HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-05-17PLANNING BOARD MEETING May 17, 1971 At 7:30 p.m, the Planning Board met in the Bird Room with the Select��en; Plan- ning Board members Clarke, Costello, chairman, Mrs. Brown, planning I/director Zaleski and secretary Airs. Snow attended this meeting. Also prese ,were rep- resentatives of the Appropriations, Capital Expenditures and Recre4t4on committees and of the Conservation Commission. The selectmen exhibited a map of the proposed modification of land to be taken for school purposes between Woburn and Maple streets in back of the Harrington School. Committees in attendance were requested to submit their comments of Monday, May 24th. Returning to its office, the Board reviewed the minutes of its meeting of May 10, 1971, and approved them. It was agreed to schedule the discussion of H.5023, on which Mr. Sandy sub- H.5023 mitted written comments, for May 24, 1971, -and to invite the Conservation CONSERVATION Commission to participate in the discussion. COMMISSION Mr. Lund joined the meeting at this time. The letter to the Urban Affairs Committee regarding the PUD legislation and URBAN AFFAIRS urging their support of the proposed amendment to Chapter 40A G.L. was COMMITTEE approved and signed. Copies of this letter are to be sent to the local legis -PUD LEGISLATION lators and to the Dept. of Community Affairs. The letter of the Planning Board in answer to the complaint by Mr. Edmund STONE-STOICO Stone of a drainage problem was discussed but not approved. It was decided DNR that a letter is to be written to Mr. Stoico, the developer, advising him to obtain a determination from the Mass. DNR as to whether the placement of fill on property adjacent to Mr. Stone's at Sanderson Rd. extension requires a per- mit under the Hatch Act. Also that the DNR and the Lexington Town Engineer be asked to specify how the necessary grading and drainage can be undertaken to prevent flooding and damage to adjacent properties. Mr. Stoico is to be in- vited to meet with the Planning Board if he wishes. Copies of this letter are to be sent to Mr. Stone and to the Board of Health. This was agreed to by the Board with no objections. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was VOTED: To determine what should be done to correct this drainage problem by asking the Town Engineer, Mr. McSweeney, for his recommendations. Three members voted in favor, Mr. Costello voted in opposition, his opinion being that it is not incumbent upon the Town Engineer to do the work of the developer free of charge. The letter to the Board of Selectmen, re. Lot 26 (44) Valleyfield St., stating 42&44 VALLEY - the Planning Board's recommendation was approved. FIELD ST. The letters to Mr. Stanley A. Brown, Chairman of the Conservation Commission, TEITELBAUM & regarding the Teitelbaum and Ballou lands off Concord Avenue and the Cooke BALLOU LAND land off Woodberry Dr. and recommending them as conservation acquisitions, COOKE LAND were both approved. The Board reviewed the plan submitted with the application Form A71-6, dated FORM A71-6 May 10, 1971 by Francis W. Smith, Attorney, showing lots of land on Manning MANNING ST. St. with Board of Appeals variance granted April 13, 1971. Upon a motion duly made and seconded the Board unanimously VOTED: The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass." dated May 7, 1971, by Miller and Nylander of lots of houses #11 and #17 Manning St. requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The Board reviewed the plan submitted with the application Form A71-7, FORM A71-7 dated May 11, 19715 by John J. Sullivan showing land of C. D. Canterbury SYLVIA ST. on Sylvia St. Mr. Sullivan was present and explained that no change in lot lines was involved and that the application was made for the purpose of clearing the title. Upon a motion duly made and seconded the Board VOTED: The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass." dated April, 1971, by John J. Sullivan, Surveyor of Lot 11 & Pt. 10 on Sylvia St. requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. Three members voted in favor. Mr. Costello voted in opposition, pointing out that the lettering on the plan was smaller than 1/8" specified in written requirements of the Middlesex Registry of Deeds. The Board reviewed the plan submitted with application Form A71-8, dated May 17, 1971, by Alexander V. Zaleski, Planning Director, showing land located on Stedman Rd., Brookside Ave. to public way, which is to be added to other land of the Town of Lexington school site and not to be used as a separate building lot. Upon a motion duly made and seconded the Board unanimously VOTED: The plan entitled "Plan Showing Proposed Taking of a Portion of Stedman R., Lexington, Mass." dated December 2, 1970, by Miller and Nylander requires no approval under Subdivision Control Law. FORM A71-8 STEDMAN ST. The letter including a bill for $250.00 from Thomas Griffin Associates MEAGAERVILLE regarding the Meagherville Study was discussed. It was noted that the STUDY work had been completed, except for attendance at the Town Meeting, and ' that they had not been invited to this meeting although it was stated in the original contract. Also, that the original drawings and statistical data have not been turned over to the Town of Lexington. Mr. Lund recom- mended that a letter be sent asking that the original drawings and other data be sent which will then fulfill the original agreement. It was agreed that this letter be sent without further Planning Board approval. It was agreed that Art. 6 on rezoning should be presented at the Special ART. 6 Town Meeting on June 14th by the Planning Board. This article will appear REZONING in a more limited form in the Warrant, eliminating an easement which allowed access, from the the Article and will have to do only with rezoning of access to Vinebrook Village. 