. The members were informed of a meeting of the Historic Districts Comm. on HISTORIC DIST. July 14 for a preliminary review of the Central Block plans to which the COMMISSION/ Planning Board has been invited. Mr. Lund indicated that he will probab- CENTRAL BLOCK ly attend. The public hearing on July 27 of the Historic Districts Comm. will also be concerned with the Central Block construction. A Mass. Supreme Court decision regarding the powers of the Board of HealthSUPREME COURT to impose conditions related to subdivision drainage was reviewed at this DECISION, time. It was agreed that copies of the decision will be obtained and dis-BD. OF HEALTH tributed to members and to the Conservation Commission. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 10:55 p.m. Donald M. Graham Clerk