1 The Planning Board should make a recommendation on the Central Block pro- posals. Mr. Lund suggested that a discussion meeting be sponsored before the Town Meeting to enable the Board to arrive at a recommendation. The position of the owners and that of those favoring open -space would be dis- cussed. To conserve time it should be suggested to the TMMA that part of the evening of June 3rd, following the hearing on the M. Moore rezoning proposal, would be open for this purpose. The Appropriations Committee, Design Advisory Committee, the Board of Selectmen, the owners of property in the Central Block and the Planning Board should be present at this dis- custion meeting. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED: CENTRAL BLOCK ARTS & CRAFTS That the Planning Board recommend to the Town Meeting under Article 7 that the Board of Selectmen be authorized to convey to the Lexington Arts and Crafts Society, a portion of town -owned land with a restriction 1 1 1 to prohibit parking or driveways within 85 feet of any dwelling built by the Lexington housing Authority. Dr. Clarke's report on the press conference regarding the Burlington Line BURLINGTON strip was received by Mrs. Brown. Two towns, Lexington and Burlington, LINE STRIP were represented at this conference; Mr. Cataldo, Dr. Clarke and Mrs. Rawls from Lexington and Sen. Mackenzie and Burlington Selectmen Roberto and Kilmartin. Mrs. Brown stated that she had later received reports that memo- randa had been sent to Governor Sargent by the DPW and the DNR in opposition to construction of bridges or tunnels across Rte. 3 because of traffic prob- lems. The DPW would be forced to construct if H.B.3344 is passed. Dr. Clarke suggested that the Planning Board develop a supporting statement before the Town Meeting, advocating the taking of the strip by the Town. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED: That the Planning Board recommend that the Board of Selectmen be given authority to take the buffer strip of land in order to foreclose any access from Burlington's industrially zoned land to Lexington's resi- dentially zoned land. The possiEdity of extending this line along the Bedford line was also dis- cussed. The members were reminded to make reservations for the buffet for Greeley GREELEY- and Mabee by May 25th. MABEE BUFFET A suggested outline of the 1971 Work Program prepared by Mr. Zaleski was noted and it was decided to delay the discussion of the program to a later WORK PROGRAM date after the members had studied the format. The decisions of the Board of Appeals on the following petitions were read BOARD OF APPEAL and noted. DECISIONS Heritage Glass - not granted Arthur C. Smith - not granted The following petitions were granted: Johnson Hagers Bonanno Burri Systems Development Corporation The members were informed of a Program Management Conference sponsored by the Mass. Dept. of Community Affairs. A letter from Mr. John McSweeney to Mr. Zaleski was read regarding Idyl- wilde Farms and requesting a meeting with the developer and his engineer. It was agreed by all to send a copy of this letter to the developers, JoJen Realty Trust. PROGRAM MNGMNT CONFERENCE Mr. Costello brought up the illegal extension into RO district of the park- STAR MARKET ing lot on the Lexington -Waltham line at the Star Market. An aerial photo- graph has been taken showing the boundary line and it was agreed that the letter asking the Building Inspector to enforce the zoning by-law, which was written on April 26 and held per request of the Town Manager, would be re -typed with the current date and signed by Mrs. Brown and sent at this time. Mrs. Brown reported on the inquiries about the status of Mountain Rd. and the rights which various abutting owners may have in this old road or cart -path. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: EXECUTIVE SESSION To go into executive session to discuss matters the disclosure of which could adversely affect the financial interest of the Town or the reputation of any person. Following a discussion of a matter pertaining to the Colonial Acres III subdivision the Board voted to resume open meeting. A meeting will be held on Thursday, May 20, at 3:30 p.m. in the Bird Room FOUR SEASONS regarding the Four Seasons. Mr. O'Connell has requested representation of the Planning Board. Mrs. Brown and Mr. Zaleski will attend. The meeting adjourned at 10:47 p.m. L V" Donald M. Graham Clerk